Ying Chong

Chapter 161: Chapter 160


"Song Ming, you really killed someone. Touch who is not good, you touch the bear! Just touch the big bear, what do you touch the bear cubs! Can the bear cubs watch without the bear daddy? The bear is the most fierce, and hungry for a winter. At this time, it ’s time to prey, and even if it ’s unlucky, you can attract two! ”Zhao Chen complained.

Song Ming, who is the troublemaker, is only sixteen years old. A little round face was born, and it looked very clean and hearty, but it was the most provocative among several people.

At this moment, he was sweating, and he was driving his horse forward, and when he heard this, he looked so embarrassed that he dared not say anything.

Several people met to hunt together. They were all old acquaintances. They used to hunt and hunt together. Needless to say, they cooperated. But who had thought of it before, stopped and rested his feet and used his food to pad his belly, and Song Ming even touched a bear's den.

Not only did he touch the bear's nest, but he also carried a bear cub out of it. He was standing with Zhao Chen, and Fu's face changed, and he threw the bear cub.

He wanted to make a theory with Fu Ye, and Fu Ye ignored him, so he quickly packed up and left, but it was too late.

First came the female bear who heard the news.

I wanted to be able to hunt this female bear, and today they might be able to get their first name. Several people were interested, and the guards harassed them, and they took the bow and arrow to attack.

Who knows that the female bear was followed by a male bear. As long as the dozen of them were not opponents, Fu Ye said this time that there was no objection.

The misfortune has already broken through, the female bear was shot blindly by Fu Yi, and she made a mistake in panic. The bear cubs who were thrown to the ground by Song Ming were stomped by their horseshoes when they left, Can't live.

This is not, the two bears completely angered and chased all the way.

While galloping, I saw a group of people in front of me. Several people screamed to run fast while passing by.

Fu Li tightened the horse's reins and stopped.

Zhao Chen looked back at him: "Fu Fu, why don't you leave?"

"You don't see a few girls in the group, and I see the equipment of the guards, who are in the palace."

Upon hearing this, several people stopped, and Song Ming rushed the most. After stopping, he trot for a while and then turned back.

Since it is a person in the palace, or a girl, there is no need to think that it is not the lord of the county but also the princess. If one of them really happens, Fu Ye will be fine. He is a member of the Jin State Mansion. Children of the Bo's family, but relatively speaking, the power in the family is not middle-class. After returning, they certainly can't ask for good fruit.

Moreover, a few people are not the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they are also young. The newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so the group turned back again.

At that time, the scene was chaotic.

Cries, screams, painful screams, and screams mixed together, the guards hurriedly resisted, and they had to protect several princesses who almost fell on the horse. One came on the face and was shot by the male bear.

A beast like a bear is generally not very hungry and will not attack people. When you meet a bear in the wild, just let Ma run away, it may not come to chase you.

But there are some exceptions. One is that hibernation has just ended and it is in the predation period. The other is that someone who is uninterested deliberately provoked. Especially female bears, generally female bears are not as effective as male bears, but if a female bear protects her cubs, even the male bear must retreat.

Wanxian grew up in the deep palace, where she has seen this beast.

Looking at the big mouth of the blood basin, I felt scared long before I felt the smell of head-on. When they were finished, they cried, Wan Wan told them to run, they did not respond, and were dragged into the woods by several guards like dragging a dead dog.

This delay, coupled with the fact that a few people couldn't even get on the horse, could not run anymore, but could only fight as a team.

When Fu Ye and others arrived, they saw this situation.

The so-called one pig, two bears and three tigers are also the three most difficult beasts to deal with.

Wild boar skin is thick and fast, and there are a pair of cavities. Ordinary arrows or swords can hit it. They can't hurt them at all. But it is not that there is no way to deal with it, just say hello to your eyes.

It is exactly a bear. It can walk upright. Relatively speaking, there are two more bear palms that can be used. The fur is thick and fat. Long-distance attacks may shoot at you. It won't hurt at all. In close combat, this beast is so powerful that ordinary people can't get close to it, and will only be hit by it.

Because of the resistance between the hurries, they were approached before they could reach a long distance, so the guards suffered a lot, but in the end they are forbidden guards, and most people will not be sent to protect the princess. Elite, so they quickly stabilized.

Some people attacked and harassed from a distance, while others fought close to each other.

When Fu Yi and others were so sure, they all rushed to help, and the guards who ran away with them also caught up, and the scene gradually stabilized.

But in the end, there are humans and beasts, and the two bears are in violent conditions. Even if they are engaged in a protracted battle, they are just a little bit of human beings, but they have just been able to control the situation, obviously they cannot fight the wheel.

Then there is only a quick decision!

Fu Yi winked at the guards of the Jin State Mansion and pulled out the □□ that had been tied to the horse's belly. Several of the guards also gave up their bows and took □□.

The □ □ they carry is specially made. Usually, they are only three feet long for the convenience of carrying. When the guns are assembled, they can be used against the enemy.

Several men dismounted and approached the circle.

If someone from the army is present, it can be seen that they are using a small three talent array. This array is mostly used in small-scale contact warfare in the army. Most of them are in a one-man round, one for each side and one for cover. Side branches should.

