You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 177 Miracle Blind Lady, still brushing the jungle! [Seeking monthly votes and recommendation

Ye Changkong heard the gunpowder in Cheng Moxiao's words, but he chose to stop their conversation without knowing the reason.

Ye Changkong said again: "The reason here is probably not simple."

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that this must be related to the Emperor Jin Yuan of your Jin Yuan country. Because the other four countries are also in this state!"

"This matter has been reported back to Fenxin Valley. I believe that more disciples will come to check it out soon."

"Don't worry, the matter is resolved, and everyone will return to their original state!"

Ye Changkong comforted Zuo Xiangyang slightly.

Then the atmosphere of the crowd cooled down. But fortunately, it didn't take long for them to reach the depth of 500 feet, and here, they met the last disciple of Fenxin Valley.

When this person saw Ye Changkong, he also bowed his fist, and then said: "Brother Ye, this is where it is blocked."

"Have you ever tried to open a passage?" Ye Changkong frowned and asked.

"Brother Ye, I have tried it! But..."

This person stopped talking halfway, and finally looked up at Ye Changkong and said:

"Brother Ye, you will understand after you take a look."

This person summoned a flying sword, pointed at the collapsed place in front, and wanted to continue to dig a passage.


The flying sword turned into a stream of light and stabbed forward fiercely.



The moment the flying sword came into contact with the soil, an extremely violent thunder force came out from the soil in front.

Then the flying sword dug for a long time against the thunder force, and then was beaten back.

As for the entrance of the cave, after the fight just now, the flying sword was severely damaged and lost most of its spiritual power, but the soil in front was still compacted, with only a small pit.

Seeing this scene, Ye Changkong also frowned and walked forward immediately.

With spiritual power attached to his hand, he summoned one of his golden arms and touched the soil of the tunnel in front with a little caution.

The moment they touched, Ye Changkong understood why, because he felt extremely violent thunder filling the soil.

At this moment, he began to understand what the change that Mangshan was talking about was, and why he couldn't block this side.


The soil filled with endless thunder was undoubtedly a poisonous thing to those ghosts and dead things!

Ye Changkong frowned. At this time, he had already believed most of what Mangshan said, but since the other side kept saying that this was a smuggling road.

Then... why is it a dead end, and how can it be a dead end?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Ye Changkong's heart jumped heavily, a smuggling road?

Who opened up this road? And who is... in charge of this road?

Thinking of this, Ye Changkong's eyes gradually brightened, and he said to Lei Ting in front of him——

"Ye Changkong from Fenxin Valley, meet Senior Lei Ting!"

"Ye wants to take this road and come here to save my junior sister from Fenxin Valley. This is the money for the passage. Please be lenient with me."

As he said this, Ye Changkong threw out a storage bag with a little pain.

Junior Brother Tian looked at Ye Changkong with a little doubt, but Niu and Ma, the two junior brothers who always followed Ye Changkong, understood the intention of Ye Changkong's move in an instant.

Below, the blind girl who was paying attention to the battlefield below frowned when she heard the words.

She looked up at Ye Changkong and others with doubts, as if wondering who the senior Lei Ting they were calling was.

But seeing that they were helpless against the barrier they set up, the blind girl gradually realized that the senior they were talking about might be referring to herself! ?

Because this barrier was set up by Blind Auntie, and it was done intentionally by Blind Auntie, but the purpose was to prevent the blood beasts from running out of the ground and harming the living beings.

But unexpectedly, the first wave of existence blocked was not the blood beasts below, but a group of monks who wanted to come down from above?

Looking at the bribes left by several people, Blind Auntie looked strange. Are there still people rushing to join the war these days?

I wanted to avoid the money and open the passage directly to add a few new forces.

But suddenly my mind moved slightly, remembering that the meat grinder battlefield below was on one side of the undead ghost clan and on the other side of the ferocious blood beasts.

I felt that even if these people were strong, they could only barely protect themselves if they went.

So I didn't open the passage immediately, but my mind moved slightly, and then a row of words appeared on the land in front of Ye Changkong.

"There is no peace here, are you sure you want to go in?"

