Ying Chong

Chapter 131: Chapter 130


As expected, Zong Ye really liked it.

He had wanted a bow for a long time, but the father said that he was very young and his bones were not enough to pull the bow. Naturally no one dared to give him a bow. At this moment, when I saw a small bow that was big and short, I just couldn't help it.

Zong Xi was also there, picked up another bow, and tried to pull.

To his surprise, the bow looked rough, but it was real, meaning that it wasn't the kind of flowery bow that coaxed children, but the bow that really shot arrows.

And the weight is not light. It looks like a bucket or so. For young children, such a heavy bow is considered to be lethal. It is estimated that it is made based on Zongxi and Zongxi's age, which will make them feel. Effortless, but it will not be able to pull it apart, so that they are just good at practicing archery now.

"He's interested."

Zong Ye also heard that Su Hai gave Paner many things, and it was said that they were all loot seized during the border customs.

Zong Pu was very curious about the word booty, including Zong Pu and Wan Pu, who looked curious, and Zong Pu probably told them some things about the border.

Da Zhou inherited the former dynasty and set up a Jiubian town to resist the nomadic people outside the border. The nine-country town was originally a defensive mode, which meant that it would rarely lead a large number of troops to go out to conquer, but it would be too passive to just keep on the attack, but the climate and environment outside the large number of troops were all factors. I have also tried to send a large number of troops to the grassland, but I found that the troops were too wasted and the supply was difficult to supplement, so I could only give up.

As a result, the Jiubian town returned to the defensive mode, but every year it dispatched Qingqi Ruizu to make a surprise attack on it.

The results were brilliant.

The climate outside the customs is severe, and the supplies are extremely barren. If these nomads are not preparing for war, they are all distributed on the grasslands. If you make good use of scouts, every time you make a nest, you can easily hurt the other side, so that they can only care about their health and rest, and they can't spare time to go down to the grass valley.

This kind of team responsible for pounding the nest is generally not many, most of them are riding for a hundred or so, as many as three or five hundred are the most. Since it is to fight less with more, and adopt a lightning guerrilla mode, these cavalry must be very dangerous, especially deep into the enemy's abdomen. Once injured and undertreated, horse leather shroud is the best end result.

In order to inspire his generals, the border customs have such a convention, to go out of the customs to make nests, and the loot received by soldiers is not required to be turned in, all belong to individuals.

Zong Pu also said more about Su Hai's deeds, saying that he had created a miracle in Yulinguan, and made more than a dozen trips to the nest, all returning intact.

You must know that this is extremely rare. There are many accidents when entering the enemy ’s belly. No one knows what accidents will happen. It is a common occurrence to lose your life. It is rare to enter and exit a few times. In the past year, the town sent out a nesting operation once or twice a year, which means that he did not fall down almost every time.

It is totally fighting for their own lives.

The three children are unaware of these things, but it does not mean that Pan'er is also unaware. This is why he can be an attacking general, why can he take out these trophies, and also say that he can support his parents?

As for Zong Zhe and Wan Zhe, their eyes were burning and bright, and they just said that Zan was so good.

This is just a small conversation before dinner. Later, during the meal, Zong Pu still didn't forget to let his father and emperor tell him more about those generals. Zong Pu was really tortured and could only take out food. He didn't say anything to shut him up for a meal.

But when he stopped eating, Zong Xi took the initiative to come over and wanted his father to tell him something about the frontier.

On the side, Pan Er made fun of him, but almost said that what he had made was over.

However, Zong Pu is not a way to deal with it, he said: "The father emperor gave Su Hai a house, and when he settled down, it was when the father emperor sent you to let him tell you. The father emperor is the emperor and has been waiting. In Beijing, these are all heard, not as much as he knows. "

These words really persevered Zong Xi, and after the children left, Paner said, "You gave him a house?"

Zong Zheng glanced at her: "He captured Tunuha, and gave him a house by work, nothing."

Pan'er didn't speak, Zong Ye also knew her awkward mentality, and didn't say much. After that, they didn't mention it.


The North Canal is the river from Tianjin to Beijing.

