Ying Chong

Chapter 30: 30th


He must be revenge on her!

Pan'er was very angry, but thought of the soup he had given him before, and he was a little irritated. Since he didn't say anything, just let her practice the word, then practice it. Maybe he was so happy that he forgot what she was doing, or did she succeed?

Don't look at Paner when he was sending soup. Paner was very firm, but he was more or less afraid of his shame and anger. Now he handles it lightly and Paner is willing to descend the donkey along the slope.

It's not too early to write a few big characters.

After seeing it, the prince said nothing, although he said something. Today Paner was surprisingly honest and attentive. When the Prince was washing, she was busy and busy, so she had no choice but to do it herself.

The two changed their pajamas and went to the couch.

Pan Er'an lay quietly, very well-behaved.

The Prince was amused by her and sat up and looked at her: "Why is it so honest today?"

She blinked and said shamefully, "Holding myself is my duty."

"Duty?" The prince murmured and pulled her over.

Pan'er's pajamas are newly made. The upper body is a waistband and the lower body is a thin silk wide-leg pants. It's cool to wear cool like this. The waist of the trousers was low and hung on the pimple, exposing a small waist, lined with small **** and a small buttock.

The prince slapped his hand in the ass, "What do you mean by the soup you gave me today?"

I'm coming.

Pan'er was not a way to deal with it. He blinked innocently and said, "What happened to the soup? It is said that this soup is the most tonic, especially for men."

"Good for men?" The prince whispered, laughed angrily, and hit again.

Pan'er covered his hips and looked aggrieved.

He rubbed his hand over his head, and said with a low dumb voice, "You are not saying that I haven't come to your yard in the past few days. I am a loss, but also Cistanche, and sheep waist. What do you want to do?"

Well, Pan'er means that.

But she didn't dare to say that, she just kept her head down and didn't talk.

The prince reluctantly dragged her to the front and said softly, "Don't you say you don't want to be in public?"

Yeah, when she said so, she thought so, but she didn't want to think so, so she was presumptuous. She had never been so presumptuous in her previous life. She also wanted to be extravagant when she saw him being different.

"I won't dare."

The prince had no idea of ​​confessing a teacher. At this time, when she saw her delicate and timid, and wanted such a little girl, she was not very old, but she did not have the wanton and recklessness that she should have. .

"You didn't blame you for being alone," the prince sighed with this sentence. "Just, don't do it in the future. How many eyes are up and down in the East Palace, if you are known to say it, how will you have a face Go out, don't do it later, if you want to be alone "

He paused and said, "Just let people go to Yuqing Palace to preach, and lonely will come to see you."


Suddenly she became energetic and asked around his neck.

"Don't I lie to you?"

Pan'er was very happy, knowing what the prince said, what she meant, she couldn't help but laugh when she was happy. Ajiao clung to his cheek, spreading Jiao: "What if I think about you every day?"

This words really stumped the prince.

Pan'er didn't say anything when he saw him, and he knew how to accept it when he saw it well.

"Actually, I don't want my grandfather to come to stay with me every night, but I also think about grandfather occasionally during the day. Well, okay, then I don't think about it every day, can I think about it every other day?"

Such a small Jiaojiao, tender and charming, said to think of herself, but also afraid of embarrassing herself. She said that she wouldn't think about it every day, but once every two days. The Prince's heart was agitated, a little bit sour, and a little bit happy. All in all, it was so complicated that he couldn't be more complicated. His heart was reduced to a phrase, ‘you are so fine.’

In order to fulfill this grind, Paner really acted as a true grind.

As far as she is concerned, although the Prince has made great progress, he is still not an opponent. They tossed into the middle of the night before they rested.

Fu Lu was so tired that it seemed that the cistanche stewed mutton was indeed a great supplement, which made His Royal Highness great.

If the prince knew that this old product dared to think so, he would probably kick him to Shichahai.

One that was not intended to come, here it is.

A word that I didn't want to say.

It seemed that there was something different. When I got up the next morning, Pan'er was particularly sticky. The specific manifestation is that the Prince's belt was hooked, and he was reluctant to lose it for a long time. The eyes of Shui Lingling looked at him, and he stopped talking.

The prince did not hold back and said that he would stay for breakfast, Paner smiled suddenly, and went in and out to arrange people to prepare breakfast.

After a meal, it's not too early. Even if the prince doesn't leave, Pan'er has to go to Jidetang to greet him.

"Well, I'll come and eat with you at noon." Rubbed her hands, the Prince said.

auzw.com With this promise, Paner finally stopped talking about it. After sending the prince away, he was busy dressing up to Ji Detang.

When she arrived, there were people standing outside the door, including He Liangyuan, and Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui. Xu Liangyuan was absent, but Xu Liangyuan's personal palace girl Jin Ping stood outside. Later Paner learned that the princess vomited badly early in the morning, and Xu Liangyuan went in to wait for the princess to get up in the morning.

The court eunuchs went in and out, and no one greeted them. Several people could only continue to stand.

During this period, Fuqiu Fuxia came out and went in again, holding a basin of hot water in her hand, the princess seemed to be very happy.

