Ying Chong

Chapter 187: Chapter 186


Su Hai and Fu Yi were both injured and couldn't ride a horse but had to ride a car.

There is nothing to talk about, of course, to chat.

Su Hai now admires the boy Fu Fu. He feels that he has the courage to talk about his morale and calm down and martial arts. He is born to eat the bowl of rice in the military camp. Apart from appreciation, if it weren't for his own daughter, he would have wanted to take the boy as son-in-law.

Although he does not have a daughter, he has two nieces, so he could not help boasting about his two nieces, from the gentle and virtuous granddaughter to the clever and clever little niece.

Fu Ye didn't want to ignore him, knowing that the person occasionally had such a lack of tune, especially after being separated from the crisis of life and death, this tune was explained to the fullest.

This made him suspicion. Before he had this incident, in his impression, was the majestic and calm solemn general, is it true?

The more he thought about it, the more he didn't want to listen to Su Hai. As in the days when the two were still embarrassing, he always kept silent, and the other party always talked a lot.

It wasn't until Su Haiche's bragging talk that he talked too much, and forced him to ask him what he thought, and finally Fu Yi couldn't help it.

"Your niece is my niece, and they are going to call me cousin."

This remark closed Su Hai directly, pondering the relatives in his heart, as if it were true.

Seeing that Fu Fu could not be amused, Su Hai turned her head to tease her.

Since his capture, Er Biehe has countless urges to die. He never expected that the dirty and humble Huha turned out to be his biggest enemy and the person he most wanted to kill—Su Hai.

Now he was arrested by Su Hai.

Unfortunately, his hands and feet couldn't move, and his mouth couldn't be said. He was **** all over his body, and a cork was plugged in his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.

Such people are amused for nothing, except for glaring and screaming, Su Hai stunned, and finally was willing to be honest and healed, and Fu Ye finally was able to be quieter.

On the day Su Hai entered the city, I don't know who leaked the news.

What about people?

It all came to him on the way into the city.

At that time, Su Hai was lying in the car with Erlang's legs up and dialing Fu Yan to talk to him. He said that his uncle was actually nothing, and the relationship was far away. Besides, the honorable men in Beijing talked about it too, and the uncle married his niece a lot. In the future, there will not be so many generations of marriages, is it true that he does not consider his big niece, who is good and gentle and virtuous.

Fu Yan would like to say that the five princesses have a relationship with Wen Rouxian?

When I wanted to speak, I was interrupted by the voice outside.

He asked what was going on. The soldiers in charge of the **** said they didn't know, and only said that they shouldn't take the liberty, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the Imperial City today.

The next journey was almost nowhere faster than Turtle Speed.

With various voices, scolds, and noises, Su Hai knew that the ears on the prison car behind him would be beautiful, probably in a bad situation.

Maybe this is what he said, the scenery and scenery came back, but it was completely beyond his expectation. I did not expect that there would be such a big shock.


Su Hai has learned the approximate situation in Beijing from the Fu family, but he still did not expect the situation to be worse than expected.

When he came out of the palace, he directed people to send him to Dali Temple. He was full of anger, but turned back halfway, and returned to Yongshunbo.

The next day, the day was not yet bright, and the east had just turned white for the first time.

Countless officials gathered in front of Donghua Gate, and as soon as the palace door opened, the officials rushed in silently.

The distance from Donghuamen to Taihedian is quite long. At this time, the sky is still not bright, and lanterns are indispensable between walking.

Along the way, you can see the stars around, and you can find that each lantern has its own name.

This is probably a spectacle in the Forbidden City, which is staged at this time almost half of the year. If I've never seen it before, I'm afraid I won't be frightened when I see it for the first time, because besides the light of a lantern, not only nobody speaks, even the sound of footsteps is very light.

Everyone walked silently. Once inside Donghuamen, few people would talk about it, but today's situation is different from the past.

I don't know when, some people find whispers, and most people stop and look away behind them.

There was one person who was very different from the others. Everyone was walking. He was so good that he was carried by his shoulders.

When you see the opposite, you can understand why.

This person is not someone else, it is Su Hai.

Everyone heard that Su Hai was seriously injured. At this time, it seems true. He just didn't expect that he couldn't even walk upright when he came up.

Almost everyone knows it, and I am afraid there will be another big storm on the court today.

Unsurprisingly, after experiencing a routine interrogation, ‘Anything is happening, no matter how to retreat,’ Su Hai, who was standing by him, replied that there was something to play.

This early morning dynasty lasted until noon, and the whole process only heard Su Hai talking.

