The waste station is very large.

Unlike the small collection stations that pile up waste in a mess, this collection station has a color steel shed.

It is also divided into plastic area, metal area, and waste paper area for management.

The plastic area is right after the door.

The boss is a middle-aged couple, and they are standing in the plastic area to count the waste.

Hearing the noise, the two turned their heads and noticed Su An.

Seeing that the tricycle he was riding was full of waste, the boss immediately came forward to greet him enthusiastically.

"Little brother, are you here to sell scrap?"

"You've finally come to the right place. My prices are the fairest, and I never cheat on the scale! Let me see what scraps are in your car... They're all waste paper and wine bottles. Go over there, there's a lot of waste paper and bottles there."

He pointed to the area where waste paper was piled up, and turned to call his wife.

"Go, pour a glass of water for the little brother. You must be thirsty after running all the way here."

The boss's wife rolled her eyes at the boss, her dark face almost curled up to the sky: "It's not hot, why are you thirsty? The scraps haven't been weighed yet, weigh them first!"

What a fucking stingy guy.

He doesn't even want to give me saliva.

Just like this, it's a large waste collection station!

Determined not to come here next time, Su An parked the tricycle in the waste paper area.

He got off the car and opened the compartment.

Seeing that the boss and his wife looked at him with their hands in their pockets and had no intention of helping, he skillfully moved the things out of the car and put them on the scale on the ground.


Calculating the price.

The boss took the calculator and pressed it.

After pressing it, he handed the calculator to Su An: "Look, the total is 189.3 yuan."

Su An remembered the weight, quickly calculated it in his mind, frowned and said: "This price is wrong. According to the weight and the current market price, the price of this pile of waste should be 197.3 yuan. You are 8 yuan short!"

The boss perfunctorily said: "What's wrong? You can see the weight and price on the scale yourself, they are all real! I didn't calculate the price randomly, the price on the scale is what it is! If you don't believe me, then take all the things away and sell them somewhere else! It's really funny, I am such a big waste collection station, would I calculate your eight yuan?"

Sure enough.

All collection stations are the same!

Small purchasing stations have scales, and this big purchasing station also has to have scales!

However, the attitude of the small purchasing station is much better, unlike this large purchasing station, which has a condescending attitude when weighing.

Su An was unhappy, but he didn't plan to find another scrap purchasing station.

First, he didn't make money from selling scrap.

Second, this scrap station is very remote, and he was already very tired after riding here, and he really didn't want to ride a full car of scrap to find a new scrap purchasing station.

Anyway, it's only a loss of eight yuan.

Not much.

At worst, I won't come here in the future.

Su An didn't say anything more: "Let's pay."

Hearing this, the boss immediately smiled again: "No problem, I'll transfer your prestige!"

After receiving the money, Su An began to put different scrap specifications into different areas.

He first stacked the collected waste paper shells into the paper shell stacking area.

While he was stacking waste paper, someone else came to the scrap station.

The man who came was an old man in his eighties or nineties.

He was leaning on a cane and almost rubbed the ground with his feet when he walked.

The old man had white hair, dirty cheeks, and wrinkles. It was summer, but he was wearing several ragged and dirty clothes.

His body was shaking uncontrollably, and his old hands were holding a large snakeskin bag filled with plastic bottles.

"I, I sell bottles, weigh, weigh..."

The old man said tremblingly, his hands holding the bag kept shaking, and the plastic bottles inside made a rustling sound.

The boss walked over and said impatiently: "With so few bottles, why do you still weigh them?"

"Yes, we need to weigh..."

The old man had good hearing and stuttered.

"What's there to weigh? How much are these bottles worth? I'm too lazy to move the scale!"

The boss's wife rolled her eyes and snatched the plastic bag.

There was a rustling sound.

All the bottles inside fell onto the pile of plastic bottles.

"Bottles... bottles..."

The old man was so anxious that he almost cried and stretched out his hand to stop it.

But his movements were too slow, and he only got the snakeskin bag that the proprietress threw to him.

"Take it. You can't sell these bottles for a high price. It's also because I'm kind-hearted. Otherwise, I would

I won't take your little stuff!"

The boss felt in his pocket and took out a crumpled one-yuan bill, and threw it to the old man with a generous look.

The one-yuan bill fell lightly on the ground.

The old man was anxious and tried to grab it tremblingly.

He hadn't eaten for two days.

This one yuan was enough for him to buy a steamed bun.

But he was too old and needed a cane to walk. It was too difficult for him to bend down.

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw this scene and exploded directly.

[Fuck, it's okay to mess with the scale, but also bully the elderly, these two are simply not human ! ]

[What a garbage dump. What kind of garbage do these two have? ]

Su An frowned when he saw this.

He walked over.

He walked very fast.

Suddenly, his toes hurt, as if he had hit something hard.

He looked down.

He saw a dark stone kicked aside by him.

Su An retracted his sight and was about to move forward.

Suddenly, a string of numbers floated before his eyes.

4.59 million!

His legs froze instantly.

He blinked, Su An looked at the dark stone lying on the ground one step away again.

[Item]: Golden Seal

[Details]: During the Western Han Dynasty, the goldsmith in the palace made a golden seal for Liu Li, a member of the Western Han royal family, to handle affairs...

[Value]: 4.59 million

This golden seal is not big, dark, and covered with dirt and waste. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary stone, and you wouldn't know it's a golden seal.

As for Liu Li, Su An had never heard of him, and didn't know who he was in the Western Han Dynasty. .

But it doesn't matter.

A member of the royal family, he's a big shot!

I didn't expect that this scrap collection station would have such good stuff.

Su An was excited, but his face remained calm. He walked away without looking at the black and invisible golden seal on the ground.

He quickly came to the old man and picked up the dollar.

He handed it to the old man.

"Thank you, thank you..."

The old man kept thanking him, and while speaking, he showed his gums with only a few teeth left, which made him look even more sad.

"Mind your own business."

The proprietress snorted.

"If you have that time, you might as well put away all the scraps you brought, don't pile them together. We have specially divided areas here, which is different from those small collection stations!"

Su An's fists hardened, and he thought about the golden seal, and he endured it.

"Got it, I'll put the plastic bottle over right away. "

While speaking, he piled the plastic bottles in a pile, walked to the scrap metal area next to him, and looked at the scrap metal.

Su An asked casually: "Boss lady, I plan to weld an iron frame on the tricycle, and I need some scrap metal. How much do you sell the scrap metal for?"

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