Ying Chong

Chapter 142: Chapter 141


As far as the identity and relationship of the two are concerned, it is destined to be in a state of talking shallowly.

They also knew each other well, so Pan Er didn't say much, and Hu Shufei said that she had an excuse to leave.

After Hu Shufei left, Cattail looked at the master with anxiety: "Mother-in-law, slavery thinks Hu Shufei makes a lot of sense, it must be the queen lady who wants to deal with you."

Paner smiled: "Okay, even if she really wants to deal with me, your mother-in-law did not move, let her deal with it, after all, they moved out of the mountain of the Queen Mother and Queen Mother."

In fact, it wasn't the Queen Empress Chen who surprised Pan Er, but the Queen Mother and Queen Mother.

The queen queen and the queen don't always care about the affairs in the palace. She also understands that offending people is also offensive. It is not necessary in her capacity, so why help the queen again? @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

This time is not like the case of Zong Pu or the Prince. At that time Zong Pu was a prince. It was right for the elders in the palace to give the gift. Now, the mother-in-law Fu and her mother haven't said anything, but the Queen Mother is separated The grandmothers of the generations got involved in it, the character of the empress empress really shouldn't be.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

But whether it should or not, things have already happened, Paner can only wait for the follow-up.

The follow-up came within a few days.

One afternoon, taking advantage of the wind and the sun, Zong Ye called Paner to go to the Royal Garden to enjoy the scenery.

Paner felt surprised when he went there, because Zong Xi was a character with only government affairs and no leisure and fun. Especially after he ascended the throne, this character was interpreted to the fullest. His daily free time is probably that the children are scattered. After school, he was too busy when he went to Jingren Palace.

So calling her to enjoy the scenery, this is the first time.

After I went there, the scenery in the Royal Garden was really good.

It is a good time for the flowers to bloom in April and May. The Royal Garden is also beautiful and beautiful.

Paner gradually forgot the doubts when he came.

"This peony is good."

Pan'er looked at him side by side, and felt a slight movement in his hair, and he closed his hands and fell behind him. She reached out and touched the soft petals, and smiled.

After laughing, a corner of the beetle red cloth flashed behind the tree not far away.

She felt a little familiar, and then it came to her that she likes to wear begonia red, so she felt familiar. The only concubine in the palace who can wear clothes of this color, and now the concubines in the East Sixth Palace are all the elderly in the East Palace. It is probably that they have not had the heart to fight for a long time, and they will never dare to do such things.

Those toffees don't wear this color, who seems to have no need to continue to guess.

"It turned out that you asked me out today to appreciate the scenery, not to appreciate the scenery, but to have ulterior motives." Paner glanced at him and said.

Zong Pu laughed a little and didn't hide her. When she saw it, the flower she wore was a little crooked, and she stretched out her hand to correct her: "I also don't want to cause any insult to the court. If anyone is right, I hurled my arms, and this happened to your ears again, don't you have to be jealous of jealousy again? "

Paner gave him a glance, pretending to be displeased: "It has been a long time since Chen Chen has not been jealous. On the contrary, he always remembers this little thing every day.

"If it weren't for everything, you would have been jealous ..."

After speaking halfway, Zong Xi closed his voice.

Pan Er stabbed him, and when he saw that he was a little stunned, he wanted to put on a serious face to cover up. He smiled twice in front of him, and then said, "Your Majesty said that, His Majesty knew someone What do you want to do to insult the court? "

Zong Pu's eyes slid aside, Pan'er looked down and saw Fulu, and suddenly realized.

It should be the guests from the palace, and the empress queen and the empress queen summoned the palace. Even Hu Shufei Paner could see what the empress queen wanted to do.

But he must not rush to the Cining Palace to oppose it. Naturally, let the people below watch more, so as not to cause any embarrassment.

Pan Lu also knows the ability of Fu Lu, so it should be what news Fu Lu got, and this news was sung by him again to Zong Ye, so he had today's visit to the Royal Garden.

"It's hard for Her Majesty, to accompany him to enjoy the scenery."

"Little conscience!" Zong Min laughed, and whispered, "I don't have enough time with you every day."

"Naturally there are many people, so why don't people just talk about it?"

Pulling the sleeves here to be cute, Fulu's eyes slanted to the ground.


"The queen queen and queen are also old, so do something foolish."

Paner can not intervene in this matter. After all, the queen queen is an elder. Don't watch Zong Xi complaining in front of her for a sentence or two, and people will not say so.