He didn't say anything else, so he told all the things he had seen and heard after being caught in the trap.

There was no pertinence in the discourse during this period, but from what he said, I am afraid that everyone present can understand what is going on.

And let Zong Xi look, this boy is probably intentional, and there are some things that can be simplified, but he knows everything and nothing.

Some ministers are already old. How can they stand up to such a long time, usually the Zongxi compassionate ministers can be brief and simple in the early days. It is too complicated to go down to the Qing Palace for further discussion.

But today, Su Hai, who did not follow the card reason, made it clear that he deliberately tossed people. The so-called sitting does not hurt back, anyway, Zong Xi is sitting, just let it go.

In fact, don't even say, seeing the ministers faced with hardships and the words that were utterly halting, how much fire Zong Ye had been fighting for a while now was surprisingly refreshing.

So he was extra considerate, and he was also worried about Su Hai's injuries, so he didn't bother to say it slowly, and asked the **** to give Duanzhan hot tea, which created a special case of early upwards.

That's why there is no one who can laugh except Su Hai and Zong Pu.

Not only because Su Hai's words were even more appalling than what he heard that day, but also because he had been standing for a whole morning and was not too tired.

A silent storm swept the entire capital, and everyone who mentioned it was deeply taboo. Perhaps many people were indeed incited, but who knows who is involved?

Zong Pu ordered the trial of the three divisions, not only using the Dali Temple, but also the Procuratorate, the Criminal Department, and the Military Department. The Ministry of Defense is observing the military affairs of the Ministry of Military Affairs for supervision.

Erbihe's confession is not difficult to ask. He was so **** by Su Hai for nearly a month. When he entered the Dali Temple, he was loosened and he sweared.

So before the torture officer in Dali Temple ordered the torture, he vomited his brain.

In addition to scolding Da Zhou people for being despicable and shameless, it is scolding Da Zhou people for being cunning and insidious. This big Zhou people mainly focus on cooperating with him, but then turn around and set him a trap to ambush Xu Tong. The other is Su Hai.

He hated Su Hai surprisingly, and hated Xu Tong more than hate Xu, and cursed and cursed him with all the languages ​​the Jin people could use.

But no one paid attention to him. After getting a firm confession, Zong Pu ordered the owner of Xuanfu's Xu family to be taken and taken to Beijing.

It is needless to say that Xuanfu experienced a turmoil, but there were no troubles with the Fu family and Zong Ye's pre-arranged backhand.

With the capture of Erbihe, the rest of the Golden Man was like a piece of sand, and it was only a matter of time to win them.

The Xu family's entry to Beijing caused another sensation.

People in the capital have long heard that the Xu family and the Jin people were not in the first collusion. They had collusiond together for a long time.

With so many people in the Xu family, most of them came from the army, they had to eat, they had to be promoted, they had to win over the soldiers at the bottom, and naturally they had a lot of silver to support them.

Whenever you get involved with the barracks, you have to eat empty puppets. However, there are frequent wars in Xuanfu. How many empty puppets can you eat? With so many people, one point is gone, so the Xu family used their identity and power long ago to smuggle to the grassland the iron wares and various herbs that the court had banned from flowing out.

At first, they cooperated with the Tatars, and they also got in touch with Erbihe through the Tatars.

As mentioned earlier, although Erbihe is a prince, his father and king are not just a prince. He also has many brothers. If he wants to take over his father's position, he must need power.

What's faster than merit?

Similarly, the Xu family also needed promotion and military skills.

So this time, the partnership was not the first time that Su Hai had dealt with it. Such things happened twice before.

This is the real traitor, the big maggot, and the whole family is ruined!

I heard that the Xu family is about to arrive in Beijing soon, and many people have taken a lot of water and garbage. This day is all used to entertain the Xu family.

Still others brought the toilet in the house, but they also spilled two buckets on the prison car and were stopped by others. It is true that such a trick has too wide an attack surface and many people, which will inevitably hurt innocent people by mistake.

When they were sent to the door of Dali Temple, let alone the Xu family vomited, the person responsible for escorting them also vomited.

The Dali Temple soon interrogated the Xu family. It is estimated that they understood that the crime was so horrible that they were dead on the left and right. Therefore, the Xu family didn't resist much, so they recruited the truth.


Not to mention this time that Su Hai was framed. Smuggling iron herbs into the grasslands is enough to cut off the family of the Xu family, not to mention things like accidentally saying that they are leaking and killing good things. It is simply all sorts of evil. It's outrageous.