Ye Changkong saw someone replying, and immediately looked over, but when he saw the content, Ye Changkong was stunned, and at the same time he was more worried about Luo Tianwei, the noisy girl.

"Is this place uneasy?" Ye Changkong repeated slowly, his heart skipped a beat, and then he said, "Senior, I want to go in!"

But suddenly Ye Changkong asked again: "May I ask why this place is uneasy?"

"After entering, you will know at a glance! But this passage will not be opened for the second time in a short period of time. Are you sure you want to go in?"

Ye Changkong understood that this was the other party's defensive heart, and he was unwilling to tell the situation.

But since the other party said that you can know at a glance, just go in and take a look.

I immediately nodded and said: "Senior, I am sure to go in!"

Just after Ye Changkong finished this sentence, the storage bag he had thrown out before began to sink into the ground gradually.

Seeing this scene, Ye Changkong did not do anything too much, but instead breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

About a cup of tea passed, just when Ye Changkong and others wondered if they were deceived.

Boom boom——

A sound like something was being moved away was heard, and then a clear passage suddenly appeared in front of the people.

This was a deep, dark corridor, but it emitted waves of bloody smell.

Ye Changkong and others who realized what the smell was all had their pupils shrink. The people behind Ye Changkong looked at each other, and looked at Ye Changkong's back and hesitated to speak.

Ye Changkong also looked solemn. Judging from the bloody smell, the other party was probably not lying.

This place is probably really uneasy!

But in the end, nothing was said. Ye Changkong led the way and led everyone to step in step by step.


When they stepped in, the roaring sound came from behind them again. They looked back and found that the way they came was blocked again.

Everyone was silent, knowing that there was only one way forward at this time.


At 750 feet, everyone felt that the smell of blood became extremely strong, and such a strong smell of blood really caused everyone discomfort.

Only Ye Changkong seemed to have thought of something, his face became extremely solemn, and his brows were furrowed into a shape of a river.

At 900 feet, they began to vaguely hear the sound of sparse golden swords clashing.

Dinglingdang, the sound was extremely noisy, as if two armies were fighting each other.

Everyone's faces became extremely strange. They really couldn't imagine where the army came from to fight underground.

950 feet, 980 feet -

The shouting and killing sounds could also be clearly heard by them. At this time, they began to understand that the words of the senior who stopped them from going down 500 feet before were not false.

This place is indeed restless!

999 feet -

All kinds of shouting and killing sounds broke into their ears, making them feel as if they were there. At this time, they were really only separated from the space below by a wall.

Here, they heard shouts of killing, strange roars, the clang of swords, the sound of swords entering the body, and the clang of weapons falling to the ground.

Everyone's eyes consciously looked at Ye Changkong, the leader, but they saw that Ye Changkong had already closed his eyes and used his mind to perceive the battlefield below.

After a long time, Ye Changkong opened his eyes, sat cross-legged, and slowly told everyone about the situation below.


Time went back a little bit, and at this time, more than a dozen square teams of ghost soldiers arrived at the blood pool, and the army formation was endless. Obviously, Hu Bairui was not stingy this time.

Such generosity made Xing Huaian stunned for a moment, and it was Cai Su's call that made him come back to his senses.

But Xing Huaian still frowned, because there were too many people coming, so many that it was abnormal!

It was as if Hu Bairui clearly knew that there would be an extremely cruel battlefield here!

Compared with the ghost soldiers who were chasing Xing Honglong and Hu Qianzhong, these ghost soldiers were better equipped and had a more pure aura.

They even had very obvious discipline, just like the difference between regular troops and guerrillas.

As soon as they arrived here, they began to arrange the defense line very familiarly.

Iron nets, caltrops, chevaux de frise, crossbow chariots...

Every direction was over-arranged, even overflowing!

After arranging the defense line, they began to arrange the troops.

The shield guards were in front, all holding a large shield in one hand and a long spear in the other...

The sword soldiers were mostly on the sides and in the middle, and there were all kinds of archers crawling on the high places, balustrades, and the back.

In addition, there were some very special troops on standby in each square formation, which seemed to be deployed to deal with some special situations.

Just by looking at it, you can understand that this is a real army!

