You Agreed To Believe In Science, But You Actually Flew With A Sword

Chapter 453 Meteorite Falls! ? The Three-Day Period Has Passed. Could It Be That The World Is Really

in the video,

A patient with severe hair loss and a sick face turned to the camera and said, "I am a terminally ill patient named Zhao Mai..."

"Everyone should be able to see that my life is not long, and even the hospital has announced my death date, but because of Master Luo, this brought me back to life...

"So, facing the current doubts on the Internet, I choose to believe in Master Luo's judgment..."

"My current location is in Yun County. In order to prove that Master Luo is right, I will not evacuate..."

"After all, Master Luo saved my life. Even if Master Luo really miscalculated, I am willing to pay the price for it. I have no complaints or regrets...

As soon as the video came out, it immediately caused quite a commotion.

"Brother, calm down!"

"Support is not so supportive, don't be impulsive!"

"Yeah, just in case, just in case!"

"We also know that Master Luo is exhaustive, but there is no need to risk your own life!"

Netizens tried to persuade each other to calm down,

after all,

It was so hard to come back alive, there is really no need to risk yourself!

Of course,

The other party didn't rely entirely on one's will,

But because I have seen the powerful effects of talismans.

as he said,

The official date of death has already been announced.

But because of a talisman, he was brought back to life.

A small talisman has such a great effect,

In such a case,

How can he not trust Master Luo.

And as events intensified,

Some netizens even called the police directly...


Because time is too short,

If the evacuation is not voluntary, the official is powerless.


A day has passed.

After a day,

The aftermath of the catastrophe in the manor has almost dissipated,

Luo Jie can also let Zhou Xinwei return.

Upon receiving the message from the boss,

Zhou Xinwei immediately rushed to the manor.

But outside the manor, there was clearly a large group of figures gathered.

Internet celebrities, anchors, people who eat melons...everything.


Because of what happened last night, these people did not dare to approach.

"Is Master Luo still in the manor?"?"

"It's still there. It didn't leave all day yesterday."

"The meteorite is about to hit the ground, I thought Master Luo was going to do something?"

"??? Do something? Isn't Master Luo doing enough?"

"Couldn't you want Master Luo to change the direction of the meteorite?!"


The reason they are here,

It's because the Internet has already turned upside down, and I want to see what Master Luo will do.


By now,

What else can Master Luo do!?

Zhou Xinwei didn't think about it, and hurried into the manor.

This makes the onlookers see bright,

Just trying to get closer,

Suddenly, I saw the space where the manor was located, as if distorted, and then disappeared out of thin air.

at this time,

Zhou Xinwei has also returned to the manor,

I saw that the manor had clearly suffered a certain degree of damage,


But the boss had nothing to do, standing in the yard.

"Boss, are you okay...uh!"

without waiting for her to ask,

Then I saw the boss stepping on the air with his left foot, as if he was stepping on an invisible ladder, walking into the air step by step.


see this scene,

Zhou Xinwei gasped suddenly.

Although I have already seen a lot of magical powers of the boss,

But the scene in front of her still left her dumbfounded.

"I have something to go out, so you can rest at home!"

Looking at the dark circles under the eyes of the other party, Luo Jie also knew that the other party had not slept well during this time.

talking room,

Luo Jie took another step forward,

Suddenly, a white light flashed away, and then appeared at his feet.

It is a mahogany sword.

Although I have already seen the video of [Flying Sword],

But as the truth unfolds in front of him,

It still made her dumbfounded.


At this time, Luo Jie didn't explain much,

Directly mobilize the cultivation base and urge the wooden sword.

The space suddenly shook, like a sonic shock wave,

The whole person flew directly tens of meters away, and then disappeared into space.

And at this time,

Audiences who haven't left yet,

There was only a loud roar, like a thunderstorm exploding above the head, which made the ears buzz.

When you look up,

Then I saw a shadow flashing away, disappearing into space out of thin air.

Although extremely fast,

It still left the scene stunned.

"What the hell... just now!?"

"It's broad daylight, did you encounter a ghost?"

"I think I saw Master Luo!?"

"Master Luo!? That Master Luo who told us to believe in science all day long?"

"Flying with the sword, does it mean that Master Luo can really fly with the sword!?"

"I just knelt down!"

"Wait, Master Luo is not going to really solve the matter of the falling meteorite?"

"Good guy, can he really change the direction of the meteorite?"

When there was a lot of discussion at the scene,

In a certain astronomical bureau, it was already a mess.

'. "The meteorite has passed through the atmosphere and is hitting the ground.

"Where is the landing site?"

"There is no miscalculation of the landing point. It will hit the ground in about three minutes and fifty seconds."

"how come……………"

As soon as the words came out,

The complexion of the top officials changed dramatically.

In fact,

Although the data have already been calculated,

But in this process,

It is still full of variables and cannot be determined.

That's why he looked for Master Luo to do the math.

after all,

Since this time,

They have already seen Master Luo's supernatural powers, and they have no plans to spare.

Compared with data full of variables,

They still trust Master Luo.

But now...


Did he really make a mistake?!

for a while,

It's creepy.

but he knows

Although emergency alerts are issued,

But because the time was too short, many people still did not evacuate.

Once the meteorite really falls, the damage it will cause is simply unimaginable...

(Okay) "Is there a way to intercept it?"

The researcher directly shook his head: "The speed is too fast, it is impossible to intercept it."

"Hurry up and release the information, let them dodge!"

The researcher on the side opened his mouth,

With the size of the meteorite, once it hits the ground, the surrounding residents cannot escape at all.

But until now,

There seems to be no other way but to issue a warning.

for a while,

All kinds of warning messages were posted to their mobile phones.

some who have not yet evacuated,

After seeing the message, Yi felt a chill rushing towards Tianling Gai!?

in novels, movies,

I have seen many themes of the end of the world,

But when it is really released in reality, it always feels like a dream,

It's like an April Fool's Day joke.

Although April Fool's Day has passed.

but now,

Just after receiving the official warning,

Could it be,

Is it really the end of the world!?.

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