Ying Chong

Chapter 124: Chapter 123


That day, Queen Chen still remembers it.

She knew that her mother would deal with Aunt Wang, but now she was patient and waiting, but she did not expect to come so soon.

The other day I saw my mother saying not to take her, but she winked at her. As soon as she was subconscious, she said something to take her.

When she went, she still led her to sit together, but they separated when she returned.

She guessed something was going to happen, and then something happened.

What happened that day also scared her as a young girl. When she came back, she was seriously ill. When she got better, she heard that Ten Sisters had died. She actually knew that she was lost.

Afterwards, she also asked her mother, who seemed unwilling to mention it. She only said that I didn't make evil and sold people far away.

Later, she thought that if she was too young to sell too far, she would not be able to endure the bitterness of the road. Maybe the mother is perfunctory, and she may be gone.

Unexpectedly, people who have disappeared for more than ten years now appear.

Are you back?

"Go get Atractylodes to this house. Where did she get this pattern from?"

Fu Chun had just responded to the call, but was stopped by Queen Chen: "Don't go first." After that, she went to the inner room, and did not tell Fu Chun Fu Xia to follow up, neither of them dared to follow. .

Now I realize that maybe the problem lies in that picture,

Queen Chen didn't leave the dormitory for an entire afternoon, and the Kunning Palace was scary and quiet.

The eunuchs of the court were all discerning, and naturally they did not dare to laugh. They all wondered if the sister Fuxia had done something to provoke the queen's queen, because it was the queen's queen who was called after Fuxia left.

After all, this is just a guess from outsiders. Wang Dong came to a few but was proud of himself and did another thing.

According to Queen Chen, although she did not confirm it, she had already guessed that this thing might be Su Guifei, otherwise why would the Chen family use Baishu? She even told her several times to tell Baizhu to do things secretly.

How did the Chen family discover Su Guifei ’s identity, and even when did she discover it? Was it discovered long ago, but pretending to send someone in intentionally, just to bury a dark chess for the Chen family?

Why not mention it before, but now it?

Queen Chen had too many puzzles in her mind, but she also realized that the mention of Su Guifei's life at this time must be related to Prince Li. Does the Chen family think that the big prince is not useful, and now he wants to secretly invest in the second prince and the third prince, and feels that Su Guifei is more favored than herself, and her majesty drags the prince, but still thinks that there are two princes and three princes?

I always thought that it was dark, and no one dared to come in and hold the lamp. Queen Chen felt that she couldn't think about it anymore, and then she would be crazy.

She called Fuchun in to hold the lamp, and spent some dinner, as if nothing had happened.

After one night, the next day she instructed Fuchun to choose an appropriate time to call out Baizhu, and she had something to ask Baizhu.

Fuchun didn't dare to ask more, and it was time to go.

Fuchun didn't know what was the right time. Thinking about it, she must not let Su Guifei know. After all, the dark chess of Baishu may be used.

It was said that Her Majesty had recruited Su Guifei to the Palace of Heavenly Purity, and she was busy asking for Atractylodes.

The person ordered was a green-waisted maid. This maid is a villager in the name of Baizhu. Now she is not on duty in Kunning Palace, and she is still a sweeping maid in the East Palace. It was for this reason that people were not brought out.

When green waist came to Baizhu, Baizhu was making up.

Every time the concubine went to the Qianqing Palace, it was when they were close to the palace ladies resting, naturally they could make up for their sleep, and they could do some private work.

She was getting sleep, and Cattail had just washed her little clothes and came back. I heard that Green Waist came to look for Atractylodes and said, "She came to you at this time to do it? Did she have an errand to order you again? But I haven't heard of the Queen today Is there someone in your family? "

What Cattail could think of, how could Bai Shu not think of it, she would only think of more.

But she didn't say it explicitly, she only knew when she went to see her. When I saw Luyao, Luyao said that Kuning Palace asked her to go there. After that, she gave Baizhu a pair of soles as a cover, and Luyao left.

