You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 184: Trojan Horse? [Seeking monthly votes and recommendation votes]

The battlefield was divided into four parts.

Xing Huaian's battle was the simplest and most violent - it seemed that because of the human skin he had taken off, a golden body far exceeding the previous one appeared behind Xing Huaian, with a golden body phantom of about 78 feet.

The cultivation level of the golden body realm is often directly linked to the size of the golden body!

The smallest is 10 feet, and the largest can be up to 90 feet!

And 78 feet can be said to be an extremely terrifying number.

This kind of golden body can be touched by even the weak Dharma Realm.

Seeing Xing Huaian's axe falling, there was no flash of fear in the eyes of the fish, but instead a beast roar without showing weakness.

Moo -

Then he directly pushed Xing Huaian with his horns, and at the same time, the snake tail turned into a long whip and stabbed Xing Huaian's waist directly.

After Xing Huaian noticed the response of the fish, he retracted the axe.

He took a big step forward and dodged the attack of the snake's tail.

One arm of the golden body grabbed the snake's tail tightly, and then the other hand used an axe to attack the bull's head--

"Nine Star Bombardment!"


Xing Huaian's axe hit the horns of the bream directly, causing a trace of wildness and brutality in the eyes of the bream.

This axe did not seem to cause any damage, but Xing Huaian looked at the bream calmly.

Because the essence of the Nine Star Bombardment was on this "boom".

Nine forces were seen directly from Xing Honglong's axe, along the horns into the body of the bream.

Then "boom--", "boom--", "boom--", "boom--"

A full nine violent explosions came directly from the body of the bream.

The explosion of spiritual energy directly blew out all kinds of things in the body of the bream, including some tentacles that should never exist in it.


The eyes of the bream became extremely turbid, and the body gradually became weak, and then it fell heavily to the ground.

There were nine deep pits of flesh and blood on its body, just like nine stars; hence the name Nine Star Bomb.

Looking at the body of the bream, Xing Huaian did not relax, but raised his axe and directly separated the body of the bream.

Then he cut it into eight pieces and threw them to the scavengers behind.

After he solved the battle, he looked at the blood beast on Cai Su's side.


Cai Su found the luǒ fish, because this fish only needs to spread its wings to overturn the rivers and seas and set off endless waves.

The huge waves themselves are powerful. Just looking at the oncoming huge waves like a city wall makes people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

And there are countless blood beasts hiding in these huge waves, intending to take advantage of this wave to break through the defense line of the ghost soldiers.

Cai Su was alone in the air. In front of the luyu that came with the huge waves like a city wall, she looked extremely weak, like a small boat that could be overturned by the sea at any time.

But it was Cai Su who had such white hands as white as snow. With just a wave, countless poisonous insects rushed directly towards the luyu.

The luyu sensed the danger and roared, the sound was like a mandarin duck, but it was extremely harsh.

These sounds killed some of the poisonous insects, but the remaining poisonous insects continued to fly towards him.

The fish then spread its wings, rushed up, and did a graceful backflip, hiding itself behind the huge waves.

The waves directly met Cai Su's poisonous insects and swallowed them all in the waves.

The poisonous insects were not drowned by the blood, but directly found the nearest blood beast in the blood, starting a battle between miscellaneous soldiers.

After the fish dodged the poisonous insects, it poked its head out from behind the waves again, and then swung its wings again, tearing through the huge waves, and opened its huge mouth to bite Cai Su.

Seeing the giant mouth getting closer and closer, and the huge suction coming from it, it seemed that Cai Su would be sucked in immediately.

Cai Su smiled and waved a handful of light powder helplessly, which was directly sucked into the belly of the fish.

Then it easily turned sideways and dodged the attack of the fish.

Cai Su said, "You guys, you still can't change the habit of fish. You like to suck food?"

He slapped the fallen fish several times, making its body completely soft and weak, as if it was completely dead.

So he casually waved his hand and threw the fish to the scavenger behind.

But the fish, which should have died, gradually became fierce on the way to the scavenger.

He regained consciousness and roared again. With a swipe of his wings, a huge wave hit the fish.

"Oops!" Cai Su's face changed. Obviously, he didn't expect that this strange fish could recover in such a short time.

Cai Su was about to go back to help, but saw an axe blade chopped down.


An axe blade came and directly separated the body of the fish.

"This blood beast belongs to me!" Xing Huaian's voice came from far away, and he looked at Cai Su with a proud face and said.

