Ying Chong

Chapter 67: 67th


Aunt Qing returned soon, holding a list in her hand.

She told Paner about the situation and arranged it. Pan'er observed during this period, but did not see any clues, maybe she thought more?

But whenever mentioning Taiyi, Pan'er always sensitively thought of the origin of Aunt Qing. He was born into the Taiyi family. Because his ancestors were convicted, a man was captive and all women were sold.

It is probably because of the past life experience and the special identity of Taiyi that Paner always felt that it was related to the harem battle, because only then would the end be so terrible. You can calculate the aunt Qing's age. This seems to have happened a long time ago. It was not the Cheng'an Dynasty, but it should be the Jianwu Dynasty, which was the time of the first emperor.

After thinking for a while, I could n’t think of it, and Paner did n’t think about it again. She felt that if Aunt Qing encountered something, she would definitely tell her. If she did n’t tell her, she would definitely think it was unnecessary.

If we say that the person who will not harm himself in this world is probably Aunt Qing, the destiny of the two is actually a bit similar, which is a feeling of sympathy for the same disease.

The clothes to be worn after the child was born are already ready on the southern tour. Because of past experience, Paner prepared all the clothes for boys and girls, and she said that she was well prepared. In fact, she still felt that It must be the same as the previous life.

However, the diaper was not prepared. On the proposal of a midwife named Yang, Pan'er began to bring people to prepare the diaper. Taking advantage of the good weather, the vacant lot in the backyard of the courtyard was covered with diapers.

The diaper cannot be cut and used on a new cloth. It must be softened and rubbed with hot water several times before being exposed to the sun.

Before the matter was over, another Wen Po, named Pan, told Typha that it was time to prepare scissors, copper pots, shochu and the like. Especially shochu, the purer the better, prepare more, preferably the strongest type of shochu.

It seems that these two things are very common, but Pan Er feels that the battle between Wen Po and the midwife has begun.

On the one hand, they are from the palace. They are self-professional and the waiters are all nobles. On the other hand, they are from the folks, and they can mix up great names in Yangzhou and other places. Obviously, it is not bad.

Aunt Qing was a little worried, and felt that doing things alone was not a good thing. It should be noted that when it comes to production, a very small thing is enough to cause irreparable losses. If production is not smooth and some means of assisting production must be used, these people disagree. Whom do they listen to?

Always choose a leader so that you can be consistent.

Pan'er understands this truth, but who should he choose? She didn't really understand how to deliver a baby, so she had to look at it first, and then look at it before making a decision.

It will soon arrive on August 15th. This is one of the most important solar terms of the year. Naturally, it cannot be regarded as leisure, and this time is also the most lively time in the palace.

Especially this year, it is said that there are still several small states of the Fan State coming to pay tribute. At that time, the envoys of various countries will attend the banquet, so this year ’s Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is not held for one day, but for three days.

From August 14th to August 16th, these three days are also the time when the moon is most round,

This moon-viewing feast has nothing to do with Pan'er, and her condition is not suitable to participate in this kind of palace feast. However, the princess, Hu Liangzhang, and Xu Liangyuan all went, and the others stayed in their own yards.

The princess was already busy ahead of time. The banquet was handled by Queen Fu. As a daughter-in-law and a princess, she couldn't ignore everything and needed to follow.

At the beginning, the Prince visited the backyard. The matter in the backyard of the East Palace was managed by Gao Yong. After the Prince-in-law gave birth to the eldest son, after the eldest son became less susceptible to illness after a hundred days, the princess took over the back-yard affairs. I started to raise again. The prince returned this time and did not ask Gao Ling to come back. The backyard has always been under the control of the concubine.

Recently, the princess had little time to take care of the backyard, and was managed by Chen Yi. During the palace banquet, many people went in and out of the palace, and the princess raised the issue of strengthening the care of the portal. These are old things, every time. This is the case because Paner did not go to Jidetang recently, but then There was someone from Detang who said it.

The recent changes in the Crown Prince have been a little big. Although Pan'er hasn't met her a few times, she can still feel it. She thinks this change is good, no matter what, she sincerely doesn't want to confront the prince, especially at this moment.

