Ying Chong

Chapter 60: 60th


When the Prince said that he was a little vinegar bag, Paner heard it but didn't hear it. Fastest update

Vinegar at the right time. The key is that he also eats this set, which is not very good.

"Brother, what do you want the Jiang family to do? Want to give you your daughter?"

The prince was holding her top hair, didn't you ask it knowingly?

"I didn't ask it knowingly. I just think that Jiang Cheng is very smart. Why are smart people doing such clichés?"

Now Paner clearly sees that the Prince ’s attitude towards the Jiang family is gradually easing. If the Prince was dazzled by the wealth of the Jiang family, he still got a heart. Of course, this is the adjective of Paner. In fact, the Prince is just in front of her. There were some signs between the talks, and the people were extremely calm, and there was a kind of soldiers to cover the water and soil.

Then the prince's attitude has been extremely relaxed now. Anyway, the words he recently praised the Jiang family are more and more, and the kind of babbles from time to time rarely appears again.

The Jiang family can do this, which shows that the palm family is extremely intelligent and knows the balance between revealing the richness and revealing the essence. In other words, even if he is rich, he will make you treat it as usual, and even do other things, so that you feel his usefulness is greater than his wealth.

Paner believes that even if Emperor Cheng's southern tour came to the Jiang family, he must have gone through such a journey.

You who are a salt merchant are richer than the master of my world. Do you want to blame yourself? But since he can sit in the position of Emperor Cheng An and even the Prince, his eyes must not be limited to the small silver.

Just ask, the world is yours, as if you have a big loaf, do you still care about the little sesame on the loaf? Even if this little sesame is a little bit piercing, but if this little sesame is of great use, then it is another matter.

Pan'er thought that the Jianping Emperor of the previous life did not really reach out to move the Jiang family. He even rumored that the Jiang family's backing was the Jianping Emperor. He neither denied nor acknowledged this, but the reward to the Jiang family did not. Less, the position of the general merchant of the Jiang family has also been sitting. It was not until the general reform of the Lianghuai Salt Policy that the general trend of the Jiang family gradually declined.

In the past life, because of the late struggle to win the favor, Pan'er still had some understanding of the outside world. Da Zhou seemed to have flowers and brocades, but in the heyday, it seemed to be a missing sieve.

Fighting in the north requires military troops. From time to time, there are small countries in the southwest who want to invade. There are also pirates at sea. The Yellow River is flooding every year. It is either dry in the east or flooded in the west. Cheng Andi's extravagance and sexuality can be seen from this southern tour. If he hadn't become extravagant, would anyone below dare to do that?

The Jianping Emperor he left was not a wealthy country, but a broken ship that needed to make up for leaks everywhere.

So these salt merchants are still useful, so the Jiang family is still useful, so the two Huai Rivers are in chaos, so the Emperor Jianping did not take any action until he was in his old age?

Paner felt that he had learned the truth.

Here, the Prince's remarks about Pan'er are a little bit ridiculous.

"Old-school? Old-school is useful."

Pan's words made Paner alert immediately.

On the one hand, the Prince's thoughts on the Jiang family, on the other hand, came from his own source.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Her Royal Highness was thinking about that Jiang Qiong?" Her attitude was a little bit lamenting, and the posture seemed to be saying that if you dare to say yes, she dared to jump off the bed. But at the same time, he was lamenting that he had lost his mind for the Su family, and because he was pregnant, he had forgotten about Pei Yongchang.

"What do you think of Gu Gu?" The prince smiled and spanked her with a smile, and was afraid that she would break and rub.

She hurried to climb up the pole: "That means that Her Royal Highness will not accept Jiang Qiong?"

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The prince darted her: "I also said that I was not a little vinegar bag, and today I was turning around to give Guo a set, did I just want Guo to take advantage of your mind?"

"I don't have any thoughts?" She said cautiously.

"Once you're done, you can raise your baby with peace of mind. Gu Gu will not accept the daughter of the Jiang family. With the caution of Jiang Cheng, he will not rush to send the daughter up. This must be someone smart below." The Prince's eyes were dull.

Paner thought and thought, still feel that she should confess now. If she does n’t confess now, I do n’t know if Pei Yongchang has seen the prince ... She once again spurned herself in her heart to relax her vigilance. It must be the prince's attitude. She is not as thorough as before.

This has been a sign in previous lives. I thought she was a more vigilant and careful person at first. Later, she was more and more stupid by the Emperor Jianping. He had to stare at everything.

In this sentence, Emperor Jianping did not know how to tell her a few times. In fact, she did it intentionally. For an omnipotent emperor, since she is as clever as Princess Fei and does not please him, then she would be stupid.

It's better to be stupid and stupid, he will stare at you uneasily, it will become a habit to stare and stare at you. It was just that she escaped a little bit unexpectedly, but then she got used to it.

So Paner felt that it was the Prince's fault. It was all these signs of the previous life that came out again, and she became less vigilant. Now she has to think about the dead sheep to make up.

"Actually, there is one more thing I have forgotten to say." She sat up again and said cautiously.

The prince saw two words from her face-guilty conscience.

As soon as he turned his head, he almost knew what was going on, but he asked, "What is it?"

