You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 175 Your assassination is also very explosive in the assassination world [asking for monthly

But Hong Quan wants to escape, will [Hong Gui] let him go? In other words, can you let Him go?

When Fang Lei put the thunder seal on [Hong Gui], he used the roar of thunder as a cover and quietly said something to [Hong Gui]——

"No matter how you kill Hong Gui, it will have no effect, because Hong Gui is just a projection of the person in front of you, and you must kill the real owner!"

[Hong Gui] knows that this sentence is true;

But [Hong Gui] also knew that this was also Fang Lei's attempt to sow discord.

But the reality is, does [Hong Gui] have a choice?

No choice!

Because Hong Quan could escape, but he, who was planted with the thunder seal by Fang Lei, couldn't escape no matter what!

Since you can't escape, why not show off?

Therefore, [Hong Gui], who understood this, took action directly against Hong Quan without any hesitation or psychological burden!

And in order to prevent the opponent from spying on the fight between him and the four-headed and eight-armed ghost, so as to be prepared for the tricks, [Hong Ghost] used a trick he had never used before!

"Five Ghost Huntian Technique!"

This technique is one of the inherited techniques of the Five Spirit Ghosts.

Huntian Huntian originally means that the shape of heaven and earth is like a bird's egg, and the sky covers the outside of the earth.

The sky is like an egg shell, and the earth is like an egg yolk, wrapped in the sky.

This Five Ghost Huntian Technique imitates the meaning of heaven and earth. The trapped person is the earth, and it is a trap move!

I saw five strange ghost heads appearing in the five directions of Hongquan's southeast, northwest, and head!

Then Hong Quan's figure was strangely frozen for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

Because Hong Quan, who was immobilized, was extremely furious at this time and shouted angrily: "Three feet of golden body!"

A golden shadow appeared behind Hong Quan. The shadow enveloped Hong Quan and then began to grow in size suddenly.

The enlarged golden body began to hit the five ghosts who were immobilizing him. The moment the two collided, the five ghosts used by [Hong Gui] were easily affected by the expanded golden body.

There was a flaw in the Five Ghosts Huntian Technique, but Hong Quan directly seized this opportunity with his keen perception in the Golden Body Realm.

Manipulating the golden body, he directly grabbed the five ghosts above his head and crushed them into pieces.

At the moment of crushing, a huge gap appeared in the Five Ghosts Huntian Technique, and Hong Quan escaped directly.

After escaping, Hong Quan was furious and punched [Hong Gui] directly with his backhand.

But out of consideration for Fang Lei, Hong Quan still focused most of his attention on Fang Lei when he punched.

Because he felt that Fang Lei would take action!

But what surprised him was that Fang Lei was still there and didn't take action. Instead, he had a smile on his lips, as if he was watching a show.

Going to the theater? Does he think this guy can beat me?

The moment Hong Quan had this idea, his angry punch landed directly on [Hong Gui]'s body.

And the moment Hong Quan's fist landed on [Hong Gui's] body, the change suddenly increased!

The thunder seal that Fang Lei had planted before suddenly exploded.

Hong Quan, who sensed something was wrong, began to turn his attention back to [Hong Gui].

But what caught his eye was the endless lightning pouring out from around [Hong Gui]'s body.


When he realized what it was, he immediately rushed out of his soul. He immediately transferred his spiritual power to his feet, then stepped hard, and then his body began to retreat.

But it was too late. The thunder light turned into a thunder gun, cutting through the space at extremely fast speed and heading towards Hong Quan's head.

"Golden body magical power: Wanchuan wall!"

Hong Quan's golden body began to glow with a faint aqua blue color, giving it a feeling like running water.

But the thunder gun directly pierced his golden body. Then the thunder gun was dispelled inch by inch, but Hong Quan's golden body also began to gradually open a huge gap.

Hong Quan looked at the gradually disintegrating thunder gun and felt a sense of fear in his heart. Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise...

But at this time, he saw something strange in the thunder gun.

This kind of thing directly and easily widened the gap in Jin's body, and then stabbed towards his eyebrows without hesitation.

At this time... Yuanci Divine Light?

Hong Quan was shocked and tried to resist, but the divine light of Yuanci turned into a sharp arrow.

Directly using the undissipated thunder as the power source, it accelerated violently and directly pierced his head!

Hong Quan was dead, his eyes still revealed disbelief.

Before he died, he suddenly understood Fang Lei's reason for watching the show. It's just that this understanding seems a bit too late.

Seeing Hong Quan die in front of him, [Hong Gui] also had some psychological shadow.

Because that thing was just buried in his body! This is what popped up? Or a big set and a small set?

Are you telling me this is a thunder prison?

So insidious, so despicable!

What kind of thunder prison is it?

[Hong Gui] He really believed it! He just planned to attack with the intention of holding the opponent back!

After all, with Fang Lei's expression, demeanor, and remedial actions afterwards, who would believe that Fang Lei would plant a "killing move" in front of him?

ah? Who believes it?

