You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 186: A worm (Kun) at the beginning! [Seeking monthly votes and recommendation votes]

Then the area within five thousand feet becomes an absolute danger zone!

All the ghost soldiers began to retreat...

As expected, the changes suddenly increased!


An extremely terrifying sound came from the ground, and the blood in the blood pool even trembled because of the sound.

The sound penetrated directly through the ground beneath his feet, like a sharp sword.

It launched an indiscriminate crushing and piercing towards all the ghost soldiers and blood beasts above.

At the same time, there is boundless pressure pouring down directly!

The weak ghost Yin soldiers and blood beasts exploded in an instant and turned into a ball of Yin energy and blood energy.

Taking this opportunity, the blood in the blood pool began to rise wildly, and the water rose much faster than before.

Thirty-five hundred feet in radius——

The blood pool directly overflowed the area of ​​"rotting blood plants" without hesitation.

Thirty-eight hundred feet in radius——

Four thousand feet in radius——

The expansion speed of the blood pool began to slow down, but it was still fierce.

Four thousand one hundred feet in radius——

Four thousand five hundred feet in radius——

Without any stagnation or obstruction, the blood pool directly expanded to a size of 4,500 feet in radius, covering nearly 90% of the "rotten blood plants".

Finally, from the blood pool with a radius of 4,500 feet, an extremely weird-looking octopus gradually "squeezed" out! ?

The first one to come out was one of His tentacles, followed by the second, third... tenth... twentieth... one hundred...

Well, I take back what I just said, this guy is definitely not an octopus!

After the blood beast "squeezed out" part of its body from the blood pool, it was barely possible to see the appearance of the blood beast clearly.

This blood beast is extremely weird, because it has no head, but looks like a weird whole composed of countless tentacles.

Each tentacle is covered with suckers, mouthparts, teeth, hairs and eyes.

He only came out halfway, and then he couldn't wait to use all his tentacles.

Either sweeping or slapping, using all the strength to "pull" his body out.

Although it obviously did not target the ghost soldiers, it still caused unbearable losses to all the ghost soldiers.

"Overlord Axe!"

An extremely domineering shadow of an ax, with unstoppable power, struck down on the giant beast like the top of Mount Tai.

This octopus-like blood beast had no intention of resisting, and only used a few tentacles to protect the gathering point that looked like its "head".

The remaining tentacles continued to "pull" out of his body regardless.


This ax directly tore apart countless tentacles and tentacles, as well as the blood pool below, and the earth below the blood pool.

Waves of blood and water hit the ax face, first rising into the sky, and then falling back after exhaustion.

And when the giant shadow of the ax disappeared, the blood immediately poured back, forming a whirlpool again, sucking in an unknown number of blood beasts.

"Damn it!" But the face of Xing Huaian who caused this blow was extremely ugly!

Because he discovered that these tentacles and tentacles that he cut off actually evolved directly on the spot and became small blood beasts.

The blood beast is still drilling out, "squeezing" out, and pulling out!

He didn't pay any attention to Xing Huaian, it could even be said to be "ignoring"!

He didn't care about Xing Huaian and Caisu's attacks, nor did he care about the erosion of the 'Rotten Blood Plant'.

This unusual behavior made Xing Huaian realize that something was wrong.

"What's going on? Isn't the other party planning a sneak attack to completely destroy their dark soldiers?" Xing Huaian felt confused again.

He thought that the blood beast in front of him was deliberately setting up a plan to lure them into setting up troops so that they could be annihilated in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that something is wrong...

It was true that the other party was running for their lives, but it seemed that they did not deliberately massacre the underworld soldiers on their side.

What Xing Huaian could see was that the blood beast was still struggling to pull its body out.


Why is he so anxious?

Suddenly, Xing Huaian seemed to understand something, his pupils began to tremble, and then he began to yell at the top of his voice——

"All Yin soldiers, continue to retreat! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat outside the original blood pool pit!"

