You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 140 (Please read on) Blind girl, you beat the Emperor Jin Yuan, so you can’t beat me [Please


Three roars, the roar was melodious and hidden, passing over all the monks of the Hu family and the Xing family. Many of the Hu family and Xing family members immediately felt their bodies relax, as if some restraint had been released.


The four roars communicated with each other, and then four other equally powerful roars came from far away from the horizon.

Through the white tiger's phantom eyes, one can see four giant figures sinking in the water, hiding in the thunder, burning in the fire, and escaping in the earth.

Immediately, the four figures disappeared.


After five roars, it disappeared immediately and turned into a seal again and flew into the hands of Emperor Jin Yuan.

Emperor Jin Yuan's aura became longer and longer at this time, and his internal organs began to shine. It was obvious that his cultivation had improved a bit.

It was only then that Emperor Jin Yuan slowly came back to his senses. He walked back to the imperial study, calmed down his mood, and then shouted——

"Xuan, Cheng Kang!"


After escaping from Ai Rumeng, Cheng Kang also knew that there was no point in staying.

In addition, he had the secret order of Emperor Jin Yuan, so he did not continue to stay in Jin Yuan City. Instead, he walked out of Jin Yuan City and walked to nearby villages or even further villages.

Cheng Kang, who had been missing for a long time, appeared again. At this time, he was wearing a "red robe". Before he got close, he could smell a strong smell of blood.

He came to an extremely peaceful mountain village and looked at the people here working at sunrise and resting at sunset. His expression did not change at all.

As he walked in, all the people in the village became wary.

When a man covered in blood breaks into the village, anyone would be extremely wary.

"You are all dead too!" Cheng Kang knew the situation as soon as he looked at the villagers, and his tone was very serious.

As Cheng Kang continued to approach the ancestral hall in the center of their village, their eyes began to glow with an inhuman red light.

"No matter what, you still have to go to the ancestral hall in the village!"

Seeing Cheng Kang still walking towards the center "without consciousness"...

In the blink of an eye, the originally peaceful domestic animals and the hard-working villagers became extremely angry.

In anger, they began to lose their original appearance and turned into various speechless monsters.

They were extremely violent, growing claws, fangs, mouthparts, fur, tentacles, more heads, extra arms,...

Then, without any nonsense, they rushed straight towards Cheng Kang who didn't even pause in his footsteps.

After an unknown amount of time, Cheng Kang walked out of the village that was razed to the ground behind him.

The village behind it, including the ancestral hall in the center, was completely dug up.

"Not here!" Cheng Kang sighed.

When we came to the entrance of the former village, we set up a monument for the villagers. The inscription records——

"Ninety-nine on the Hundred Immortals List - Li Wang's Monument."

"Cheng Mou massacred all 121 people in Lijia Village here."

"All the villagers and livestock ate immortal meat and mutated and fell into cultivation. This was originally a strategy to lure the enemy, but it failed to lure the enemy. In five days of national destiny, I will slaughter them all!"

After doing all this, Cheng Kang walked out mechanically and walked into the distance, chanting once every step he took -

"There is one last village, Zhangjiacun!"

"The last village, Zhangjiacun!"

"Next to the Hundred Immortals - the 100th, Zhang Zhen!"

"One hundred, Zhang Zhen!"


The blind girl is hiding in the void. She looks like Cheng Kang below. She has been secretly spying on him for a long time!

Every time Cheng Kang massacred, she watched because she wanted to know extremely much what Cheng Kang's purpose was and what was the purpose of Emperor Jin Yuan!

Maybe you are wondering why Emperor Jin Yuan was brought up, and how the blind girl dealt with Emperor Jin Yuan.

It all started when the blind girl discovered that someone secretly rescued the golden ghost and the fire ghost.


At first, the blind girl's intention was just to find the person who could save the gold ghost and the fire ghost from her hands.

Then she looked at everyone in Jinyuan City!

Hu Qianzhong and Xing Honglong are not.

Xiu Niang and Luo Tianwei are not.

Sad as a dream, no.

Cheng Kang, probably not, but Cheng Kang, something is wrong with him!

It was also from Cheng Kang that the blind girl found traces of the power that rescued the people of the Golden Ghost and the Fire Ghost!

The power of national destiny!

And how many people are there in the entire Jin Yuan Kingdom who can use the power of national destiny?

In other words, the person who rescued the evil ghosts of gold and fire was none other than Emperor Jin Yuan!

As a result, the blind girl fell into a slight confusion. She didn't understand why Emperor Jin Yuan wanted to save the golden ghost and the fire ghost.

But she sensed something amiss from Emperor Jin Yuan's unusual behavior.

In addition, she overheard the conversation between Ai Rumeng and Cheng Kang and knew that the adults were involved in the situation.

It stands to reason that the blind girl's first choice should be to accompany Ai Rumeng and go deep into the underground of the Mang family to rescue the adults.

But the blind girl’s natural heart gave a different answer——

Follow Cheng Kang!

Since Emperor Jin Yuan used the power of national destiny to cover him up, it proves that this person is the key to Emperor Jin Yuan's plan, or at least a key link.

So, she followed Cheng Kang all the time, and in the 28th village, she was one step ahead of Cheng Kang and got a strange "worm"!

"What kind of insect is this?" The blind girl was a little confused. She found that after having eyes, the world became so complicated!

There were conspiracies and intrigues everywhere, and things she didn't recognize everywhere.

At this moment, she slightly understood why Fang Lei didn't want her to open her eyes, but she didn't regret it. She was confused for a moment, and then her eyes became firm again.

"No matter what kind of worm this is, I have kept a backup! With your ability, I'm sure you can find it!"

The blind girl put away the worm in her hand, continued to look at Cheng Kang below, and said slowly-

"Since the next village is the last village, I'll put it back in front of you."

"Let me see what you are planning!" The blind girl's eyes became extremely ruthless.


Obviously, using Baicun as bait and slaughtering Baicun, no matter what their ultimate goal was, this made the blind girl really angry.

Her bloody battle with Hong Ren, Kuang Ping, Gu Liang and others that day, and her efforts to do everything, seemed so ridiculous in the face of the massacre at this time!


The people she and her colleagues had saved with great effort were easily killed or killed by the monarch of this country?

Just used as bait?

This was simply trampling on the ideals of her and her colleagues, and trampling them to pieces!

But she was not angry at all, but extremely calm, so calm that she was ruthless.

"Jia Yi, Cheng Kang, Emperor Jin Yuan..." Blind Aunt's tone was extremely flat, as flat as a pool of stagnant water.

"Haha, Jin Yuan Kingdom? I want to see if you can bear my disaster!"

Angry, angry!

Blind Aunt is angry!

Blind Aunt, if you hit the reader, you can't hit me!

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