"Well, if these people have n’t seen him away after this time, I ’ll take you to Xiyuan. I remember I promised you last year that I happened to go to Xiyuan to avoid the summer heat. The weather is hot, and the ministers are working hard every day , There are not so many rules to go to Xiyuan. "

If you don't mention it, Paner thought that Zong Xi had done so obviously. The empress queen should understand the meaning.

For those who have lived in the palace for a long time, the first thing they must learn is to understand subconscious words. After all, sometimes there are some things that cannot be said in front of the face.

It's like this time, if Zong Xi went or sent someone to the Cunning Palace to make the statement clear, it would be to disrespect the Empress Dowager, not to be filial, and to the Empress Dowager too. The empress and queen mother's face was damaged, and it was the love between grandparents and grandchildren that naturally damaged.

The way they usually deal with is to show their attitude through something. The smart person's approach is to read and understand, and then quickly get rid of it, but this time it is recognized that the smartest person in this palace has not done anything clever.

So after another ten days, Zong Pu ordered to go to Xiyuan to avoid the heat.

There is only one concubine in Xiaohou's harem. He also visited Ningshou Palace's Cining Palace and Yangxin Palace. Pan'er was not present at the time, and I didn't know what was going on at the Cining Palace. In short, this matter was settled.

In addition to the emperor and the noble concubine and concubine zhouxian, there were also the empress queen, as well as paner, concubine hu and others, and several princesses.

However, Queen Chen did not go, saying that she had to be filial before the Emperor Tai.

On the face of it, there is absolutely no problem with this statement, but because of this statement, it also caused Zong Xi to be unhappy. Imagine that the queen did not go to Xiyuan and said that she wanted to stay behind the emperor and filial piety. Is it not filial to leave the empress queen to the emperor in Xiyuan?

Paner knew about it, no one could see it.

The beautiful scenery of Xiyuan is very suitable for summer enjoyment. Needless to say.

But unlike before, this time Paner followed Zong Ye to enter the ring. The scenery of Huantai is the best in the South China Sea. It faces the water on three sides, and it is a great place to feed fish and fish.

Afraid of delaying the children's studies, Zong Pu specially took two gentlemen from the upper study to teach some princes in Xiyuan. Naturally Wanxian won't pull them down. Every day, children read books in the morning and play in the afternoon. They live more leisurely than in the Forbidden City.

Zong Pu recently has another interest in fishing, which makes Paner can not help but have the illusion of the year.

In the last ten years of Jianping Emperor's previous life, because he was getting older and his health was not good, he didn't like living in the Forbidden City much, and took her to Xiyuan mostly. At that time he had an interest in fishing, and he could sit on the shore for an afternoon.

Full of determination.

She froze and looked at the still handsome face, feeling that the children were still young, and he and she were still early.

In the previous life, his dragon body has been very good, and the reason why he decayed so quickly later is because he worked hard all day and night and emptied the foundation. In this life, she will certainly not let the old things repeat.

So Xiyuan is really a good place to come back in the future.

She said the same.

Zong Pu smiled: "It makes you uncomfortable."

"I think you can relax and relax when you come here a lot. There are so many government affairs. You can't do it in one day or two days. You can do this and another one, but you can't come back on this day. Now. "

There is a bit of Zen in a simple sentence.

Zong Yipin had a taste, but I think it is such a reason, but I can think of it. After indulging in the afternoon, the next day he entered a busy state. Although he did not have to go to the court in Xiyuan, he called the minister of deliberations daily But a lot.

Even to facilitate the discussion, some ministers were also called to Xiyuan, but they were allowed to live near the East China Sea, which also facilitated him to call people at any time.

So within a few days, Paner found that there were more ministers in and out of the ring.

He also seemed to know that Pan'er couldn't wait to see him so busy regardless of day and night. When he was in the Forbidden City, he would be busy with all the things to be dealt with today during the day, and the night time would naturally be empty.

Now it is concentrated to finish the matter no later than the time in the morning, so that the sun has not tilted west, and the sun outside is not as strong as before. The two walk around and stroll around, and occasionally rafting on the lake, too Be happy.

Zong Ye they learned the water the year before, but Zong Ye ordered them to learn it at that time. It was just that I hadn't had time to become familiar with water. So many things happened later. I kept them in control, and they naturally had no chance to launch.

This time when I came to Xiyuan, I would like to mention the old things again.

At that time, Zong Xi was still young. What he called "learning" was that two water ladles were thrown in the water, so this time he mainly studied.

Zong Duo was very envious when he met. At the time, he knew about Zong and their learning about water, but his mother didn't let him learn it, and it was a vulgar gesture to expose his body in the broad daylight. Besides, he was weak. .

This time he proposed and wanted to learn, Zong Ye hesitated, and agreed.

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