Baizhu took the soles of his heart back to the house, and Xiangpu asked her what was going on. I heard that it was from Kuning Palace who told her to go there and kept saying that she should not go.

"The Chen family didn't come. What did Kunning Palace tell you to do? Don't go there. I have a bad feeling in my heart."

But Baizhu has his own ideas. Even if the maid is in the palace, she will definitely let her go, because only when she goes will she know what the other party has planned.

This is why the mother-in-law will leave her, and that is why Her Majesty still keeps her beside her, and she cannot but go.

This kind of truth Atractylodes won't tell Cathay deep, just said that she would go there once, so that she can rest assured that nothing will happen.

Seeing that she couldn't persuade her, after waiting for Baizhu to go, she thought for a while, and ordered Xiaodezi to look after her home, so she hurried to Qiangqing Palace.

In the Qing Palace, Pan Er just woke up.

The bright yellow curtains hang down, and the hall is very quiet.

In fact, Zong Xi called Pan'er to let her come to take a nap with her. Whoever knew that there was a temporary government affairs, he got up and Pan'er continued to sleep.

Obviously, there is a certain distance between the east and west courts. Paner can still hear the anger voice from the west court.

She sighed slightly, and this was what happened again. After hitting the throne, his temper has worsened day by day. It seems that these days, it will be necessary to simmer him some soup to drink.

This encounter is not without its past life, but it is also more than ten years later, but at that time Emperor Jianping's temper has been cultivated very well, rarely see him when he is angry.

Pan'er felt that this was a transitional period. After the emperor had been a long time, no matter how many things were encountered, it was not surprising that he might gradually be better.

A slight footstep sounded, Paner looked out across the account, and saw a figure coming in, standing on the edge of the screen, and whispering, "Did you wake up?"


auzw.com "The cattails next to Niangniang are here and they say something will happen."

"You ask her to come in and serve me."

After a while, Qingdai and Typha came in, and Qingdai followed the Paner to dry the palace. However, the place of Qianqing Palace is different from other places. She usually stays outside.

The two gathered up their tents, raised Pan'er up, and brought her clothes to serve her.

Cattail moved his hand and didn't let up his mouth, and lowered his throat, saying, "Master, please go and save Baizhu. Her former fellow came again and said that it was the Kunning Palace asking her to go there. He didn't look so right, so he dared to come to you.

Although her words were brief, she had already responded to a lot of questions. Pan'er was busy and started to do it herself, anxiously, "Why don't you say it earlier."

"It was already early enough for the slaves," Xiang Pu grieved.

In fact, Pan'er shouldn't be so calm. She thought of the disappearance of Baizhu in the previous life, and one person disappeared for no reason. When she asked other people, she said that Baizhu was old and now she is out of the palace.

At that time, her situation was not good, her vision was limited, and she could not do anything. She couldn't think of it so deeply. Later, she calmly thought about it, maybe Baishu was not out of the house, maybe something happened.

But at that time, thinking of these things is also a shock, after all, times have changed.

Once again, although many things are different, some cores have not changed. The Chen family only completed the exchange of some messages by visiting the queen in the palace. Since the messages are to be exchanged, people must be passed on.

At this time, what Amber and Atractylodes do may not conceal Queen Chen. In the previous life Paner guessed that Queen Chen must have known her identity long ago. If she does not come, she will always be iron and will press her. Several times she looked at Queen Chen with a strange look in her eyes.

At that time, she had no idea what was going on here, and there was still some confusion. At this time, there was only one possibility. Queen Chen knew it already.

When did she know? Is it when the Atractylodes disappeared?

Unfortunately, no one can answer her all this, she can only piece together by her limited knowledge.

What would she do if she was Queen Chen?

She was not favored in the previous life, so Queen Chen may have dealt with the loophole of Atractylodes. As long as she didn't know about it, the world would be peaceful. Anyway, she was in Queen Chen's hands, how to arrange it all to see her.

