You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 124 (Seeking follow-up reading) Beating and deceiving an elderly person? Doesn’t your consci

"Thunder Prisoner!"

From the palm of Fang Lei's hand, thunder shot out like branches of an old tree. The thunder turned into a cage and a chain.

After binding the old man's limbs and neck with chains and reinforcing them with prison cells, Fang Lei quietly watched the old man go crazy.

【(Yang Mingshou)Physical Calmness.jpg】


This old man went crazy and waited for a cup of tea before he became calm again. When he calmed down, his first sentence was still -

"Little friend, how about stopping?"

As if he had completely lost his previous memory, the old man named Mang Yuan repeated again.

But having said that, Fang Lei found that the old man seemed to have a strange sense of disobedience this time, but he couldn't explain it. It was just a strange feeling.

But Fang Lei didn't pay too much attention because he had other important things.

Seeing this old man named Mang Yuan seemed to reset his memory, but he strangely returned to normal.

Fang Lei was even so happy that he asked directly: "Old man, do you know where there is a statue?"

"What are you doing there?" The old man's expression became slightly wary, and he obviously didn't want to tell Fang Lei.

Fang Lei realized that the statue might be a very critical place, so he decided to take drastic measures.

"A child died at the statue!" Fang Lei blurted out regardless of whether his words would arouse Mang Yuan's anger and dementia.

"No! Impossible!" Mang Yuan indeed became crazy again, and he refuted Fang Lei's words like crazy.

"You lied to me! You are a spy! You want to destroy the seal!" As he said this, the old man named Mang Yuan turned into an evil ghost and rushed towards Fang Lei.

"Thunder Prisoner!" The old trick is repeated, the same thunder, the same formula, the same taste.

Behind him, Lei waited quietly for the old man to return to normal.

Sure enough, not long after, the old man returned to normal again, but in the process of returning to normal this time, Fang Lei discovered an extremely strange point that he had not noticed before -

The features on the old man's face seemed to be changing, and this result made his pupils shrink slightly.


Realizing that the old man had calmed down, Fang Lei quietly removed the prison. At this moment, the old man raised his head again and said repeatedly -

"Little friend, how about stopping?"

This time Fang Lei did not ask directly about the statue, but repeated a previous question——

"Senior, who are you?"

"Me? Haha, old Python Yu!" The old man did not hesitate and replied with a smile.

Perhaps because he had already noticed it, Fang Lei was not surprised and asked like a donkey under the slope -

"Do you know Mang Yuan?"

"Mang Yuan? I know that boy Mang Yuan, of course I know him! Have you met him?" Mang Yu didn't have the slightest doubt, but asked in surprise.

"Mang Yuan asked me to find him at a statue. Do you know where it is?" Fang Lei asked in a different way.

It’s like the scene reappears——

The moment Fang Lei finished speaking, the other party's Nang Yu also went crazy instantly, with a fierce and evil look on his face. He rushed towards Fang Lei without hesitation, and said while killing -

"No matter how careless that boy from Mang Yuan is, he will never let an outsider go to the sealed place. You little thief, don't even think about lying to me!"

"You must be a spy, how can you be so old and dim!"

"Die to me!"

"Alas -" Fang Lei sighed.

Then he followed the same pattern and used thunder again to restrain the old man.

About tea time, Fang Lei noticed that the old man became calm again and removed the prison again.


The old man just said one word: "Little..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Fang Lei took the lead and asked this time——

"Who are you!"

The old man's tongue seemed to be tied up in a knot, but fortunately the name behind it came out——

"...yo, old python Xuan!"

Fang Lei continued to ask: "Do you know Mang Yuan and Mang Yu?"

"I know, I brought up these two little brats!" The old man named Mang Xuan looked surprised and proud.

Fang Lei changed his approach again and said -

"Senior Mangxuan, seniors Mangyuan and Mangyu, said there seems to be something wrong with the statue, and asked me to call you to provide support."

Fang Lei planned to trick the old man into leading the way and follow him himself.

The method is good, but this method of obviously treating the opponent as a fool is unlikely to succeed.

When the old man named Mang Xuan heard this, he was not fooled. He took out a strange token with his backhand, shook it a few times, and then looked up at Fang Lei in confusion——

"There is no information in the token!"

Immediately, he seemed to decide that Fang Lei was an enemy, and his expression turned extremely fierce in an instant, like an evil ghost.

He also rushed towards Fang Lei like crazy, saying as he did so: "Your goal is the seal? Don't even think about destroying the seal, you little thief, you will die!"

When Fang Lei saw the old man's attack, he could only hold his forehead helplessly and sighed again: "Alas——"

"Thunder Prisoner!"

The same formula, the same chains, the same thunder prison, the old man was hung in place again, waiting for the time to go crazy to pass.

But during this period, a strange stone slab appeared in Fang Lei's hand. This was something that a dead soul dropped when he saved the soul.

He didn't care at that time and just put it away casually.

Fang Lei shook it hard, revealing the contents, which were the same as the token in the old man's hand.

Looking at the token in his hand, Fang Lei had some calculations in his mind.


The old man calmed down again, and Fang Lei withdrew the prison again.

Without wasting too much time——

"Who are you?" Fang Lei asked first.

"I am Mang Haoyi!" the old man said without hesitation.

"Why are you two characters?" Fang Lei was stunned when he heard the name. This different name made him instinctively complain, but he didn't expect the other party to answer this question, "Single characters are for sub-clan, double characters are for main family!"

But Fang Lei didn't get distracted by this information too much. He took out a token and said——

"Senior Haoyi, the three seniors Mang Yuan, Mang Yu, and Mang Xuan said that there was a problem with the statue and asked you to go to support. This is the token given to me by the three seniors, but I don't know how to use it."

"What's wrong with these three guys? Don't they even teach newcomers how to use the token?" Mang Haoyi didn't doubt it. This token couldn't be fake.

Immediately demonstrated to Fang Lei how to use it, and then said——

"You stay here to guard, I'll go and see!"

After that, Fang Lei was left with only a not-so-fat back.

But he kept saying as he walked——

"Did I forget something?"

"Why did those three guys get together? Aren't they guarding their own area?"

"Ah, Suanqiu, Suanqiu, I'm old and confused. Let's go see what's wrong with the statue first. It's a suppressing seal, so it can't have any problems!"

"By the way, I forgot to ask that kid's name just now. Suanqiu, Suanqiu, ask him when I come back."

But what he didn't realize was that Fang Lei had already disappeared from the corridor.

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Don't you have a guilty conscience? ? ? ?

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