"That's right, the person who bought the body and sent it to the Chen family seemed to be a salt merchant. I didn't dare ask at that time. After I arrived at the Chen family, I heard a few words from the Chen family's servants. Pei, all call him Master Pei, saying that he is the son-in-law of the second wife. I ... the body ... I wanted to say it long ago, but I feel that this is a relative of the concubine's family. It's not self-confidence, but now ... "

"But now I feel like I'm being favored. It's not the same as before. The Jiang family tried to send people up but it wasn't available. I just remembered it. I was afraid that the Pei family would move articles on it, so ..."

"Brother, you are so smart, much smarter than me."

Suddenly she jumped up, scared the prince, and glared at her, reminding her not to notice her belly.

auzw.com She gave an awkward smile and shook his arm again to be cute.

The hair buns would have to be removed at night when sleeping. Pan Er was slender. When she opened the hair sheaved her hair and looked even smaller.

How can she make people angry? Besides, there is a child in her belly. And the Prince knew this. The reason why she didn't mention it was just waiting for her to mention it.

During this period, naturally, there will be a little suspicion whether she didn't mention it intentionally, or really forgot, or will find a suitable opportunity to raise the Pei family in front of him. @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

It turned out that the little girl didn't let him down.

Probably because the women around Prince Edward are more or less related to Chaotang. Prince Edward doesn't like her own women too smart, but too stupid.

Anyway, there is a degree. You must not be too stupid to be annoyed by the prince, but not too clever. Those who are too smart are usually too opinionated, and their hands are extended, and they like to be smart.

Therefore, the prince looked at the gentle, in fact, is not such a good waiter, this is probably the nature of the family man.

And Pan'er had a good grasp of this degree, and studied it carefully. The prince also knew that she was not so innocent and naive. From the previous, she would tell him some folk things from the side, and this time she turned jealous If you don't want him to accept the daughter of the Jiang family, you can know that she is actually quite smart.

But this degree made Prince Edward comfortable, not only showing his careful thinking, letting him know what you are thinking, but also making him feel that everything is still under control. At this time, the crown prince who is in a high position in the overall situation will feel that even if he is a little careful, it is not unacceptable.

To put it bluntly, it is to agree with one's mind. Naturally, if you agree with one's mind, you will feel that everything is good and that there are explanations. If she were to become a princess, I'm afraid she just thought about it when she just opened her head.

"The Pei family hasn't jumped up or down recently, but the Jiang family has taken strict precautions." The prince had only a few words, which was skipped in this regard.

Safety clearance.

Pan'er was relieved again, and she rested in the arms of the prince as if she had no bones.

The prince rubbed her waist, it was really a little Jiaojiao who didn't even want to make a full set. Cowardly, coquettish, sometimes you feel that she deliberately does this, but in a flash she will break down the channel herself, making people laugh and cry.

"Does His Highness plan to see Pei's family?"

Alas, he is no longer called Auntie. The Prince whispered secretly.

"What do you ask this for?"

She said calmly: "I'm ready in advance, think about how to face Master Pei, whether to be cautious or to rely on my own grandfather's favor, to show off his strength, and not give him any face. "

The Prince's chest trembled.

Still a pistachio. I don't know what she was thinking all day long.

But the Prince was willing to give her an idea.

"You are an lonely person, naturally you don't have to be careful with a salt merchant, why are you not so polite to the Jiang family?"

Paner is stuffed.

"When he was entering the palace, he stuffed me with thousands of silver coins on his back and said that I would use it for RBI."

The Prince was laughed at by her like that and her words. There was a noise outside, but no one came in.

"You're really boring." The prince smiled and nodded her brows with her fingers.

"Isn't this short of mouth and soft hands," she said embarrassed. She was very conscientious. She wouldn't just take silver and do nothing, she would step on others.

"You can take the silver, you can bear it," said the prince, with an unintentional frown between his eyebrows. The prince belonging to the crown prince poured out a little, "but you don't have to be kind to him, you are good to Jiang What kind of family is like him, people like him, they know what to do and what not to do. "

Paner snorted.

"You have to lift the shelf yourself, you are not the same as before, you don't need to hit him." The Prince was a little uneasy and explained.

"It's just a small salt merchant."

"But since he sent you to Gu Gu, Gu Gu will see him tomorrow, which is a reward for him."


The Prince has always used the fire of the Royal Masters.

Don't just look at it, the Jiang family may be anxious again.

He was disgusted with the people of the Jiang family, felt that it was useful, could not move for the time being, and was not without his own mind. To put it plainly, this is the game. All the arrangements of the Jiang family, and even every time the prince went to a banquet and went to a party to meet those literati masters, and every word that the two sides said was a trick.

The Jiang family handed them up through the air. They must be humble, but not too humble. It seems that they are showing a kind hospitality to the prince, and convening a group of literati to hold an elegant assembly. It is just a way of showing off and showing their ability .

The prince was condescending. When he saw the move, he could not be soft or too hard. Even if his mind changed afterwards, he would not let Jiang's family feel so relieved.

Seeing Pei Yongchang has both the meaning of rewarding by Paner and the meaning of telling the Jiang family. You all understand what you mean, but you must not be alone.

It's also a wake-up call.

Pan Er didn't know these things, she didn't know what happened when the prince met Pei Yongchang, what happened in the middle, and how the Jiang family reacted. All I knew was that Pei Yongchang was surprisingly humble when he was led over to meet her.

"Sit down." Paner pointed to the chair below.

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