Ying Chong

Chapter 199: Dreams of Empress Fanwai

The Dream of Queen Fanwai Emperor (6)

In fact, Wan Xian and Zhao Ying first went to Annan, and their lives were not very good.

Zhao Ying's situation in Annan was not good, as he said that he was not born by the queen, but was born of King Annan and a female slave.

Annan ’s national conditions are different from that of Da Zhou, but there are still many places that are basically the same. After all, Annan, as a subsidiary of Da Zhou, has many local things affected by Da Zhou culture.

Zhao Ying's origin is equivalent to the grandfather of a high-ranking family in Dazhou and the child born from the girl in Tongfang, and her mother is the most inferior in Tongfang. And because Annan doesn't value his son-in-law like Da Zhou people, and also has too many sons of King Annan, Zhao Ying's situation can be imagined.

He was in a better position than an ordinary slave in his childhood. He had such a heavy status and always bullied his brothers who were better than him. It was because Zhao Ying gradually grew up and learned a good martial art, and then gradually entered the eyes of King Annan, took him by his side, and made countless hard work for Annan's unification.

But it is precisely this that has become a thorn in the eyes of others, so that he came to peace talks with Da Zhou, and actually sent him for a mission.

From the perspective of the situation at that time, Annan repeatedly and repeatedly refuted Da Zhou Shangguo's face. If it is really the emperor of Da Zhouguo who hates it, this trip to the ambassador is likely to return.

Even Zhao Qi was also a strategy that Zhao Ying had to resort to. He pulled Zhao Qi, and the queen was never secretly attacked, nor did he come to Da Zhou, not only to deal with Da Zhou's anger, but also to guard against Assassinated.

Including those two silver mines was not meant by King Annan.

King Annan didn't know about it at all. It was still a coincidence that Zhao Ying discovered the secret in his childhood. Later, when he attacked the Dongshan Dynasty, he deliberately occupied the area. No one expected that there was silver in the barren ground. Mine, and Zhao Ying used this piece of silver mine to win a foothold for himself again.

This trip to Da Zhou was originally based on his tactics. On the surface, he was persecuted by various forces, but he was actually in the middle of it. He wanted to use the silver mine to draw Da Zhou's behemoth behind him to deal with belongings. Disputes within Annan.

Throughout his life, everything Zhao Ying gained in his life was looking for vitality in the cracks, and he was able to stand higher and higher after gambling again and again.

This is the biggest gamble in his life. Once he wins, the situation changes greatly. Once he loses, after returning to Annan, he will first face the revenge of the queen, and countless swords and swords.

I have to say that he won the bet and even won a tender wife for himself.

According to Zhao Ying's thinking, he took out the silver mine, and Da Zhou would surely agree to his proposal. As long as he is the princess in Dazhou's name, he can rely on it regardless of his status.

It doesn't matter who the other party is.

But he did not expect that the king of Da Zhou was a gentleman, not only the princess, but also his eldest daughter. What didn't make him think of it was that the princess actually married him voluntarily.

I went to see Wan Xian that day, and what he said was what he had long thought about and decided. As long as she is sincere, he will never fail.

So on the third day of the wedding, when he and Wanxian were on their way back to Annan, he truthfully told them that he had told Wanxian everything.

Wan Xian's only feeling is that this person's courage is too big, he is a full gambler.

But it was also because of Zhao Ying's candid telling that after the two returned to Annan, the husband and wife were concentric and their guns were unanimous. Although the process is very difficult and even dangerous, it is precisely in this process that the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper.

They only have each other, which no one can replace.

Peace and stability are indeed very good, but how can the two hearts be so close without the test again and again?

Now Zhao Ying's identity is confirmed as Wang Shizi, which means that after the death of King Annan, he is the next King of Annan who deserves it.

In contrast, the burden on the husband and wife is naturally heavy, but the wife of this generation, Wan Xian, has done a very good job, and she can help and help Zhao Ying in the outside.

