Ying Chong

Chapter 177: Chapter 176


The morning light was faint, and the whole capital was in the wake.

With a squeak, the Xijiao door of Yongshun Bofu opened from the inside, and the servant came out with a broom and rubbing his eyes.

When I first came out, I was smelt and smelled a little bit, and then I was stunned by everything in front of me.

I saw that the faeces of the beach were spilled on the ground door in front of him, and it was so smelly that he rushed to the main door regardless of the dirty soles.

The matter was reported to the house, and the whole Yongshun Bo government shook.

Yao Jinzhi stood in the door and looked at the tragic situation outside, shaking with anger, and Su Datian's face was dark. Su Jiang and Miao Cuixiang did not dare to speak, Su Zhaojia and Su Zhaoming smiled bitterly.

After searching Yongshun Bo's house that day, the whole capital exploded.

Because Yao Jinzhi raised an objection on the spot, and even entered the palace, saying that the Su family did not know one of the big characters, and that Su Hai twenty could only literate more than one hundred, and would write his own name. He has not returned for several years, how could the correspondence with the Jin people be placed in Yongshunbo, and even in his father Su Datian's study.

The study of the Su family is a furnishing, so Datian never goes, so the people who are responsible for the daily sweep will go into the sweep.

Because of disagreement over this matter, the imperial court has recently been deadlocking on this matter.

Some felt that this was someone who deliberately planted stolen goods, and most felt that the fact that Su Hai had treason had evidence, and that the Su family should be taken into custody for questioning.

Due to Zongxi's insistence, Yongshun Bo is still the same as before, and has not been closed. Everything in the house is as usual, but he never expected that this would happen.

With a black face, Su Datian turned his head and went to the house.

Yao Jinzhi ignored him and waited until the anger in his heart finally fell down, and said, "People come and clean up here."

The people here are all like chills. When this happens, the government is up and down, and now it is necessary to deal with the feces. It is impossible to say that there is no complaint in my heart, just thinking that there is a royal concubine in the palace. Niangniang, they are bold and do not dare to come up with another idea at this time.

When Yao Jinzhi walked in, his waist collapsed.

Miao Cuixiang was busy supporting her by the side and called the anxious mother in anxiety. Su Zhaojia and Su Zhaoming supported the other side of Yao Jinzhi and anxious her grandmother.

"I'm okay," Yao Jinzhi stood upright, pushing his hands on both sides. "I won't fall down when my second child isn't back. It's your father. I don't care about anything, but I can't afford anything now. It ’s all on me, inside and out. I was blinded in my last life, so I ’m on such a man ... ”

Before the words fell, Su Datian, who was in a suit, came out of it.

The Su family were all surprised.

A person in a knighthood can go to the dynasty, and naturally has a kimono, but a relative like the Su family, the family lives on the title of Yongshun Bo, naturally it has nothing to do with such things.

But now Su Datian is wearing a Korean suit, where is this going?

"Old man, what are you doing here?"

"I went up and talked to them."


At this time, the court was quarrelling over the disposal of Yongshun Bofu.

Zong Pu sat on his face with a face.

Fu Lu stood aside, squinting his eyelids, and sometimes looked at His Majesty, and sometimes the movements under His Majesty, the bitter water in his heart was almost out.

Let him say that these ministers are full of support. Yongshun Bo is his Majesty's foreign relatives. How to deal with it is His Majesty's care. What is the relationship with them? It was so unpleasant for his Majesty that they were also suffering.

At this time, some eunuchs hurriedly stepped in from the outside. Upon seeing this situation, the ministers below immediately stopped.

Ju Fan dared to break in during the DPRK discussions. What must have happened? Is there a good news or bad news at the border?

"Your Majesty, Uncle Yongshun is outside now, and he wants to see His Majesty."

auzw.com The ministers looked at each other, wondering and wondering in their hearts. What did Yongshun break into this place for? In fact, these ministers, to some extent, will look down on foreign relatives, expecting women's skirts to show off.

It looks like they are stepping up on the right track. Being able to stand here to participate in major political affairs is the difference between them and their relatives.

At this time, they completely forgot that in fact, foreign relatives can also go up, but there is no serious errand on their bodies. What the upside does is, and naturally few people come to this place.

Zong Xuan announced it, and soon Yongshun Bo was brought in.

Yongshun Bo is extremely tall, at least a lot taller than ordinary men. Su men are not short. However, in the past few years, Yongshun Bo has been brought up a blessing, and his strong tendon meat has been replaced by a slightly raised belly.

At first glance, there seems to be a bit of a wealthy man ’s posture, but it has nothing to do with the uncle ’s momentum, because Su Da Tianben is a good old man, and when he sees a smile, he ca n’t stand up.

However, today he looks serious, and with his slightly tight suit, he can see its solemn meaning. After he stood still, he first bowed to Zong Ye, who was sitting on a dragon chair, and then stood up straight.

"Your Majesty, at the beginning of the post, Yongshun Bofu never had a chance to speak. Although the women in the family made a noise, giving Bofu a chance to breathe, but all the adults who are standing here today must not have thought in their hearts. The woman's words were taken seriously, and she even felt that Her Majesty was deliberately covering Yongshunbo for the imperial concubine. Today, when she came to this chapel, Wei Chen simply confessed and told the adults about the situation of the Su family. It's better to clarify that Yongshun Bo's House has not been imprisoned by his family, not because of His Majesty's protection, but that something is really wrong. "

"You said."