The excitement in the palace did not affect the small courtyard, except for the little virtues who went out to come back and said that it was so convenient to go in and out now.

However, this is a problem of the little virtue. No one usually looks at it. The boy scrambles around the front and back, but this is also the reason why he can inquire a lot of news, so Paner opened his eyes and closed his eyes. . Now that someone cares about the portal, let's be honest.

Paner felt back pain when she went to bed last night.

It was the inexplicable falling pain, and the belly also hurt. Aunt Qing rubbed her with cream and it did not relieve her. Pan'er still has some experience. He didn't find a doctor, but called the midwife.

After a stable woman and a midwife touched the fetus, she came to a conclusion that it was the fetus in the pot. Once the fetus enters the basin, the stomach will sink and it is normal to feel the pain. When it is completely in the pot, it will be born in almost half a month.

Pan'er was very happy to learn this news, and finally came to an end.

But when she waited the next night, she couldn't laugh, because she suddenly started.

Without warning, she was having dinner at the time, and suddenly felt under the heat, a heat flow came out. In the second trimester of pregnancy, she will often go to the net to get up at night. These pan's are all aware, but she never expected that she would ... incontinence?

She was still a little bit annoyed at the time and asked Aunt Qing to go in and change clothes, but soon realized that it was not incontinence.

The whole courtyard suddenly moved, and Aunt Qing quickly changed Paner's clothes, and also called the cattails to help others, and said that Paner was going to the delivery room.

Pan'er claimed that she had experience and knew that even if it was started, she would have to wait a long time to give birth, and she had not finished her dinner. She knew that she couldn't panic at this time. To save her strength, she had to eat more. After the meeting was strong enough to have children, she had to end up having dinner.

After eating, I went to the delivery room, where several midwives were waiting.

The midwife with the surname Yang squeezed Pan Wenpo away, reached out and explored in Paner's skirt, and said, "My master of Fengyi has broken water, and you still have a spiritual meal. Quickly, let Su Fengyi help Lie down on the bed. "

When I heard this, I was a little panicked, Paner was quite calm, and said, "Don't you say that you have to wait for a long time after you start it? Instead of waiting to get something for me to replenish my strength, it is better to be full Reborn. "

Yang Ye was a little annoyed: "Who told Feng Yi this? This is nonsense. Seeing red is not the same as breaking the water. If you see red, you will be dragged for a long time without breaking the water, but the person who breaks the water first must lie down. , Lest the palace mouth run dry without opening the whole amniotic fluid, then there is no amniotic fluid lubrication, how can the child be born? "

It can be seen that Yang Ye thought that Pan Wenpo had wrong thoughts inculcated by Pan Er. She naturally felt guilty and could not say that she was holding an example of her previous life, but she did not expect to understand.

"Then I'm fine now?" Because the atmosphere was too tense, Pan Er could not help but be a little nervous.

auzw.com "It's okay at present, Feng Yi saves her strength first, don't cry if it hurts, tell the slaves when you hurt, and the slaves help you remember the time of pain."

After such an outing, it goes without saying that Yang Yan became the leader. Aunt Qing and Cattail and others also valued her very much and asked her about various preparations and other matters.

After a while, Pan'er felt a little pain, and a few cold moments made her frown.

Yang Ye watched her all the time and asked her if it hurt. How long did it hurt, Pan Er informed it truthfully. Yang Ye said it was too early to look at it like this, so that everyone should not panic. It ’s time to prepare. . He also told Paner that if he still wanted to eat something, he could eat more. Finally, he reminded that the Taiyi and oxytocin should be prepared in advance.

There is no need for Yang Yan to order this. Aunt Qing has ordered someone to ask for a doctor.

It was getting dark outside, but the courtyard was full of lights.

Because the prince was not present, Pan'er launched the incident and did not report it to Jidetang. It wasn't until the **** of the small courtyard went out to call for eunuchs that Chen Ye knew about it.

"Why did it start at this time? Isn't the month yet?"

But who can tell this clearly, and the possibility of premature birth of twins is already greater.

"Well, there's still waiting for the key over there."

After dark, the two palace doors leading from the front yard to the back yard were locked. Only Ji Detang had the key on this side of the back yard, and the old guard at the gate also asked for the key.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yi was a little unhappy.