From here, we are getting closer and closer to the capital, and because of the proximity to the capital of Beijing, the official ships and barges on various roads are getting more and more. Especially when Qiuliang is going to Beijing, the river is densely packed with boats, saying that Thousand sails can't be overstated.

The Su family also took official ships, which were cheaper than civilian and merchant ships. At least, when they saw official ships and barges, they did not have to give way. Traveling thousands of miles north by boat, the Su family was also an eye-opener, knowing that even the ordinary boat has numerous rules.

Ordinary civilian ships, merchant ships, and cargo ships have to make way when they see barges and official ships. If it is only in a section of river, it can only be delayed for a while, but they can travel thousands of miles along the way. I am afraid that the delay is more than a few days.

This is also the reason why the same distance, but the slowest speed of civilian ships, is not because the boats are not good, but because there are too many rules.

Especially when mooring and waiting for the sluice to pass through the dam, I could stop for a few days and could n’t get through. The Su family had seen it before, and I was glad that Su Hai sent an official ship to pick them up.

Official ship? official?

The Su family never imagined that Su Hai had no news for a few years, and when there was news, it became an official. Now they are going to take them to Beijing to enjoy the blessing.

The Su family was both happy and surprised. Before leaving, Miao Cuixiang said that he would sell the old house, but he would not return anyway. Yao Jinzhi did not agree. For this reason, the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law also argued, but Miao Cuixiang didn't dare to talk back with her mother-in-law. Now the little uncle is developed and said he wants to take the in-laws to Beijing to enjoy the blessing.

After the people who had come to pick them up arrived, Miao Cuixiang was still afraid that her in-laws would not take them. She deliberately let the two sons sleep in the in-laws' house for two nights, and also said something that she could not bear with her grandmother. The daughter-in-law's careful consideration, Yao Jinzhi knew, but she didn't pierce.

This is just a trivial matter. In short, as the city gets closer and closer, the Su family feels more and more excited.

Finally, the ship arrived in Tongzhou, and the letter was reported in advance, so Su Hai was waiting at the Tongzhou dock.

After getting off the boat, he didn't care about the old ones. The Su family boarded two carriages separately. Su Hai took a few soldiers on his horse and rode in a direction towards Beijing.

This is Yao Jinzhi's first ride in a carriage, which is very different from the usual donkey cart. At least he has a top on his head, not afraid of the wind and the sun. She and Su Datian were not afraid of losing face when they got into the car. When they got on the car, they touched it and looked at it. Su Datian joked that she hadn't seen it. She rolled her eyes and said that you have knowledge.

When she finally figured out that the window could be opened, she opened the window from the inside, and Su Hai just happened to be walking nearby.


Looking at his son's dark skin and many faces, Yao Jinzhi burst into tears.

"What is crying! How bad it is to see people." Su Datian closed the window of the car, and then said, "It was a happy thing. You cried, and it made Haizi's friends see that it was a joke. . "

He thought that the soldiers who followed Su Hai were Su Hai's friends.

"I cry about what's wrong with you, can't I cry anymore! I cry that my son is outside and I don't know what the suffering is. When you are a general, you think it's a good name? You want to fight on the battlefield, and you don't know what crime you have suffered. That's what happened. "

Su Datian also sighed: "You too, your son is not prosperous, you say he is delicious and lazy every day, and his son is prosperous, so you are."

Yao Jinzhi stopped talking, which parent is not so, but shouldn't it be painful? But she was too lazy to talk to Su Datian at the moment.

In the car behind, Miao Cuixiang also secretly opened the window of the car, only opened a seam, and carefully looked at the scenery outside, her face uneasy and agitated.

During the period, the dog eggs and hair eggs were going to look out, and she was slapped back.

"What are you looking at ?! Be honest, don't leave me out to the shame."

When she had seen enough, she turned around and saw Su Jiang nodded and nodded, and she suddenly became angry: "You can sleep, too, you're as if you didn't see the two cubs."

She pinched Su Jiang's waist and closed his eyes, and complained, "What are you doing?"

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"I didn't do anything. I told you. Remember to me. When you get to the place, you talk to Su Hai more and set up a brotherhood. If it works, let Su Hai also pull you off. You developed our mother. There is light on my face. "

"Have you heard?"