But when asked why a trap had been set up to harm Su Hai, the Xu family was silent.

The Xu family's men are still quite strong, and they did not intend to recruit Xu Xianfei. They knew in their hearts that the only thing the Xu family might be able to survive was their mother.

Maybe the mother-in-law was protected, and the Xu family will have hope in the future. Therefore, they all blame this matter on personal grievances, and it is only when they are not in harmony with Su Hai that they will attack him.

Their thoughts were good, but they miscalculated the daughters of the Xu family.

Hao Shengsheng suddenly caused a big disaster and was treated like this. The Xu family ’s daughters were humiliated. Some were on the road escorted to the capital, either hanging beams or swallowing gold. Since they were lucky enough to live to this day, They are greedy for fear of death.

They usually get used to pampering themselves, and they don't get out of their doors. Who cares where the men in the family get their money? Why can they get promoted and make their fortunes higher and higher? I only knew that it was because he helped the princes in the palace to push the five princes to seek the crown prince, and the men in the family made such a big mistake, so that it would lead to the destruction of the door.

Needless to say the resentment in my heart, naturally speak out.

So after the Xu family was imprisoned, Xu Xianfei was also locked up, but it was not the Dali Temple, but the Department of Caution.

This place is a place where no one in the palace is willing to go. They all know that if they enter the department, they will have to peel off their skin.

In charge of the torture are the old wives and eunuchs in the palace. A perennial yin and yang disorder, most of them are lonely and weird. A born person has fewer things than a normal man, and it is needless to say.

In particular, the court was soaked for a long time, and the means of tossing people in the palace were various, especially the means of tossing women. It hurts you but leaves no trace, and they are extremely good at insulting people, it can be described as a torture from the body to the heart.

However, Xu Xianfei still clenched her teeth, and she knew very well that she could only survive if she persisted in the end, otherwise she could only die.

"I heard that, the five princes went to kneel to clear the palace, but unfortunately her majesty did not see him, but the queen maiden actually came forward and took the five princes to Kunning Palace ..."

"what do you mean?"

In the silent cell, Xu Xianfei fell into a haystack like a pool of rotten meat, and she felt pain all over her, but could not tell where it was.

It's still cold. It's cold from the bones.

I could only curl my body and shiver, my head was like a ball of mud, but I was confused and I heard someone talking. She closed her eyes tightly, but her brain was turning to distinguish, and she heard that it was the two uncles who specially guarded her.

But usually they always talked violently, ridiculed and insulted her very much, but when they talked, they were a little more relaxed and happy, and they were completely different from the old ones.

Because the five princes were mentioned in her speech, Xu Xianfei could not help but open her eyes and tried to stretch her neck to listen, but she couldn't move.

"What can I mean? It doesn't mean what we mean by this queen maiden. That one is so big, but it has become a weak individual. It seems like a futile. Now this person seems here to think nothing When you go out, Your Majesty will let her go, and the Emperor's Concubine will not let her go. This is not the case, Kunning Palace is thinking ... "

"You mean ..."

"... Poor. My son, who has raised for more than ten years, has been planning for him, causing so much trouble, and causing a big disaster to the family, but now it is cheaper for others ..."

"Not ..."

They are saying, who is tempted and who is poor?

How could she be pathetic? !! She was the niece of the Xu family. She was clever at an early age and entered the East Palace. She was named Liangyuan and gave birth to her eldest daughter.

Xu Xianfei knew that the queen was a fool, and she saw it when she first entered the East Palace, so she always kept her eyes on the princess, and she didn't need to take any action.

Sure enough, the concubine couldn't give birth, so she gave birth.

She had already figured out the prince's method, and Hu Liangsun who came in did not take it to her eyes, because in her eyes, the woman named Hu was also a fool.

But stupid is good, she is stupid enough, the crown prince will lift her in order to deal with her.

She had already been fully prepared and was planning to conceive a little grandson with another child, but she never expected that the woman would enter the palace.

Her arrival made her preparations a joke, and even Prince Liangliang Hu became a joke.

A joke may be difficult to get along with, but so many people accompanied her into a joke, it doesn't seem to be so difficult to get along with.

Xu Xianfei has learned a lesson from her father and brother since she was a child. She creates opportunities for herself without opportunities, and finds advantages for herself without advantages. So after finally realizing that the fight for pets could not compete with that woman, she set her sights on Zhong Liangyuan.

What a good object, family history is not obvious, weak.

But she just got a son!

Those who are so sorrowful and windy should not live in the palace, and sooner or later they will be dead. Instead, give her son.