She has seen a lot of people in the backyard go to hold Su Fengyi's stinky feet for a while, and she took a long breath. Therefore, this person is also strange. When the princess was unable to hold her back, Chen Kun advised her to hold her back, and when the princess could hold her back, Chen Min felt wronged for her again.

Isn't she wronged? She has to manage everything in the backyard. No one is grateful if she manages it. It is all the fault of the princess.

"Why did you come here in person, wasn't Su Fengyi's person coming to ask for the key?" Chen glanced at the old uncle.

"Isn't this a slave? It's familiar." The old lady bowed her head and laughed. She could say that she did it in order to show her goodness?

"Okay, you wait, I'll get the keys." Chen Huan didn't plan to be embarrassed, knowing that it was unusual to have children.

She went out, and as soon as she walked out, she met a maid in a hurry to come over here.

When she saw her, she hurriedly said, "Well, the eldest son vomited milk, and it was a little scary. The grandmother asked the slave to invite you to come over."

Chen Ye didn't forget to get the key, but at the moment she subconsciously left it behind. The eldest son is the only one that the crown prince currently relies on, and naturally the eldest son is important.

When they were gone, the four grandmothers stood in a house, all of them were a little helpless. One of them was holding the granddaughter, crying in fright, and the grandfather was crying out of breath.

Chen Yi walked over and saw that there were a lot of sticky milk sticks on the nurse's body, and all the stars on the face of the granddaughter, even in the nose.

"You're all dead? You don't know to clean up the eldest son?"

"Well, slavery ..."

It was also a sudden incident. The eldest son was lying down well. Who knew that suddenly he would milk from the corner of his mouth. It is normal for a baby to spit out milk after feeding. Generally, it is good to hold it up and pat it.

Who knows if it's okay, the grandson will squirt milk out in a spray, and even flow out along his nose. Where a few grandmothers have seen such a situation, this is not just panic so that people hurried to invite Chen Yi.

"Hurry up and ask for a doctor, and get a hot stamp to wipe the eldest son ..."

Because of this matter, Chen Yan also couldn't care less about it, so he went to get the key and asked people to ask for a doctor.

On the side of the courtyard, Yang Ye thought Pan'er would have to wait a few hours before she could have a baby. Who knew that her attack would be sudden and the attack would be fast.

Earlier, Yang Min remembered that Su Fengyi's pain was once a fragrant time, but the next time it turned into a quarter of an hour, and the third time was not even a quarter of an hour. And the pain is getting longer and longer, starting with a few clicks, and then frequent pain, and the interval time is getting shorter and shorter.

This is anxious.

Yang Yan quickly asked people to hold up the sheets for covering, leaned over to look at the palace entrance, and only opened with two fingers.

After so much toss, she was sweating too much. After looking at it, she turned her head and asked, "Are the doctors here? Did the oxytocin cure it?"

As he said, Xiaodezi ran in from the outside.

Aunt Qing grabbed him and asked, "Are the doctors here?"

Xiaodezi came here to report the incident. He cried with a cry on his face: "If you are invited, you are invited, but people are stopped by Jidetang."


Paner on the bed had long been white and hurt. After hearing this, she said, "Don't worry, tell me, what's going on?"

"The minion went to ask for a doctor. Who knew the door had been keyed, and the old guard at the door told her to get the key. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the key was picked up, and Fu Dong was next to him, and the minion might be Ji Detang. I was afraid that for the sake of perfection, I chose someone to follow, so I didn't think much ...

"... There are banquets in the palace today, and there are quite a lot of doctors on duty, but they are called to serve at the banquet, and there is only one doctor left to be invited by the slaves. The slaves still have good luck in their hearts. Who knows? When he got back, Fu Dong took the Taiyi to Jidetang, saying that he was sick, and he urgently needed a Taiyi doctor to see him.

The author has something to say: It is normal for infants to spit milk, and spitting milk is also normal. Just pay attention not to block the nose and mouth, and the backflow of milk to block the trachea. Because the baby is born, the stomach and intestines are generally not well developed, and this situation is rare after half a year old. The prince is weak and premature, so the slow development is normal.

Yes, O∩_∩0, in order to complete the author, everything is normal anyway.

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