Ying Chong

Chapter 159: Chapter 158


Once the royal family is involved, everything is extremely complicated.

Especially spring hunting, it seems to contain some special morals, not only the preparation in advance is complicated, anyway, Pan Er heard that Qintian also asked to supervise the good times.

But she didn't pay attention to this either. She has been busy practicing horses these days. As long as Zong Xi had free time, the two drove the horse out of the palace and found an open place to practice horses.

In a few days, Pan'er was able to trot on his horse for a while, but it still had to be watched because she would not control the horse. If the horse heard the wrong instructions and ran fast, she would startle and yell.

Zong Ye and they went out to practice horses once with their mother. Paner was very successful at making fun of the children. Although the children did not think it was a joke, the mother was still ashamed and angry and took the children away. Personal training.

Anyway, he was used to ridicule, she did not feel anything.

There are more people in the palace every day, but the relatives of the imperial family and the ministers of honor and honor do not live in the palace, but live in the outer area of ​​the palace.

Wan Ye and Zong Ye had to go out every day, and Pan'er had bumped into it once. They were teenagers of the same age. Few children in Xungui's family in Beijing can't ride horses, and even some noble girls can ride horses.

However, there are still very few such noble girls. Only a few daughters of the noble family dare to do so. Other noble girls still dare to look away and dare not try easily.

In this way Wan Wan has a playmate, and within a few days, she made several playmates, riding horses and a group of teenagers led by Zong Ao, running around and hitting pheasant rabbits or something.

"Wanyu, you always run out like this, aren't you afraid that Su Niangniang said you?" Wanyu saw Wanyu wearing a riding outfit, and hurried out, can't help but call her with some worry.

"Four sisters, don't worry about me, my mother-in-law won't say me. You saw that you were taught to ride horses with me, but you didn't learn it, and now you can't go out with me and Wanyu. Let me say Fourth sister, you still learn Ma, so you can only sit in a tent when you are hunting. "

Wan Wan, however, said so casually, after a few greetings with Wan Wan, she hurried away.

Wan Ye looked a little helpless, and looked at her back with a little envy for a while, then smiled at her sisters.

Wan Wan said: "You do her a lot. I heard that Su Niang Niang is also learning to ride horses recently, or her father taught her how to do it.

"So this is ah."

It is also said that from the beginning, Wan Huang learned to ride horses and learn water, and the emperor and concubine would not care about her, and naturally she would not care about it now. Although her sister always said in the back that Wan Ye was so bad and unscrupulous, Wan Ye was still very envious, and she seemed to live happily.

A few of them had been bored in the house, so they went out for a break. Who knew that they would meet Wanlu halfway, but letting a few people go out for a little distraction.

Today, Wan Xian has been having snacks, Wan Wan glanced at her, "Sister, what's wrong with you today?"

"No, nothing." Wan Xian smiled a little awkwardly, and said, "I'm just a little bit lost."

"Isn't she thinking ..." The rest of the words, Wan Yan did not finish, just replaced with a pouting smile. Even so, she also said Wanxian was shy, clutching her fist to clean up Wanzhen.

A few people went out, all thoughtful.

Wan Wan, in particular, always looked at Wan Xian from time to time, bowed her head from time to time, and didn't know what she was thinking about.

At the beginning, Wan Ye was lingering with Wan Xian, and asked her how many horse horse candidates Xu Xianfei had shown to her this time, and let her tell her, so that she would be able to give her staff and staff.

Wan Xian blushed and never wanted to say, talking about the sisters getting into trouble again, Wan Wan suddenly said, "Well, let's go to Father Emperor and say we want to learn horses?"

This made several people look back, including Wan Yu, who was only seven years old.

Wan Wan said: "In this palace, it is very inconvenient not to ride a horse. You see Wan Wan riding and go out. We use it, it is slow and tired, and even if we want to go out to see what it looks like, It is not easy to see, there is no excuse to travel to the palace. "

Speaking of coming from outside the palace, in fact it is no different from the palace. Before they came out, the people in the several palaces were driving and pretending to the masters, but even if they were driven out, they were at most in spring hunting. I wore it out to suit the scene that day, neither riding nor hunting, I could only sit in a tent as wanyu said.

If everyone is doing this, it will be like this, but there is an alternative.

Seeing Wan Ye live so unbridled, even though she always takes her as a kid, she does n’t need too much scruples as an excuse, but now she is almost ten years old, and it is still the same, and it is expected to be the same in the future. When the night is quiet, envy will always be quiet The sound came up.