But what surprised him was that Cai Su ignored him and took a step forward with a changed expression.

He turned his head to look after realizing something was wrong.

He found that a fish of strange shape had emerged from the body of the scorpion fish and the body of the mullet fish that was torn into pieces by him.

These two strange fish were a miniature version of the "He Luo fish" with one head and three bodies and one head and two bodies.

As soon as these two fish appeared, they directly launched extremely cruel attacks on the surrounding "scavengers".

All the scales on their bodies were launched in an instant, and then turned into countless darts, harvesting this group of extremely special scavengers like harvesting wheat.

When Cai Su arrived, about one-tenth of the scavengers had been beaten to death.

Cai Su's palm was purple-black, and she slapped one of the fish bodies of the He Luo fish with one head and three bodies without scales.

"Blood Burning!"

This move "Blood Burning!" is extremely powerful.

In just one breath, one of the fish bodies of the He Luo fish quickly withered and died.

Cai Su, who realized that she had not completely killed the He Luo fish, but only killed one of the fish bodies, immediately changed her expression.

This was the first time Cai Su encountered a He Luo fish, so she didn't know that the body of a He Luo fish had a separate life!

So in order to remedy the situation, she immediately slapped the head of the He Luo fish, aiming to kill the entire He Luo fish with one palm.

But she was fooled again, because she watched the head of the He Luo fish begin to dissolve, but the two fish bodies immediately cut off their heads to save their lives!

Then the two fish tails jumped three feet high and tried to jump to the other side of the He Luo fish with one head and two bodies.

Along the way, they even crushed the bodies of ghosts and ghost soldiers and bounced over.

Cai Su's pretty face turned ashen with anger, her eyes widened, and there was disbelief and anger in them.

Then she took just one step forward and caught up with a fish body, and then slapped it with a palm of "Erosion Blood Burning" without hesitation.

The fish body became withered in the air.


Then it fell heavily to the ground.

But when Cai Su looked at the other fish body, she saw that the other fish body had been connected to the fish head again, and it became a three-body He Luo fish again.

At this moment, Cai Su's pretty face seemed to show a trace of exasperation.

And this He Luo fish looked at Cai Su very humanely, then turned around and ran away.

During the escape, the fish scales were still flying around, harvesting various ghosts and ghost soldiers.

But Cai Su did not chase again, but a pendant with a rope appeared in her hand.

With the injection of spiritual energy, the pendant turned into a huge thorn ball, and the rope turned into a thick iron chain.

Then Cai Su threw it violently, and the thorn ball hit the fish head of the He Luo fish directly.


The head of the Heluo fish was smashed directly into the deep pit, and the fish body trembled several times, hitting the ground and making a series of thunderous noises.

But he found that the thorn ball on his head was so heavy that he couldn't move.

So the three fish bodies immediately planned to repeat the same trick and cut off their heads again to escape.

But this can happen once, but not again, and it can happen again, but not three times!

How could Cai Su tolerate being teased three times in a row?


On the thorn ball, three steel thorns like javelins flew directly from the thorn ball.

Like a precision guide, it accurately hit and penetrated the three fish bodies that Heluo fish wanted to escape, nailing them to the ground.

Then some kind of toxin gushed out from it, and after a few breaths, the fish body was completely paralyzed on the steel thorns.

The battle was over, and the scavengers came around again to clean up the corpses. However, the number of scavengers was greatly damaged after the targeted killing by He Luoyu. Only one out of five survived.




It was clearly underground, and the dome was clearly a rock layer.

But just at the moment when this blood beast with a human head and a dragon body, named Thunder Master, approached the dome, endless thunder burst out from the rock layer.

And this Thunder Master did not dare to show weakness, slapping his belly to make thunder sounds, and there was thunder flashing on his dragon body, as if he was going to fight with the blind girl.

But suddenly, this Thunder Master seemed to sense some danger, his body began to tremble, and he began to fly down in a hurry.

Halfway through the flight, the thunder around his body turned into a thunder net, which picked him up fiercely and kept dragging him towards the rock layer above his head.

At this time, his eyes were no longer full of vigor and his face was full of panic, because he found that his thunder was out of his control!

He wanted to escape, but his thunder became a giant net that bound him.

When the thunder net was dragged to a place very close to the rock layer.


A dark thunder struck down, and the blood beast named Thunder Master was completely blasted into pieces.

Literally blasted into pieces, the blind lady did not give him any chance to start over, and was directly blasted into pieces by the blind lady.

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