But it's wrong. Baizhu will come to her. It is the second master who wants to find out her identity, but how can he find out without this piece of jade? Perhaps he went to Yangzhou, found the Su family, and got something from Yao Jinzhi.

But judging by the reaction of the Chen family, they may have never known that the second master concealed the truth of the matter. It was not until a few years later that the Chen family knew about it and moved her mind.

In this life, many things have different trajectories.

She went to Yangzhou with the prince south, got Yuyu in advance, and then exposed Yuyu in front of Baizhu. The second master confirmed her identity through Yuyu. Before, she did n’t want to confirm her identity, maybe it was considered unnecessary. It may be due to some contradictory psychology, but the main reason is that Prince Li's discomfort has caused him to move his mind.

Before Paner let Baizhu pass the pattern out, he waited for the Chen family's response. Even Zong Xi ordered someone to stare at the Chen family secretly, but the Chen family never reacted, but never expected that it would be Chen. Queen.

In other words, the second master may still intend to conceal the matter, but it is also unknown for any reason to be known by Empress Chen, who hurried to grab it from the source.

That is Atractylodes.

Only through Baizhu can she know if she knows this and can decide what to do next, but in any case, Baizhu may be in danger.

These miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Paner's mind for a moment. After putting on her clothes, she took Qingdai and Cattail out of the Qing Palace.

Before leaving, I told Zhang Laishun that there was something in the palace. She had to go back and let him wait for her.

Then he didn't wait for his response, and the man left, leaving Zhang Laisun with a miserable face.


Kuning Palace

After the arrival of Baizhu, no one was forcibly brought to the back of Chen Huang by Fuchun.

There were no accidents when facing a series of questions, such as who instructed her to do things, what was done, and who was the jade in Tuli.

Baizhu is all answering, I do n’t know, just listen to the instructions above to act.

But her words were obviously illogical and she didn't know anything. How did she know to go to Lintong? And Yu Pei's master didn't explain it either.

Empress Chen was angry and impatient, so Fuchun slaps her.

Bai Shu still didn't say, this time it was one more word that he didn't want to say, and shut his mouth tightly.

"I don't know. My Chen family's slaves are now turning their heads and loyal to others. What kind of soul soup has she poured into you? You care for her so much!" Empress Chen smiled angrily.

What psychic soup?

I do n’t know Baizhu. She has been in the palace for more than ten years. I have never experienced any kind of suffering, and I have never encountered any kind of blame. This place in the palace is not treated by people. One of the hurdles is to be beaten, to be beaten by those big palace ladies, and to be beaten by the naggers.

Not everyone in the palace is proud of it. There are countless people who are angry. The fire cannot be directed at the masters or even the person who is also the maid of the palace, then only the small maid of the palace.

Being beaten and hungry are commonplace. Waiting for a long time will gradually improve. Baizhu also served before the masters and sons, but the waiter was a little nobleman. She was arrogant and arrogant by relying on her face for a few days and got petted. She scolded the minions and lost her temper. After two years, she was gone. Return to the situation of being a messenger maid.

She can't say where is Master Su?

At least by her side, she won't lose her temper for no reason, she will be considerate, and she is happy to be with her, which is a few years of rare relaxation in the palace.

Even cattails, daisies, and little virtues, although they will inevitably cause some minor contradictions, they all live like a painting, unlike other people in the palace.

The most important thing is that Bai Zhu knows that she will not live if she comes here. She knew before she came, so since she is dead, she always has to be loyal to one side.

"Do you think you don't know who I am?"

Bai Zhu's attitude obviously angered Queen Chen. She winked at Fu Chun, and Fu Chun went forward and slapped Bai Zhu.

At this moment, there was a movement outside the door, and I heard the little palace girl yelling ‘Mother Concubine, how can you break into Kuning Palace?’ Paner brought someone in.

"Mother-in-law, I don't know if you called the court lady's grand palace girl to Kuning Palace. This is both a fight and a scold. What's the meaning? Is there any dissatisfaction with the court lady, so you anger the palace lady?"

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