This is like Jing Ke stabbing Qin. When Jing Ke rolled the dagger into the map, the King of Qin was watching from the side!

This operation is outrageous!

And seeing that Hong Quan was always on guard against Fang Lei's attacks when he punched, but he died with such a look on his face, I guess he also believed that [Hong Gui] was just Lei Lao in his body, right?

It can only be said that Hong Quan was prepared, but not much!

After dealing with Hong Quan, [Hong Gui] came back obediently, without any thought of escaping! ! !

How could a ghost know whether there was one or two attacks hidden in his body?

Oh, He is a ghost...

That means even a ghost doesn't know how many attacks are hidden in his body.

Isn't escaping just like turning on the light in the toilet?


Fang Lei stretched and walked towards Hu Qianzhong and others who were watching the show, but as he gradually walked in, Hu Qianzhong and others began to subconsciously nervous.

Because Fang Lei's operation just now really made several people feel a little uncomfortable. He attacked in front of others, and others were not prepared.

If it wasn't for the aftermath, they probably wouldn't have reacted.


In the end, it was Ai Rumeng who took the initiative to break this strange atmosphere. She asked, "Are you going to the Yindi mentioned by Hong Quan?"

"Well, to some extent!" Fang Lei chose to be vague.

"Do you want my help?" Ai Rumeng walked up to Fang Lei and asked.

"No need, I have a new idea." Fang Lei touched his chin and answered after thinking.

"By the way, what are you doing here underground?" Fang Lei looked at Hu Qianzhong and others and asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Hu Qianzhong sighed and smiled bitterly-

"Originally, I just came to investigate the problems of the Mang family..."

"Originally?" Fang Lei's tone was slightly puzzled.

"Yes, now I must understand the problems here..." Hu Qianzhong suddenly looked at Fang Lei with hope.

Just as he was about to speak, Fang Lei made a "stop" gesture.

Then he said: "If you must know the problems here, you can go to the elders of your clan."

"Elders? The elders of our family know the problems here?"

Hu Qianzhong frowned when he heard this. He didn't understand which elder in the clan understood the problems here.

And if they knew the problems here, why didn't they remind him, the clan leader? Could it be that...

"Stop, stop, stop~ The elders I'm talking about are probably not the elders of your Hu family.

In the words of your Hu family, are there any elders of the 'Bai' generation in your clan?"

"There are elders of the 'Bai' generation. My father is of the 'Bai' generation, but in the past few hundred years..."

"They were called away by the people of the 'Shi' generation one after another. Basically, they are still semi-retired or secluded. Generally, these elders take the initiative to find us."

Hu Qianzhong breathed a sigh of relief, because Fang Lei's words dispelled Hu Qianzhong's concerns.

There is something very strange about their Hu family, that is, the main line only has the voice of "one generation".

When the "Qian" generation came to power, the "Bai" generation had retired for various reasons.

And when the "Bai" generation came to power, the "Shi" generation also did the same.

He didn't understand whether this was a tradition or some other reason.

"Then you can probably meet an elder of your Hu family here!" Fang Lei said with a smile.

"Here?" Hu Qianzhong stared at him, then asked, "Which elder is it?"

"It seems to be Hu Bairui, who happens to be in charge of guarding the statue." Fang Lei said casually, "Why? Do you want to go with me?"

Hu Qianzhong was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly knew the reason why this elder didn't want to see him.

"You seem to know the reason why your elder doesn't want to see you?" Fang Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at Hu Qianzhong and said.

"Then are you still going to see him?" Fang Lei asked.

"Yes!" Hu Qianzhong's answer was also very concise.

Fang Lei saw Xing Honglong's expectant eyes, his mouth twitched, and he explained--

"You two, you two have already met your elders."

Xing Honglong pointed at himself, his face full of confusion--

"Ah (⊙o⊙)?"

On the contrary, the pupils of the embroiderer shrank slightly, and she understood, and explained to Xing Honglong: "It should be that tall old man."

"Ah?" Xing Honglong was still confused, but he still retorted, "When did my Xing family have such a tall person?"

"Why don't you ask the person himself about this question?" Fang Lei was also speechless, he didn't know the answer.

"Where are they?" Xing Honglong asked, "Are they also over there with the statue?"

"No, it's another place. Your ancestor seems to be responsible for guarding the blood pool."

"By the way, there's going to be a fight over there, you'd better be careful."


Fang Lei turned his head and saw Luo Tianwei looking at him eagerly. Fang Lei almost didn't hold it back. He was not a know-it-all.

But anyway, he just happened to know some news about their Burning Heart Valley.

"Your senior brothers, the leader seems to be Ye Changkong, right? They are also at the blood pool!" Fang Lei still couldn't resist Luo Tianwei's beast-like eyes.

After Luo Tianwei got the answer, her eyes looking at Fang Lei became brighter, and even had little stars of admiration.

"Senior brothers are also at the blood pool? What are they doing here?" Luo Tianwei suddenly shook her nose, and then said unconsciously.

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