Of course, Wan Xian certainly couldn't have said everything originally, but just picked some pieces and talked.

Even so, it was also fascinating to hear Wan Wan Wan Wan and others, while envious, while not forgetting to sigh that the elder sister can have today, it is really not easy.

When the story was finished, it wasn't too early. Several people made an appointment to change the day and continue, and they dispersed.

When Wan Xian left, she was stopped by Wan Yan.


"what happened?"

Seeing Wan Xian looking back at herself, Mei Yu was filled with a confident smile, Wan Su suddenly felt that her elder sister was doing well.

In this way, some of the things she held down could be relaxed.

After all, she was still apologetic to Wanxian. She didn't understand it at the beginning. After she realized her feelings, she realized that her elder sister really liked Fu Yi at that time.

But at the time, she felt that her elder sister was hypocritical, and even intentionally asked her cousin to wake her up. When she came to her, every time she recalled what happened at the time, she felt a sense of humiliation, feeling that she was really naive and ignorant.

He even thought that if he didn't have his own mess, would the elder sister not go to marry and marry Fu Ye?

Over time, this almost became her heart disease.

In fact Wanwan also knows that she thinks this way, a little bit horny, but today she saw her sister well and she was really relieved.

"Sister, sorry, back then ..."

With Wanxian's intelligence, why didn't she know why Wumei's eyes were so complicated? It is obvious that Wan Ma's horse is Fu Ma.

"When anyone is young and ignorant, we now, when we think back, we were naive, ridiculous, and naive. Don't think about it, my elder brother and I are really good." Wan Xian took a photo Pat Wanhua's arm said.

"I can rest assured that."

Wan Xian nodded and smiled. "Go to rest. You can't be tired at this time. We'll talk together again next day."

Watching Wan Xian's leaving figure, Wan Xun had a heartfelt relaxation from the bottom of her heart, and her smile couldn't help but look up.

Wanxian walked out, and as soon as she reached the gate of the palace, she saw Wanji standing there, as if waiting for someone.

Seems to hear footsteps behind, Wan Wan turned

Come on.

auzw.com The sisters look at each other, and their eyes are intertwined.

Wan Wan smiled apologetically. "Sister, I have always owed you a sentence. I was sorry. At that time, I was young and savvy. I did a lot of wrong things. Now I think about it occasionally. I feel most sorry for you. .Although this is a bit of a make-up, after all the harm has been done, I still hope you can accept my apology. "

With that said, she converged and saluted.

Wan Xian smiled. "I don't blame you."

Wan Yan looked up at her, looking very seriously.

Wan Xian's face was a little stunned, and she also lamented, "Maybe I really hated you at that time, but then I don't blame it. After so many things happened, I really couldn't understand or understand it at the time, but then I understood, but it was different Each has its own situation and difficulties, and each has its own stand. You apologize to me, why not me? If it weren't for my mother-in-law's shot, you wouldn't have been settled like that ... "

"I don't blame the elder sister." After a moment's pause, Wan Wan said with an eye-dropping expression. "It was really resentful at the time, and I felt that everyone in the world was sorry for me, but then I thought it might be because I did something wrong.

"Every drink and peck has a god's will. When I first married Song Ming, my heart was full of grievances. Thanks to him always treating me as before, he was able to give me the opportunity to make corrections, and I am living well with him now." Said In the end, she looked at Wan Xian with a smile on her face, and when she saw it, she knew that it was from her heart.

"That's good. You see, this isn't very good, it's also a misnomer."


Talking, the two laughed at each other, and the grievances of the past faded away with the smile over time.

Because of Zong Pu's wedding, brothers and sisters who have not seen each other for a long time are reunited again.

Zong Pu, the bridegroom official Chunfeng, is proud of himself, but at the same time, he was one year old without a big marriage, but he became the focus of everyone.

Not only Wanwan was anxious, the queen mother was anxious, but Zongxi and Pan'er were also anxious.