With Zong Pu's acquiescence, Su Datian turned to face a number of courtiers.

He was alone, and there were nearly a hundred people combined with civil and military officials. You can think of the pressure, but he still said blankly.

"My Su family skipped this generation and counted up. Both generations are Yangzhou good people. It goes on to say that the Su family was actually born with mud legs. Before going to Beijing in the future, my Su family lived in the north of Yangzhou. Everyone who knows Yangzhou knows that it is the local slum in Yangzhou. The people who live in it are all inferior people in Yangzhou City. I do n’t know Su Datian. I used to work as a laborer. My oldest son is and my youngest son is. This is what you said is the Su Hai who betrayed the country.

"It was my daughter who was lucky enough to go and wait for Her Majesty, and the Su family turned over. Yes, the Su family is the foreign relatives that the adults usually say, and it is the daughter's skirt that allows them to come to this place in Beijing. You adults are in the same room. "

Su Datian paused, and twitched his lips slightly: "Our Su family only relies on His Majesty to live a life of superiority and superiority. Unfortunately, the children have such a little qualification in the army that they can take the next step forward with His Majesty's support. Sheng. But this is what you outsiders say, in fact, nothing else, that my son Su Hai can sit in the position of chief of soldiers, relying entirely on His Majesty's support, I still feel a little unconvinced.

"My son has n’t returned for three years. There are old fathers and mothers in the family who ca n’t serve them. For example, there are more than thirty people this year, and there is no marriage so far. Every time Zhuo Jing urges him, he always makes various excuses. Why? How could he be safe without help? Bian Jing had no choice but to make a marriage with him in private, and even tried to trick his nephew into getting married to go back to Beijing to settle the marriage. Who and my family decided with Su Hai? Dear, the adults who must be present are all Menqing?

"Under such circumstances, how can my child betray the Dao Zhou with the enemies and ignore the honor and shame of the nation's righteousness? This is one of them. Our family and even the imperial concubine are in Beijing. If Su Hai is really treason, is it really We don't care? Is he really a beast, and his parents and brothers don't need it anymore? Why is he like a beast, why spend all these years in border customs, why not return to Beijing and not marry a wife? This is the second. "

Su Datian's questioning was not powerful, and he could only speak fluently. Obviously, he was not very suitable for such occasions, and even this kind of ground-talking speech.

But none of him could answer this series of questions.

"I do n’t know a big word of Su Datian, and I ca n’t say anything nice. Then we can only talk about the actual, go deeper, talk about what you adults have always wanted to say, but dare not say. Huang The concubine gave birth to three princes and two princesses for her Majesty, and was greatly loved by her Majesty. Now Chu Jun is not standing, and her Majesty's eldest son is weak. It is well known that if there is no accident, the future heir will be from the Emperor and Concubine. Out.

"The imperial concubine is extremely wealthy. Our Su family is already a foreign relative. We can get things that others can't get in a lifetime by relying on nepotism. We can get rich for three generations or even more when we lie down. Why did Su Hai treason? What benefits did he have for treason? Does the King give him more? Does the King of the King give his place to him ?! "

There was silence in the temple, and no one dared to answer.

Leng Buding came up with a sentence: "Maybe he was arrested and tortured into a trick."

Su Datian looked over. Although he could not find the person who spoke, he said, "It is impossible to escape from trapping, but he can die. I do n’t know any reason, but presumably all the adults are knowledgeable before reading poetry and should understand At stake. If you are Su Hai, you will not be able to escape from the trap after you are captured. What will you choose? "

"Of course it is to die generously, only to solve the battlefield and die for the country. Why should Ma Ge wrap the body? Since he was born as a military commander, when he has this kind of knowledge, if he doesn't have this kind of knowledge, he won't be able to sit in the position of chief general. Heavy town. "The speaker was a military general.

"This adult is justified. I, Datian Su, ca n’t say anything reasonable, but there is such a simple truth here, but there are still people who believe that Su Hai is treasonous. My Su family should die. Just for the Su family, some people used this to attack the imperial concubine and a wife and daughter. Although I had a lifelong concubine, I also had to stand up and clarify one or two, so that even after saying such outrageous things, I still hope for His Atonement. "

After speaking, Su Datian knelt down.

"I apologize for your innocence, get up."

However, Su Datian did not get up, but said, "There is one more thing. The minister suspects that someone deliberately planted the Su family to discredit the general soldier and the imperial concubine. The name of treason should not be underestimated. If implemented by those people, not only The imperial concubine will be implicated, and even the princess prince's princess will be implicated. The minister of interest does not need to elaborate on it, so please ask her to investigate thoroughly. "

Zong Min groaned, looking at the bottom meaningfully: "What do Zhong Aiqing think?"


"Ai Qing has been arguing about this for some time recently. Even in civil lawsuits, there are also complaints and confessions. As the father of Su Hai, Yong Shunbo raised objections and the court naturally respected it. Leave it to the Dali Temple, and check carefully that Su Hai and even the Su family are suspected of treason. Before the matter is found out, the theory of treason should not be mentioned again, otherwise it should be speculative and regarded as an accomplice. "

After speaking, he stood up and left.

The retreat sounded, but there was still silence below. After the retreat, every time after retreat, everyone had to discuss the habit.

After that, they all dispersed, but they were all in a hurry, and Yong Shunbo, who was slowly walking on the palace road, was obviously a different kind, but none dared to say more.

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