After the words fell, Xing Huaian directly fought fiercely with the blood beast, because he knew that he could never let the blood beast come out so easily.

If you can delay it for a moment, delay it for a moment.

Because the menacing blood beast now, in a nutshell, is——

They are just on the run.

By the way, just crush the Yin soldiers who blocked their escape...


The ground began to shake. Xing Huaian looked shocked and took a deep breath.

He immediately broke away from the battle and chose defense back-to-back with Caisu.

"Caisu, something's wrong, something's wrong with your feet! I suspect..." Xing Huaian didn't finish his words.

"Don't doubt it, it's probably like this. There are probably a lot of blood beasts burrowing down here!"

Caisu also took a deep breath and interrupted Xing Huaian's words.

"We all guessed wrong. There is no blood beast to set an ambush for us. We... are not worthy!"

Xing Huaian's eyes showed vicissitudes of life and weakness.

After the words fell, the two people chose to continue retreating with the remaining soldiers...

Yes, Xing Huaian was right——

Ambush? They don't deserve it!

Not long after, another golden-body blood beast escaped, but this blood beast emerged directly from the ground instead of squeezing out of the blood pool.

This blood beast has the heads of a pig, a dog, and a sheep, the body of a turtle, and the tail of a snake.

Moreover, the dog's head seems to be biting a monk with a golden body in blood robes?

"Blood God Cult?"

Ye Changkong stood up and looked at the messy battlefield. Seeing the appearance of the Blood God Cult monks, his eyes became solemn and he said slowly:

"As expected, you are there, but is this the commotion you made?"

Ye Changkong's tone was extremely calm. Looking at the doomsday-like scene of monsters running rampant in front of him, there was even a little confusion in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Ye, the Blood God Sect has shown up, so do we still need to eradicate the Blood God Sect now?"

Junior Brother Niu and Ma also looked confused. They stared at the Blood God Cult monk bitten by the dog-headed blood beast.

"No, this is no longer something we can intervene at will!"

Ye Changkong sighed, then stared at the ground under his feet and said with a slight solemnity:

"Let's meet up with the junior sister directly. In this situation, the three golden bodies can only barely protect themselves."

The ground beneath my feet was still shaking.


Countless blood fountains sprayed directly into the sky, and among them were countless blood beasts that were completely unable to control their bodies.

The blood pool began to swell further...

Six thousand feet in radius——

Seven thousand feet in radius——

There are more and more giant figures swimming in this blood pool.

"Damn it!" Xing Huaian yelled angrily.

Because this is the worst case scenario, the blood pool here is connected to another blood pool below.

Foreign golden body-level blood beasts are crowding here, and it seems that there will be more and more.



Why do blood beasts run for their lives?

Even such a powerful blood beast needs to escape?

If you look back at the worm, you may understand why this is the case.

When the worm arrived near the huge heart, it was like arriving in a real paradise and began a journey of eating and drinking.

The first worm is just like the smallest greedy snake.

He is weak, but he can eat it even if he can't stand it!

He couldn't eat anything at first, so He drank water.

When he drank the blood, thunder flashed continuously in his body, helping him refine the blood.

So, He could gain weight even by drinking water, and He began to grow!

His size began to grow, grow...

Suddenly at a certain moment, he discovered that no matter how much water he drank, he still felt hungry.

At this moment He understood that He wanted to eat meat!

So, He aimed directly at a blood beast that was three times his size.

He took a bite of it recklessly and started eating the meat without hesitation.


No resistance!

Because the moment he bit him, thunder burst out from his body, directly paralyzing the opponent, so that the blood beast could only watch helplessly as he was eaten alive.

After eating, he doubled in size, began to lose his worm appearance, and began to change into an appearance like the blood beast that he had devoured.

He just wanted to rest, but He realized... He didn't seem to be full! ?

He looked at his belly with some confusion, and could only see a ball of thunder faintly emitting light, as if it was helping him refine and digest the flesh and blood he had devoured.