"I think the second sister's idea is good. You don't want to go out to see my elder sister, maybe you can still see my future elder brother." Wan Yan said with a smile.

Wanxian was so shy that she flicked her lightly, but hesitated, apparently also tempted.

In this case, although they are half-and-a-half, but some princesses went to find the emperor and mentioned things they wanted to learn.


Zong Pu naturally does not oppose it, probably it is Aiwu and Wu, it may be that Wan Wan has been watching for a long time. He sometimes even thinks Wan Wan is like a real princess.

Healthy, lively and wanton.

On the contrary, the older daughters above, he felt a little too quiet, all of them were thin and thin, white to almost no bloodshot complexion, looked unhealthy and lacked vitality.

He waved his hand and instructed Fludor to send some eunuchs to guard the princesses.

When Wanxian went back to change clothes, it was Wanyun and Wanyi's turn that made Wanyi look sarcastic.

"Sanjie, what are you laughing at?"

Wan Wan glanced at her sister: "I laugh, some people have speculation, some people hide ghosts, in fact, the mother-in-law is right, people in the palace who think most are actually the least. On the contrary, those thoughts that are honest and silent are the most. "

"Three sisters, what are you talking about? Why am I getting harder and harder to understand?"

"I don't understand. I just want to see if both of them are aiming at one goal. Will they fight?"

Wan Wan is a bit sluggish, and she doesn't have many sisters, but it doesn't mean she's stupid.

She covered her mouth and looked surprised: "Does the third sister mean that the older sister and the second sister have fancy the same horse, but hasn't this yet started to be selected, and you just asked the older sister, the older sister didn't say What, how do you know? "

Wan Ye gave her sister a glance: "Surely people won't say it, if you don't say it, someone will make an idea. What if you say it was cut off?" After all, Wan Ye is one year younger than Wan Ye, and thirteen. If you want to get engaged, you can do it.

"You just have to wait for a good show." After that, Wan Yue entered the inner room.


For a few days, Wanwan could get a few rabbits and pheasants every time she returned, and once spores.

Pan'er knew that they had gone hunting, because the people who were with them were young, so they hunted nearby, and did not dare to go deep. At first, she was still a little worried, and told Zong Ye that the matter was private.

Zong Pu said that these prey were not threatening. They were sifted again and again, and it was determined that no large beast would be released to pass through.

Going deeper, there are more beasts in a few places, not only deer, but also wolves, foxes, bears and so on. However, it is a place specially prepared for spring hunting. It is isolated and will not be put in.

Paner was relieved.

She knows a few things about riding horses. She didn't think about it, even because it aroused her desire to learn to ride horses. It also saved the juniors from learning, but she didn't. , A joke.

After a few more days, it was finally time for Spring Harvest.

Spring hunting is a total of three days. In order to add fun, Zong Xi even took things out as a reward. According to daily calculations, before the sun sets, who has the most prey and who is the winner of the day, all the relatives in Nanyuan. The state relatives, and even the children of the Honourable Minister's family, can participate.

In fact, the reward is second. Many imperial relatives and even honorable families, like Su family, rely on nepotism to seal Hou Fenggong, or they are born royal, most people still have the ancestors to make a dying feat to seal Hou They did not have the habit of studying for examinations as a civil servant like the children of civilian officials.

But there are many children and grandchildren in the family, only one or two of Meng Yin, and the shortest way for others to earn a birth is to enter the holy eye, and then fly to Huang Tengda.

So everyone understands the significance of this spring hunt, and all the children from Beijing Central have come here. According to the past, it would take more than fourteen to participate in such occasions, but because the princes are not very young, they are still young.

For what, naturally self-evident.

The whole scene was very majestic. The princesses sat in the tent and could only see from a distance that countless people and horses gathered there.

Harukari's first arrow was issued by Zong Pu.

The arrow is specially made, and it comes out with its own whistle. As the arrow rings, the earth trembles for a moment, and the vibration can even reach the tent.

Pan'er left the tent on the pretext that someone was waiting for her outside.

Soon, Zong Xi also came.

He changed his armor and wore a riding suit. His upper body was covered with a light armor. The black bottom was matched with silver-gray light armor. He looked very energetic.

"Come on, I'll take you hunting."

This was already said by the two. As long as Pan'er learned to ride horses, Zong Xi took her to hunt. skbdowngg

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