You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 19: Detecting the Trap [asking for monthly votes]

No. 555 Lu Chengjiang, like No. 520 and No. 521, are all golden body monks under Lu Jiangtao's team.

At this time, he was leading two members of the Shenzang Realm to secretly follow Zhang Mang's clone that he had transformed into using a bronze tripod.

Strangely enough, Lu Chengjiang actually didn't know why he said these words to his adoptive father, Lu Jiangtao, but it was as if a voice in his heart kept telling him, urging him that he must say these words.

On a whim? He was also joking with himself in his heart.

But one thing is certain, after saying these words, his heart did feel much lighter.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he vaguely felt that his perception of the surroundings had become slightly stronger.

And because of this suddenly stronger perception, he always had a vague feeling that they were being targeted by something, but when he looked around, he didn't find any trace of the enemy.

Even if he asked the two team members behind him, the answer he got was naturally that he felt nothing.

Lu Chengjiang frowned and stared at the figure in front of him that Zhang Mang had transformed into using the bronze cauldron.

A faint uneasiness arose in his heart...

"Speaking of which, why has this clone never attracted any monsters?" Lu Chengjiang asked in confusion.

Because he had already sensed that waves of fighting seemed to be coming from several other directions one after another. Why was there no movement on their side?

Could it be that there is no monster in their direction that can be used as the blood-eating energy source for the bronze cauldron?

With doubts in mind, they slowed down slightly, but still continued to choose to follow.


There was a strange sound. If I had to describe it, it was the sound of sucking back the saliva.

Lu Chengjiang was frightened all over and looked around nervously.

The team members behind him became alert when they saw Lu Chengjiang's reaction, even though they didn't hear the strange sound.

But suddenly, Lu Chengjiang's eyes were as wide as bells, and he took a deep breath.

Thump, thump——

Lu Chengjiang's heart also began to beat violently.

All of this happened because he caught a glimpse of a broken sword, thrust diagonally into the ground beside him.

And he happened to recognize this long sword.

But... this long sword shouldn't appear in front of him in this way.


Lu Chengjiang swallowed subconsciously.

At this time, he also suddenly discovered countless doubts, such as——

Why did Zhang Mang's clone in front of him always stare straight ahead?

Why is this clone always walking slowly?

Why is this clone not actively looking for monster clones?


Lu Chengjiang paused. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

At this moment, he only felt like a prey that had rashly entered a trap.

You don't look back because you know the prey is behind you.

I walked slowly because I was afraid of losing my prey.

The reason for not actively looking for monsters is because his goal is not monsters.

The hair on Lu Chengjiang's body stood on end, and his heart jumped into his throat because he had a terrifying suspicion.

He stretched out his hand to stop the two team members behind him and said slowly - "Let's retreat!"

"Captain?" the young team member asked doubtfully.

"Understood!" The older team member responded directly.

The younger player wanted to say something more, but the older one stopped him.

No more words were said, because long-term experience still made them choose to trust their team leader Lu Chengjiang immediately.

So they followed Lu Chengjiang's judgment and stepped back at a slow pace.

Only Lu Chengjiang stared closely at the figure with his back to them and did not retreat immediately.

But the moment they retreated, what worried Lu Chengjiang the most happened.

There was obviously no abnormal sound, and there was obviously no exposure, but the figure in front of them who was always walking slowly with his back to them also paused.

The body did not move, but the head turned 180 degrees in a strange way. He looked straight at the three hiding people, showed his fangs and asked, "Why don't you follow? I walked so slowly on purpose!"

Lu Chengjiang and the other two people suddenly felt their souls rising, and they felt a cold air rushing straight into the sky.

"Damn it, this guy has discovered us a long time ago! You retreat first, I will stop the rear!" Lu Chengjiang shouted directly, letting the two people accompanying him go first.

"Captain, take care!"

"Understood, Captain!"

The two voices came basically in no particular order, and the two people who felt they were a burden did not hesitate too much.

He immediately dodged and escaped into the woods behind him, using the cover of the trees to escape into the distance.

The two of them no longer hid their figures, but instead used their spiritual power to escape at full speed. They only needed a cup of tea before they could evacuate safely.

But whether it was an illusion or not, Lu Chengjiang saw a hint of amusement on the face in front of him.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse, without worrying about the other party escaping.

"What's going on? What's the problem? The guy opposite is too calm!"

Lu Chengjiang was already prepared for battle, and his palms were sweating because of nervousness.

But the other party didn't move, which made Lu Chengjiang a little hesitant.

Suddenly, two exclamations came out——

"Damn it, there's something wrong with these trees, be careful!" One person seemed to be reminding his colleagues.

"Captain, hurry up! Don't worry about us! This is Jiumulin!" The other man's tone was resolute and had a hidden will to die.

"Damn you!" Lu Chengjiang was furious at this time.

How could he not understand at this time that the opponent's first choice was not him, a hard bone to chew, but his two soft persimmon teammates.

In his fury, Lu Chengjiang began to clearly sense that the breath of his two colleagues was already barely perceptible, and it was obvious that they had already...

Lu Chengjiang's hand touched the storage bag on his waist uneasily.

A flash of light, and then a thunder talisman appeared in his palm.

Feeling this thunder talisman, Lu Chengjiang's heart was full of entanglement.

If used, it would be like saying "Lu Jiangtao, you should go to die!" Generally.

After struggling for a long time, he decided not to use it for the time being!

So he closed his eyes and reached out to touch the storage bag on his waist again.

Another flash of light, replaced by a silver-white spear - Silver Dragon Golden Spear.

The spear was crystal clear, with only the tip of the spear having a little golden red color. The tip of the spear had a red tassel, and the spear was about 1.5 times the length of Lu Chengjiang.

Lu Chengjiang held the spear with both hands, and his spiritual power surged, flowing into the Silver Dragon Golden Spear along his hands.

A dazzling white light emanated, and Zhang Mang's clone on the opposite side also closed his eyes unconsciously.


"Brother, why do you want to help him like this?" Shui Lei spoke.

"Nothing, this kid's luck is very strange, I want to try to help him and see if he can take advantage of the situation!" Fang Lei had no way to help these cultivators directly, after all, the heavenly tribulation also has its own rules!

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