You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 165 How do you ensure that the thunder will only strike the opponent? [Seeking monthly votes

Jiao Liao died, killed by Cheng Kang with one blow.

But before he died, he also caused many wounds to Cheng Kang!

Cheng Kang used his last breath and climbed onto the shore.


But at this time, Cheng Kang's complexion was already pale green, with typical rotten poison entering his body, plus excessive blood loss.

After taking an antidote pill and a vitality pill with some reluctance, Cheng Kang fell over and fainted.

However, before he fainted, he seemed to barely see the two of them——

One is tall and one is short, one is fat and one is thin.


[Blood Lake, Blood Pond, refers to the same place, but different names are used by different people. 】

"This kid seems to have killed a red cockroach in the blood pool."

Caisu looked at the unconscious Cheng Kang and the red dead body floating in the blood pool, and said with a hint of speculation.

But Xing Huaian glanced at the "rotten blood plants" around him in confusion, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Come and untie your rot!"

Caisu glanced at Xing Huaian who was stunned and said casually.

Xing Huaian walked forward without saying anything else.

First, he took a look at Cheng Kang's clothes and the belt named "Twelve Bridges on a Bright Moon Night" around his waist, and squinted his eyes.

Then he stretched out his palm towards Cheng Kang, made a grasping gesture, and drew it back.

Immediately, a yellow-green aura began to escape from all Cheng Kang's wounds.

It flowed into Xing Huaian's body along Xing Huaian's palm.

On Cheng Kang's side, as the yellow-green gas overflowed, his green complexion began to turn pale.

Only then did Caisu step forward, check her pulse slightly, then opened her eyes, looked at Xing Huaian and said:

"It's just a lack of blood, and this kid has taken the Vitality Pill in advance. I just need to give him another Hematopoietic Pill. It's not a big problem!"

"Are all the boys today so fierce? Just jump into the blood pool and challenge Chi Qiu in a duel?"

Caisu casually fed Cheng Kang a red pill, looked at Xing Huaian and said.

"No!" Xing Huaian spoke, his words were extremely brief.

"What's not going on?" Upon hearing this, Cai Su turned her head and looked at Xing Huaian in confusion.

"He can't move my rot-blooded plant, so it's not a one-on-one fight, there should be two people!"

Xing Huaian first pointed at Cheng Kang, and then raised two fingers.

"Two people? Where is the other person?" Caisu did not doubt Xing Huaian's words.

Since he planted the "Rotten Blood Plant", he said Cheng Kang couldn't move it if he couldn't move it, so he followed his words.

"I don't know, but I'm very confused. How does this person know that the Rot Blood Strain is effective against this mutated Blood Pond Red Rooster?"

Xing Huaian shook his head and then asked a second question.

"Your 'Rotten Blood Strain' is arranged in the same formation, so it won't be a surprise for others to guess it, right?"

Caisu thought for a moment and replied.

"Yeah, that's right!" Xing Huaian nodded.

"By the way, did you hear that?"

Xing Huaian put his hand to his ear and made a "listen carefully" gesture.

"What did you hear?" Caisu followed suit and put her hands behind her ears.

Immediately her eyes froze because she also heard a strange sound.

"What is this sound?"

Caisu thought the voice was familiar, but she didn't recognize what it was. Instead, she looked at Xing Huaian in confusion and asked.

"Thunder!" Xing Huaian's eyes flashed thoughtfully, and then he said firmly.

"What?" Caisu tilted her head, feeling that Xing Huaian was teasing her.

He walked directly to Xing Huaian and gave him a heel kick without hesitation.

Looking at Xing Huaian's slightly confused eyes, Caisu asked:

"You think I'm a fool? I'm old, but I'm not stupid yet! This is a thousand feet underground!"

"So what if it's thousands of feet underground? For a really big man, if you want to bring down thunder here, you can bring down thunder!"

Xing Huaian shook his head and smiled.

"Burn the rivers and boil the seas! What a truly great magical power!" Xing Huaian said with a sigh.

He remembered the scene he saw burning the river and boiling the sea.

Watching helplessly, the blood pool that he had guarded alone for hundreds of years dried up completely in front of him!

After he realized Thunder's purpose, he did not hesitate to establish a line of defense of "Rotten Blood Plants".

At the same time, he used his body as a shield to block all the strange beasts and fish in the blood pool that tried to escape.

"Well, is there really someone with great supernatural powers coming here? And then burning the rivers and boiling the seas?"

Caisu looked at the remaining "miniature blood pool" in shock at this time.

The eyes she looked at Xing Huaian were also filled with a hint of thought.

She didn't want to believe it, but the fact was right in front of her. The blood pool of thousands of feet disappeared. It was an ironclad fact!