Paner figured it out in her heart, the princess's pregnancy should be almost four months, how can there still be a response at this time, Paner had two children in the previous life, know that general pregnancy sickness will last for three months So much better.

However, the princess is not normal at all, and she may have had a morning sickness at three months. Maybe it was delayed?

This station was almost an hour ago, during which He Liangyuan seemed a little irritable. From time to time, she looked in, and looked at Paner, Liu and Ma. Most of Paner seemed to condemn why she could stand.

Pan'er smiled bitterly in her heart, no matter whether the princess was true or false, or whether she wanted to hang her on purpose, this was not the reason she could leave her face.

She doesn't have that capital either, she's just a little Fengyi.

At this time, Fu Qiu accompanied Xu Liangyuan out.

Xu Liangyuan's face was a little pale, and she seemed too tired. He Liangyuan gave her a stunned glance, but did not speak.

Fu Qiu said: "The princess is unhappy, so I won't leave you today." She nodded to Xu Liangyuan, and the person went in.

On the way back, Pan'er was still thinking, is the princess really upset?

Soon Xiaodezi brought the latest news, and Ji Detang invited a doctor.

It seems really bad.

There was a downturn in Ji Detang.

In fact, the princess's seriousness was not morning sickness, but she became popular a few days ago. On that day, the Prince turned to Pan's small courtyard. At that time, the Princess didn't say anything, but she became popular in the middle of the night.

Chen Ye said he was going to ask for a doctor, and the concubine stopped him.

I just stayed there all night and stopped seeing the red next day. The princess didn't feel the pain, so I asked the doctor to stop it.

Think about it too, how could the princess's pride, how could she expose her weakness in the eyes. What happened? The forefoot prince and the prince had a contradiction, and the queen princess rushed to find a doctor. I am afraid that the prince would not believe it, but felt that the prince had deliberately done it.

Chen Ye was distressed and anxious to eat Pan's flesh and blood, so in Paner's opinion, the princess always hangs them to sit on the bench.

However, the weather was already very hot, and the princess had a bad appetite and had nausea, so instead of raising the baby, the concubine was getting worse and worse. During the period, I saw two reds on and off, and tossed one night last night. This was really untenable, so I called the Taiyi.

However, Pan Er didn't know all about it. She just listened to Xiaodezi saying that Jidetang seemed to have smoked Ai, and she was shocked.

No such thing happened in the previous life. The concubine's baby was safe and stable until she was in labor. Did she live again, and things really changed.

Because of this, the prince had promised that he would come over for a meal, but Paner didn't think much. The princess is all like this, how could the prince be so dedicated to staying with his sister-in-law not to accompany his wife.

Paner thought to himself that after this incident, the contradiction between the prince and the prince may not be able to make trouble, no matter what, the prince is the prince's wife.

In Jidetang, the princess lay pale on the couch.

The room is full of strong wormwood leaves, which is not good, and it can even be said to be smoky.

The prince sat at the couch and looked at her deeply.

How could this be a couple? The prince thought about it, but couldn't figure out the answer.

The princess at this moment was undoubtedly fragile. She removed her usual mask, but she was actually a pale woman.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know where I have done wrong. If I did wrong, would you tell me, okay? It's not like that," said the Crown Prince a little bit excitedly.

The prince held her, and patted her arm. "Don't think about it, take care of yourself."


"You also heard what Taiyi said. If you go on like this, this baby will probably not be able to keep it. You can't manage the backyard affairs now, so let Chen take care of it. I will come to see you when empty. "

It seemed that the last sentence appeased the princess, and she finally calmed down and lay back again. She also seemed extremely tired, and her eyes closed gradually, and she fell asleep.

Chen Yan wiped her tears beside him, and the prince sat there frowning, sat for a while, stood up and left.

In the first courtyard of the West, Hu Liangyu, who was standing tall, was serving a pot of gardenia.

The leaves were green and densely packed in one place, during which they were dotted with several flower buds. Although they were just budding, they had a fragrant fragrance.

Hu Liangzheng held a pair of sharp scissors, and scratched the extra green leaves. After listening to the following report, she snorted and red lips slightly ticked: "It's really cheap for her."

"No, let the slaves say that the princess is not afraid to pretend. This is because you can't find the steps to step down. You find yourself under the steps and show your weakness to the Prince." Concubine is ashamed.

Hu Liangzhang just smiled, his eyes were faint, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, this pot of flowers was trimmed. Hu Liangzhang moved his feet and looked around. Seeing that the branches were symmetrical, the gardenia flowers that had not been in the Daya Hall were trimmed by her elegant taste, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, no matter if she is dressed or really bad, Ai has been smoked, obviously not bad. In this case, it is not a chance," burning Khutan's delicate fingers, picking a flower bud, Rest on the tip of the nose and sniff. Hu Liangxuan turned his eyes and smiled, "Go and ask Liu Chenghui, and said that she sent the clothes to the San Jun host last time. The San Jun host liked it very much. I asked her to help her do both."

"Yes." Net

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