Ke Zongduo, as he gets older, he has seen more and more markets, and people are more and more opinionated.

Others told him that he smiled lightly and couldn't worry more.

When meeting elders like the Queen Mother, he only said that the woman he hadn't found yet. After returning to Beijing this time, not only Zong Ye talked to him, but the Queen Mother also talked to him.

After all, he is still in a state of indifference. If the acute person sees him like this, he will really be mad.

Wan Ye is an acute child. From the side of Zong Duo, she has launched all her sisters to make an idea. How can I take advantage of this opportunity to manage Zong Duo's marriage.

What can I do?

The palace has been out of draft for many years.

Drafts also have the benefits of drafts. Not only the life and family of the other party, but also the appearance and test of their virtues. Earlier in the wedding of the princes, they were selected this way.

Now that the draft has been abandoned, there is no doubt that it can only find another way.

Wan Wan, Wan Wan, Wan Wan have been entrusted with heavy tasks. They have been in Beijing all year round. They should know all the ladies in Beijing and can pick out a few good characters for her reference.

The following actions of these children were naturally taken into account by Pan'er and Zong Ye, and the two just smiled and let them do whatever they wanted.

Perhaps Zongduo had been conquered, and now the chief difficulty of Zongduo has become a headache for both of them.

In the spare time to raise a baby, Pan Er also asked Zong Ye that dream was still alive.

What can Zong Ye say?

Could it be that the self in the dream is now repeating the same mistakes that he once had and fell in love with Paner?

It must not have been so obvious, but Zong Zheng had a little bit of the original energy. At this time, he had a kind of old father's mentality, both a little gloat, but also a little sigh and comfort.


"Your Highness, why are you here?"

"Don't you want to come alone?" The prince saw her in a hurry. She was so thin, but she had a big belly, and wanted to salute him and grab her.

"No, I didn't want to go down, that is, just ..." Pan Erna said, the little hand in the crown prince's hand moved uneasily.

"What's that?" Said the Prince, and the Prince walked inside and sat down on the cymbals.

Pan'er followed him step by step, "Your Highness didn't come yesterday."

Fu Lu, who was just standing on the side, almost fell out.

Is this Su Fengyi stupid or stupid, who in the backyard of the East Palace is not looking forward to the arrival of the prince, she is better, and she chose the prince who came yesterday.

Fu Lu quietly squinted at the master's face, and Jo Mo saw some embarrassing look on it, and hurriedly lowered his head only when he didn't see it.

The prince is indeed a little embarrassed, but how could his embarrassment be seen, and then covered by the movement of drinking tea, he switched off the topic and said, "Why does it look like you are getting thinner and thinner?"

I don't know how to say that I am thin again, but honestly, I touched my waist and arm.

"She's not thin, she seems to be eating fat." To prove that, she squeezed her arms, and the clothes that she pinched were meat.

In fact, Pan'er knew she was thin. She had been thin since she was a child. According to her mother, she was fat when she was a kid, chubby, very cute, but after growing up to remember, she was not fat.

Later, I went to the house where the lean horse was raised, and kept eating thin every day, naturally continued to lose weight. Over time, eating less became her habit.

In fact, she also knows that pregnant women should eat more, but Tai Yi just came to the clinic a while ago and said she was pregnant with twins. Although Pan'er had never had a child, the woman who had seen her neighbors lived, and she remembered that when she was a child, the yellow dog breeder, who was next door, called it miserable.

She had been born for two days and two nights, and the screams continued for two days and two nights. The two walls were next to each other, and even shared a wall, so that she had some shadows about having a child when she was very young.

Afterwards, I remember listening to my mother said that Huang Ye would eat so much when he was in the body.

Because of this topic, a lot of old women and daughters-in-law started to discuss the birth babies, so that Paner heard a lot of ears next to her, so she knew that if she wanted to produce smoothly, she could n’t eat too much. .

So much so that she lost weight now. New URL ::, URL ,,, skb6wswl

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