Moreover, she suddenly remembered that she seemed to have obtained a second piece of evidence recently——

A bunch of almost dying insects appeared in her hand.

"At this time, the Phantom Masking Insect?"

"Isn't this the bug you used to cover the pool of blood above to prevent mortals from accidentally entering it?"

"Do you still have some inventory on hand?"

Xing Huaian said.

"Take it and take a look!" Cai Su handed the bug to him with a sneer on her face.

The moment the Phantom Masking Insect appeared in Xing Huaian's hand, it started to rot...

This result caused Xing Huaian's pupils to shrink and his expression to become uncertain.

"Didn't you say that if it hadn't been for the burning of the river and the boiling of the sea, you wouldn't have even known that there were so many strange beasts and fish hidden in the blood pool?"

Cai Su suddenly asked a strange question.

"The answer is in these bugs!" Cai Su pointed at the phantom bugs, and her words even became a little weak.

"These phantom bugs have been replaced?" Xing Huaian's tone was full of solemnity.

Because the phantom bugs are not afraid of rot, but the one in his hand began to rot and dissolve, much like those blood pool beasts.

"It's not replacement, it's parasitism. They are alive, but they are dead!"

Cai Su took over the conversation and said:

"I actually had some doubts about your words, but after seeing that the blood pool was indeed dried up, I believed most of it!"

"In addition, the group of bugs in my hand can also prove your words."

"Finally, you said that the Thunder God burned the river and boiled the sea here, giving me the last puzzle."

"How do they prove it? What puzzle?"

Xing Huaian said in a puzzled tone, he didn't understand the connection between them.

Cai Su glanced at Xing Huaian and asked a strange question——

"They have been parasitized for a long time, and they are like zombies, unable to control themselves."

"If that's the case, how did they appear in the hands of me, the real owner?"

"Look, once they are in my hands, won't they be exposed?"

Xing Huaian frowned, and finally gave up thinking, looking at Cai Su and said: "Just tell me!"

Cai Su hummed a few times with pride, and threw the other "illusion insects" in her hand into the thunder sand not far away.

These "illusion insects" that were originally dying suddenly became lively.

"Thunder can suppress the parasites in their bodies!" Cai Su gave the answer directly.

"These phantom insects were struck by the great master, but they survived by chance."

"They returned to me while they still had the power of thunder in their bodies, so that I knew something was wrong up there!"

Cai Su continued, and this answer made Xing Huaian's eyes flash with brilliance.

"I guess, the great master of thunder should have struck all the way down!"

Cai Su pointed upwards with her hand, and then went all the way down.

"Although I don't know what happened, it's obvious that the master."

"It should have discovered the connection between the blood pool above and the blood pool below, and struck all the way down!"

Cai Su's tone was full of shock.

Because there is a very critical factor to consider here-this is underground!

After hearing this, Xing Huaian looked up, flew to the top of the cave immediately, listened attentively, and then a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

He glanced at the soil layer above his head, and then flew back to Cai Su's side.

"How is it?" Cai Su asked immediately after seeing Xing Huaian's actions.

"As you expected! The thunder came from above!" Xing Huaian's eyes flashed with thought.

"What are you still thinking about? Haven't you figured out the source of the thunder?" Cai Su looked at Xing Huaian in confusion.

"Do you think the thunder is a reminder?" Xing Huaian said slowly with a serious look in his eyes.

"What reminder?" Cai Su turned her head to look at Xing Huaian in surprise.

Xing Huaian began to imagine the connection between the last thunder and this thunder——

"The last time the thunder appeared, it directly destroyed the blood pool here, burning the river and boiling the sea!"

"This time, while the thunder roared, the blood pool below also began to revive. Do you think it is a reminder?"

Cai Su's pupils shrank when she heard this, and she said with a slightly shocked tone——

"You mean, the thunder is telling us that something has happened?"

"Or, the thunder is coming for this blood pool that is reviving?"

Xing Huaian nodded when he heard this, looked at Cai Su and said very hard: "Yes, that should be the case!"

After that, Xing Huaian walked aside silently and began to reorganize the "Corrupted Blood Plant".

But this ushered in Cai Su's doubts, and Xing Huaian said lightly:

"Maybe there will be a big battle, I will plan it in advance!"

Xing Huaian got busy with interest.

Suddenly Xing Huaian turned his head and looked at Cai Su and said:

"Go and inform Hu Bairui to send more ghosts and ghost soldiers."

"It's no problem to ask that guy to borrow soldiers, but are you sure that the thunder will only strike those blood pool beasts?"

The implication is that ghost soldiers are also afraid of thunder.

Xing Huaian paused for a moment, then said nonchalantly:

"Anyway, we are all dead, so why not do what we did before we died?"

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