You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 205 These two chapters are all about scolding people [asking for monthly votes and recommend

Chapter 205 These two chapters are all about scolding people~ [Seeking monthly votes and recommended votes]

Fang Lei carried two guys from the Blood God Cult, codenamed Blood Fang and Blood Bee.

He came to Cheng Moxiao in a few instant steps. At this time, there was no trace of Mang Haoyi here.

Zuo Xiangyang sat aside and drank alone, while Cheng Moxiao was in the air. There were extremely violent souls rushing into his body around him, but Cheng Moxiao's body was extremely unobedient and always resisted these souls.

Fang Lei looked at the two people in front of him, Cheng Moxiao and Zuo Xiangyang!

One was drinking, and the other had not made any progress until now.

He casually threw away the two burdens in his hands, thought for a long time, and still looked at Cheng Moxiao and said: "Your father is dead!"

"Mr. Hao, Zuo knows that Zuo's father is dead..." Zuo Xiangyang, who was drinking alone, twitched his mouth, and took down the wine glass on his lips. He answered with a little helplessness, obviously thinking that Fang Lei was talking about him.

"I'm talking about Cheng Kang, who is dead too!" Fang Lei turned his head to look at Zuo Xiangyang, who was a little familiar with him, and then looked at Cheng Moxiao again and repeated.

Zuo Xiangyang's hand trembled, and some of the wine in it spilled, and he seemed to be shocked by the news.

At the same time, Cheng Moxiao's floating body also trembled very obviously, and his eyelids began to tremble slightly, as if he wanted to open his eyes.

"Even if you open your eyes, you can't see Cheng Kang! In this case, it's better to close your eyes and bravely fall into the underworld. Maybe you can block your father on the way to the underworld and ask for clarification!" Fang Lei's words were heard by Cheng Moxiao again.

Sure enough, although Cheng Moxiao's body was still trembling, his eyelids stopped trembling.

Not long after that, even his body became calm again, and the souls around him slowly became soft.

"Master Hao, your lies really work! Cheng Moxiao claims to be smart, but I didn't expect that he would be fooled so directly!" Zuo Xiangyang saw that Fang Lei calmed Cheng Moxiao down with just a few words, and made rapid progress. He subconsciously thought that what Fang Lei said just now was just a lie, and his purpose was just to deliberately provoke Cheng Moxiao.

"..." However, Fang Lei did not speak this time, and looked at Zuo Xiangyang as if he was a fool.

Zuo Xiangyang was obviously frozen by Fang Lei's eyes, and then took a deep breath, looked at Fang Lei and asked_

"Master Hao, Uncle Cheng, is he really dead?"

He himself is a person who lost his father, so he knows how difficult this level is. If possible, he really hopes that Fang Lei is just deliberately using false news to stimulate Cheng Moxiao.

"Have you ever thought about why you are called Xiangyang, and why he... is called Moxiao?" Fang Lei looked at Zuo Xiangyang, did not answer the question, but asked him a seemingly irrelevant question.

Zuo Xiangyang did not answer, Fang Lei continued--

"Do you know? Jiao Liao's gang was actually brought here by Cheng Moxiao. Or rather, he played a big role in matchmaking."

Zuo Xiangyang's breath became a little unstable...

"He is very smart, so he guessed something, and because he guessed something, he wanted to do something to save something."

"Unfortunately, he was too naive, and his plan was easily discovered by Cheng Kang, so Cheng Kang set a trap on this plan!"

"Of course, Cheng Moxiao failed!"

"Because many things, like a huge wheel, always have to move forward. If it is not Cheng Kang who died, it is Li Kang, Wang Kang!"

"And things have come to this point, you will not simply think that your father simply followed Jia Yi to betray the country, or died in a gunfight with others?"

At this time, Zuo Xiangyang began to gradually regain his calm, but it was only calm, he did not have the spirit of a swordsman!

At this point, Fang Lei looked at Zuo Xiangyang with a sharp look, and continued--

"How could there be such a coincidence?"

"Jia Yi didn't tell you because he felt that since Zuo Honghui was dead, he shouldn't let his only surviving offspring get involved!"

"Listen carefully, he is the only surviving offspring! He has a way to send you and Cheng Moxiao out of this vortex!"

Zuo Xiangyang's head began to slowly lower, and his body became hunched...

But Fang Lei continued--

"Do you know? If I don't intervene in this game, the number of people who survived in the entire Jinyuan Kingdom will never exceed five fingers!"

"If you don't have any idea, then you only need to think about three things--"

"First, the black dog named Huodou will become your enemy. people; this is also the beast that was originally used to tempt Fenxin Valley to take the initiative to join the game! "

"Second, Nianyun, who slaughtered all the blood beasts, will not exist. The blood beasts will break through the defense line of the Yin soldiers and then rush to the ground, so the real battlefield is on the ground! "

"Third, Fenxin Valley will never be the same as it is now, taking the initiative to join the game because of Xiao Kongle's existence. Xiao Kongle wants to go home, so Fenxin Valley must send Xiao Kongle home; and her home is in Jinyuan City!"

"Compared with the other situation, although Huodou is tempting, they may not take the initiative to get involved except for Huodou's affairs."

"These three points broke out at the same time! I ask you, do you know the despair you will face at that time?"

The veins on Zuo Xiangyang's fist were exposed, and blood began to flow out, but then it fell down weakly.

Fang Lei also noticed this, so he was ready to take a ruthless approach——

"The old guy Jia Yi can still sit on the Diaoyutai now, because the opponent's first and most fiercest attack was basically completely suppressed by me!"

"Otherwise, he would have started to fight hard by now. Do you really think he went to Cheng's house just to drink tea?"

"And when he starts to fight hard, no matter where you and Cheng Moxiao are, he can use the Five Elements Soul Locking Array to send you out!"

"After all, the Five Elements Soul Locking Array is mainly a trapping array! But if there is the Yuanci Five Elements Divine Light as the array eye, it will change from a trapping array to a killing array!"

"The Five Elements Evil Ghost will also be taken into his body, allowing him to touch the Dharma Realm! Of course, now that the Five Elements Evil Ghost has become a Five Spirit Ghost, he can directly enter the Dharma Realm!"

"And he can't let go of his hands and feet with you inside! So you must get out!"

When Fang Lei said this, Zuo Xiangyang began to tremble in panic. Obviously, he received too much information at the same time, which made him panic subconsciously.

But Fang Lei's cruel medicine has not stopped yet--

"Your father's work is not done yet, you... still want to drink, how long will you drink? You must know that sometimes drinking to relieve sorrow is like drawing a sword to cut water!"

"Drinking to relieve sorrow makes sorrow worse, drawing a sword to cut water makes water flow more!"

"Then why not change it--"

"Borrowing a sword to relieve sorrow cuts both sorrows, raising a cup to cut water and scolding Fang Qiu!"

Fang Lei's words were obviously very calm, but they were like a blow to the head of Buddhism, which made Zuo Xiangyang recognize the reality completely. He felt his blood was surging and roaring!

Zuo Xiangyang's drooping head suddenly lifted up, and his eyes began to burst into light. It was different from the previous decadent spirit, or it could be said that it was the spirit of the swordsman, which returned.

Zuo Xiangyang knelt down solemnly on both knees towards Fang Lei, kowtowed three times, and banged.

Then he said loudly--

"Please help me, Master Hao!"

There was a power outage today, and the computer could not be turned on. I typed the words on a notebook!

But my laptop is running out of battery...

It's gone tonight~ That's it!

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