So, he set his sights on a blood beast that was still about twice as big as him.

I don't know how long it took, the worm gradually grew into a huge blood beast, and its aura also vaguely reached the realm of Shenzang.

It was at this time that "thoughts of humanity" began to flash in the blood beast's eyes.

He glanced at his body doubtfully, and immediately seemed to notice something.

He began to look to the side with a solemn expression, and his body began to gradually become transparent, turning into a mass of blood without any abnormalities.

An incomparably huge beast swam over, its aura vaguely conveying the realm of the third level of Shen Zang, and its body was extremely strong to push away the blood around it.

But he suddenly glanced doubtfully at the hiding place of a certain blood beast, then turned his head and continued swimming forward.

But he didn't realize that there was a ball of ordinary blood adhering to his body.

I don’t know how long it took, but the worm transformed into a thunder master with a human face and a dragon body.

He slowly poked his head out of the water and looked at the huge heart.

Time goes on——

The heart seemed to be sick, and it no longer beat vigorously. There was a hole in it, as if something had penetrated it.

The heart almost stopped beating, and tentacles began to stretch out from the hole above the heart, wantonly salvaging, tying up and killing the Shenzang Realm and Golden Body Realm blood beasts swimming around.

After these blood beasts entered the heart, they let out an extremely sad howl not long after, and then the skeletons on the ground were pumped out by the heart.

The blood beasts noticed something was wrong, and they began to divide into two groups——

Powerful blood beasts began to unite. The bodies of these blood beasts were so huge that even just needing to swim would cause ripples to appear in the entire sea of ​​blood.

Their auras are not comparable to those in the Golden Body Realm. They still choose to unite and resist the "brutal" heart.


And the weak blood beasts began to run away and collapse, and they began to look for a way out in this sea of ​​blood.

Then, they found the exit.

This exit is very small, so small that only some blood beasts in the Shenzang realm can "shrink" their bodies to get through, and blood beasts of slightly larger sizes have no way to get through.

Only one is needed to completely block such a hole.


However, one exit is too few.

In this case, they began to look for more exits.

One --

Two --

Four --

They found four more holes that had collapsed by more than half. These four holes were the same size as the previous one, but the blockage was more serious.

But even if they found four more, it was still not enough, not enough!

Not enough for the really weak guys like them to escape. The strong guys would directly "block" the hole, leaving no room for the small blood beasts like them to escape.

So, the smaller blood beasts began to continue searching, and finally, they found a smaller hole.

This hole cannot even be entered by blood beasts in the Shenzang realm, and can only be entered by blood beasts in the Linghu realm or even weaker.

That's right, this hole is suitable for them!



Ten! Hundred! Thousands!

They began to find countless caves of different sizes, and they began to escape in unison.


Originally, every blood beast that left their hometown would not bother to get into such a cave.

It's not that they don't know the situation on the other side, but they simply don't bother to go there! Just like children who grew up in the city, it's hard for them to go to the muddy countryside.

Because in their limited inherited knowledge, they only know that the place where they are now is the most fertile blood pool!

Because the nutrients of all other blood pools must be transported here, the blood beasts here are the most powerful!

In order to prevent the blood beasts that have become powerful outside from coming back to seize the territory, the size of these caves is strictly limited.

But now, beyond their imagination, this place has become a cage!

The "checkpoint" originally used to control the powerful blood beasts in other blood pools to come back has become the biggest obstacle on their way to escape.

But they can't care so much, because their king-seems crazy?

So, they chose the dumbest way-

Dig! Widen!

And because of the law of the jungle, they were forced to choose to enter the cave at the wrong place -

The blood beasts of the Golden Body Realm occupied the cave that only the Shenzang Realm could pass through!

The blood beasts of the Shenzang Realm occupied the cave that only the Linghu Realm could pass through!

This is also the reason why so many blood beasts of the Golden Body Realm appeared on the battlefield on Xing Honglong's side!

I need to add some settings in the next chapter, so I will be stuck in the following text.

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