Over the years, she really hurt Zongxi. Whether it was a real drama or a real drama, she even sacrificed her daughter for her son, but now her son is going to be taken away.

Queen Chen again!

First, the Zhong family, and now she has gone to battle herself. No wonder the Zhong family will jump out at that time, and it is clear that she will fight against her.

Xu Xianfei knew long ago that there was Empress Chen behind the Zhong family, and now she is even epiphany.

Look at how good the calculations are, as long as you can leave her alone and let the queen keep the five princes in the name, the queen has a healthy son, and the Zhong family has a grandson born in the palace.

Win-win result.

Xu Xianfei's teeth bit her lower lip tightly, and blood swirled down the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were full of hateful rays.

At this time, she didn't know. After the two uncles outside said what they were supposed to say, they listened to the movement inside with their ears open. Even one person was uneasy and looked inside.

Seeing the person facing inwardly, her thin body could not help shaking, she winked at her companion, and the two walked away quietly.

In Jingren Palace, Pan'er was standing at the fish pond and strewing fish food in the water.

The weather was warm, and the fish swimed freely, looking particularly gratifying.

Baizhu hurriedly came to her and said to her, "Mother, things have been done as instructed."

"Can everything be arranged?"

Bai Shu said: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, Feng Hai didn't let his own person do it, but borrowed a person from Kuning Palace, and the two uncles wouldn't know that this incident was handled by Jingren Palace."

Paner nodded, sprinkled the last bit of fish food in the water, and clapped his hands.

"I have endured them for so long. If there is still a fish that missed the net this time, it is really unwilling." She murmured softly, almost suddenly, and suddenly laughed again, then looked down at her hands before she sigh Mouth looked at the distant horizon.


The door of the cell was opened from the outside.

Xu Xianfei almost didn't have to think too much to know what would happen next.

Two sturdy and powerful crickets dragged her off the ground, dragged them out, and came into a dark stone room illuminated by the fire.

The torture chambers were full of torture tools, but they were spotless, seemingly never used passively, and often seemed to be taken care of.

After the long case, there was an eunuch, about forty years old, with a smile on his face as usual, and looked at her and said, "Mrs. Concubine, what do you want to say today? Not our family said, Hurry up, let's hurry up, why bother yourself?

Xian Fei raised her pale face and said, "This palace is the majestic concubine of Her Majesty. Your Majesty has not abolished the place of your palace the next day, you have to respect this palace all day. You ask what this palace has What do you want to say? I want to ask you, who has benefited from this, how dare you punish the concubine? "

Yin Fei's statement evoked the laughter of the others in the stone room. They laughed with contempt, and seemed to be astonished to be so naive.

"Honest concubine, do you really not understand or false? Who would dare to punish your dignified concubine if it was not His Majesty? Her Majesty said that the power of the concubine and the Xu family is not enough to do There must be accomplices in such a thing. Our family is too lazy to explain this to the concubine again and again. Since the mother is so uninteresting, don't blame our family for being cruel. "

Then, as soon as the **** raised his hand, he walked up to two very vicious old women.

Their hands were thick and stiff, and they dragged Yin Fei into pain. Even if she paid attention to decentness, she could not help showing a little panic at this time.

"What are you doing, just go away."

"Honest concubine, don't struggle, father-in-law didn't say it, you hurry up, and we can naturally happily. So don't blame the old slaves for it. Look, this is for the mother-in-law. The fine silver needles are as thin as a cow's hair. The good skin of the mother-in-law is raised with good things. You can rest assured that it won't hurt you. You just need to take a bitter hardship ... "

Seeing that the silver needles got closer and closer, Xianfei couldn't hold herself.

"If my palace tells a complicity, your Majesty will let me out?"

The old man stopped and went to see the eunuch.

"Our family doesn't know about this. It depends on His Majesty's will."

At this time, Xian Fei seemed to have completely collapsed, saying incoherently: "It was the Queen, Queen Chen, she was conspiring with the palace, she asked the palace to set the Xu family to trap in Xuanfu, and she let people be in Beijing. In response, everything was to bring down the imperial concubine. Only the imperial concubine fell, and other talents had a chance. "

As for the opportunity, there is no need to say clearly.

Hearing that, the **** looked at his companions solemnly, while Xianfei hid her face in a mess, but smiled.

Queen Chen, can't be me, how can you be nice to you, you don't want to take my son, I will let you lose even your own son!

The author has something to say: I still have two chapters, and they are posted together. The second one was gone, and there was something to go out in the afternoon.

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