And from their so skilled formation, it seems that this is not the first time they have fought against the creatures in the blood pool.

That’s exactly what happened. When the ghost soldiers were still setting up their formation, the water level of the blood pool, which was only a dozen feet in radius, began to rise continuously.

The area also began to expand gradually, and then expand again—

Twenty feet in radius—

Beep beep beep beep—

A strange horn sounded, and all the ghost soldiers were ready.

The blood pool had just begun to expand, and these ghost soldiers found something fishy!

Fifty feet in radius—

Some blood beasts began to emerge from the blood pool, and they looked at the ghost soldiers on the shore fiercely.

But all the ghost soldiers were disciplined and did not waste their energy to deal with these blood beasts hiding in the blood.

One hundred feet in radius—

Various blood beasts began to run out of the blood pool, some of them had two feet, some had tentacles as feet, and some had only heads as fish and full of muscles.

They were all extremely ferocious, and the moment they jumped out of the blood pool, they directly rushed into the army of ghost soldiers.

Although various obstacles caused some obstruction and influence, they were soon covered by the corpses of various blood beasts.

They were fearless and tried to destroy the army formation of the ghost soldiers, and some of them even had clear goals and attacked various special soldiers.

Even if they could not achieve success, they would explode without hesitation, and blood would be sprinkled on the bodies of the ghost soldiers.

The ghost soldiers emitted bursts of black ghost energy, and the aura around them was also weakened.

The blood beasts were extremely powerful and fearless, but the ghost soldiers cooperated tacitly and advanced and retreated in moderation!

For a while, there was a lot of killing.

Both the ghost soldiers and the blood beasts were stuck in a stalemate on the battlefield, and both sides continued to gather troops.

At this time, any expansion of the advantage will become a general trend that begins to press against the opponent.

Unfortunately, the blood pool has grasped this general trend - the blood pool is still slowly expanding.

This also means that the speed of the blood pool's troops is still increasing!


Two hundred feet in radius -

Huahua -

New blood beasts appeared among the blood beasts. This type of blood beast is relatively large in size. They can control the blood water to roll up huge waves.

Directly use the waves to kill the ghost soldiers. Every wave will temporarily break through a small line of defense of the ghost soldiers.

Looking at its appearance, it is exactly the fish with wings that Fang Lei had mentioned before, which is good at controlling water and will cause floods when seen.

This blood beast with a relatively large body and flying in the air naturally attracted the attention of the blind girl, but also attracted the attention of a large number of archers.

They all shot their bows and arrows at the fish, but the opponent only used a high water column to block all the arrows.

Although the fish was restrained, a large number of archers were also restrained, so the pressure on the front line became even greater.

As expected, the gap in the front line began to be torn, and a large number of ghost soldiers died in a short time.

So they began to retreat to the second line of defense, where more ghost soldiers could gather.

The battle line was stabilized again, but both Xing Huaian and Cai Su frowned.

Because they all saw the decline of the ghost soldiers, the blood beasts were too fast, and the speed at which the ghost soldiers killed the blood beasts could not catch up with the speed at which the blood beasts jumped out of the water.

Especially Xing Huaian, his pupils shrank slightly at this time, because he understood why Hu Bairui sent so many ghost soldiers.

It seems that the other side really knew that the other side would launch a large-scale attack!

I just don't know how the other party knew it!

But no matter how I think about it, it's probably related to the strange fluctuation before. I guess Mang Haoyi has started something again, right?

Xing Huaian sighed, he picked up a huge stone and threw it directly at the fish.



The huge stone turned into a cannonball, completely killing the fish into blood mud.

The blood mud fell into the blood pool and turned into a small fish in an instant. Obviously, these special guys are as difficult to kill as ghost soldiers.

And killing these fish, in addition to the opponent's restraining a large number of archers.

More importantly, it was because of the chaos caused by these fish that the blood pool began to spread much faster.

Two hundred feet in radius, in the blink of an eye it became three hundred feet in radius...

And this also means that the battle has been upgraded again!

It was at this time that Blind Girl heard the shouts of Ye Changkong and others above...

Meme: Miracle Walker, still brushing the jungle!

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