Su Jiang lifted her hand and said impatiently, "Okay, I do n’t need to talk about this with my second child. You do n’t think I do n’t know, you offended your second child, and now you are afraid to see you, right? I ca n’t wait to see it. You go back to the old house in Yangzhou yourself. Anyway, the old house wasn't sold, and I will be in Beijing with my two sons. "

This is obviously a run, but Miao Cuixiang has no confidence to refute.

When she wanted to let her mother-in-law sell the old house, she was thinking about it. She was afraid that Su Hai would really remember her resentment and drive her. If there was no old house and she had nowhere to go, she would naturally take the man and her two sons to the in-laws. It's better now, the child's father let her go home alone.

Even if it's a joke, Miao Cuixiang is stunned.

Not to mention these, just before noon, the group finally arrived in Beijing.

Going all the way from the outer city, and entering the inner city, Zong Yi gave Su Hai's house to the inner city near the outer city edge. The location is a little bit worse than those of noble officials, but for Su Hai, a guerrilla general from Wupin, being able to own a house here has already advanced his colleagues many steps.

You need to know that even if it is the chief soldier of the border customs, there is no way to have a house here. Not only because the inner city is a place where nobles and nobles gather, but also the place is so big, but the nobles are more and more year after year, and almost no one will sell the house here, even if it is sold for a high price.

In addition, there are many houses in the inner city that belong to the imperial court. They are used by His Majesty to pay favors. Therefore, whenever there is an extra family here, let alone the entire inner city, at least the nearby residents know it, even long ago. Inquire about where the owner is coming from, or prepare for the next good-neighborly relationship.

Sanjin's house is inconspicuous when viewed from the outside, and it is no different from other houses in the vicinity. The plaque on the door is only written with the words Su.

But for the Su family, it was also an eye-opener. The shadowy wall at the entrance of Guangda made them look a lot. It's not that they haven't seen it before, but that it's their own home and place.

The house was deserted, and only two little girls came out to wait. @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Su Haidao: "The house was just rewarded by His Majesty. I didn't have time to buy someone. I will go to the market tomorrow to buy more people."

"No need to use it, there are two girls who are already very good. Why do you buy someone to come back?" Yao Jinzhi said.

Miao Cuixiang said: "Mother, you don't understand it now, in such a large place, how to do it without care, the uncle certainly has his intention to say so, you just listen to it, you say yes little Uncle? "The flattering expression on his face was obvious.

Su Hai glanced at her, and did not speak, and said to Su Datian and Yao Jinzhi: "I'll have two tables, and you will use them later, my brothers and I walked with me today. I have to say hello to them first, and I'll be back later. "

"If you are busy, just don't care about us. This is not a girl, we will do it ourselves."

That being said, Su Hai returned quickly, his face flushed slightly, and he seemed to be drinking with him.

When he arrived, the Su family was eating noodles.

Where did the Su family have eaten such a rich meal, adults are okay, and they need to be more cautious, afraid of the two maidservants jokes on the side, but there are not so many scruples, and they eat fast and harsh Miao Cuixiang couldn't stop, making the table a mess.

"Daughter, have you eaten, or don't you sit down and eat something?" Su Jiang swallowed the meat in his mouth, and the corner of his mouth was still oily.

"Yeah, you can sit down and eat some more."

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Su Hai looked at the table, and then Yao Jinzhi reacted and said, "It's both of your nephews, like a hungry ghost giving birth to a table."

Su Haidao: "Mother, I have already eaten, you eat it, I go sit next to it, and I have something to tell you later."

Then, he went to the chair in the temple room and sat down.

In this case, naturally the noodles cannot be eaten.

Hairy eggs and iron eggs ate their mouths full of oil, leaving them off the table, and Miao Cuixiang beat them a few times. Yao Jinzhi stopped her to beat the child again, anyway, it was the chicken flying dog jumping.

It was hard to get rid of it, and the two little ones were cleaned under the servant of the girl-in-law and went to the hall to sit down one by one.

Su Haicai said: "Paner is also in Beijing now."

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