Fu Yan is at the tip.

The teenager, who is only sixteen years old, wears a black riding suit with straight shoulders and loose shoulders. He has the momentum of an adult man, but his figure is slightly thinner. But seeing his straight shoulders and the iron gun in his hand, no one dare to neglect.

This is the difference between the soldiers who have seen blood and the guards of the embargo. Because the guards are guarding the security of the palace, they are mainly precautionary. The way of martial arts is more lightweight and even fancy.


People who come down from the battlefield never pay attention to whether they are good-looking or not. The attack is only fast and accurate, killing the enemy with the fastest and most severe attack.

So one face to face, the male bear was injured.

Seeing that these people were particularly different from ordinary people, they seemed to be struggling, and the guards who had been besieging the male bear immediately retreated and turned to help the siege of the female bears.

The battlefield was divided into two. On the one hand, more than ten guards besieged the female bear. On the other hand, Fu Ye and the four guards formed a three-cai siege to the male bears.

Obviously, Fu Yan's side is more observable, and when they saw that they were attacking unhurriedly and with ease, the male bear was injured again and again, and became more and more violent. The big fan palm of Pu Fan crackled his chest and the roar shook.

Maybe it was enough to be scared and scared enough. At this moment, Wan Xian calmed down, wiped her tears, and looked at the situation from the grove.

However, most of his eyes focused on Fu Yi's body.

Seeing a Pu fan who evasively avoided the male bear, he retreated a few steps in a row, giving the front to the left wing, and the rear wing rushed forward. He first bounced a few times on the trunk and stepped on the back of the rear wing. Both men fired at the same time, and he shot through from behind.

□ Straight, like a giant arrow fired, nailed straight into the back of the male bear's neck, nailing the male bear to the ground.

Everyone wiped a sweat, and the male bear was twitching.

The muscles on his arm were knotted, he pulled hard, and a lot of blood spewed out, pouring his head and face, but he saw that the bear was out of breath.

After that the mother bear need not elaborate.

After the battle was over, everyone was relieved, and when he was relieved, he could not help looking at Fu Ye's admiration.

"Okay, you are Fu Yi. I don't see that you are still a master of martial arts." Song Ming patted his shoulder excitedly.

Zhao Chen said: "That is, you did not see it, I have said that Fu Yi is not ordinary."

"But fortunately, it was also a few uncles who helped a lot." Fu Yan said.

His uncle refers to several guards of the Jin Guogong government. They were all brought by Jin Guogong from the battlefield. The appearance is not good, but they are very brave. Every male in the Jin Guogong. There are several such people around.

"The fourth son praised him, but the fourth son's martial arts advanced, this is not what it used to be." One of the guards laughed afterwards with a smile.

I heard that the "four sons", also known as Fu Yan, Wan Xian and Wan Yan's eyes flickered, and then they turned to a relatively fierce look, and it was a bit scary to look at the blood of that beast. juvenile.

The only exception was Wan Wan, who had ran out to ask the guard how the casualties were.

Fortunately, no one died, but a few of the guards were injured a bit. After that, the group did not gossip, and hurried to the periphery with the injured person and the killed bear.

At the other end, Paner and Zongxi were like a field trip.

Zhong Zongxi taught Pan's archery, but unfortunately she had no strength in her arm, and Zong's bow was too large. She couldn't pull it at all. Later, the guard did not know where to find a small bow for Pan'er.

But it was a flower shelf.

Later Paner saw that she had learned something like that, and saw Zong Pu holding her hand to shoot an arrow and hit nine out of nine. She couldn't help but increase her confidence. Bye, there was a hare passing by. She stopped Zong Pu from hitting her. hit.

I hit it, but unfortunately, the hare ran away with a bounce of leg. Obviously, the manpower of archery was too small to hurt people's fur.

Pan'er was embarrassed, and the guards beside him were all afraid to laugh, but Zong Xi laughed so loudly that Pan'er ignored him for a long time.

Set up camp at noon.

The guards treated the prey well and sprinkled the condiments, and they were ready to be roasted.

Paner saw fun, and roasted a pheasant.

She has a pretty good craft, much better than the men. A pheasant is enough for her and Zong Xi to eat, but she also tasted rabbit meat.

Rest for a while, and see that it is not too early, go back.

Pan'er used to have the habit of taking a nap. She wanted to sleep when she was full. Zong Xi saw that she was riding and was still absent, so she asked her to come and ride with her.

Leaning in his arms, and wrapped in his cloak, he fell asleep soon, and when he woke up again, he heard someone telling him that something had happened to the princess.

Otherwise, don't pant when you speak.

Hearing that he was rescued by the fourth son of the Jin State Mansion, now that the people have returned to the camp, Paner was relieved.

But still worried, the group speeded up to catch up.

When she arrived, she saw that Wan Wan had to stand there full-tailed, and Paner rushed to hug her.

After embracing, slapped him in the ass.

"Will you go hunting later?"

Wan Wan is embarrassed because there are others beside him.

Fu Yan gave a low cough and saluted with his fist: "See the emperor's concubine, see your Majesty."

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