You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 249: Enter the game with death, win half the game first! [Ask for monthly votes and recommen

From Fang Lei's repeated repeated words, it is not difficult to tell that there may be a hidden secret behind Cheng Kang's death!

At least it won't be as simple as others understand!


On the other side, when Cheng Moxiao heard Fang Lei's words, his eyes suddenly began to diverge.

As if he thought of something, he then stretched out his trembling hands and touched his eyes.

He seemed to suddenly understand why "Master Hao" gave him this priceless pupil technique.

Even if he is clumsy and has never seen the world, he can still understand the rarity of this kind of pupil technique.


The Eyes of the Netherworld!

This is a pupil technique related to "death"!

His own physique and skills often worried his father Cheng Kang.

But when the problem was solved, his father was not surprised!

Yes, when Cheng Moxiao used these eyes to see his father Cheng Kang, although Cheng Kang expressed excitement, he did not show the slightest surprise.

Cheng Moxiao originally thought that his father had buried his emotions, but now he seemed to understand the reason.

All the gifts of fate have actually been marked with a secret price!

"Father, was it you who bought these eyes for me?" Cheng Moxiao's eyes became hazy, and even his tone became sad.

Hu Qianzhong and others beside him had different expressions when they heard this.

Zuo Xiangyang took Cheng Moxiao to sit down and opened his own bottle of wine...


Is Cheng Moxiao's guess wrong?

Basically no!

Can Cheng Kang's death be said to be related to Fang Lei?

On the contrary, it has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Cheng Kang's death, to a certain extent, is actually inevitable. In other words, even if Fang Lei didn't intervene here, Cheng Kang would definitely die!

Because the final plan of the Five Kingdoms is the "Five Powers God".

And if you want to plan for an existence like the Wutong God, Cheng Kang must die!

Cheng Kang, who is still alive, has no way, let alone the qualifications, to plot against an existence like the Wutong God;

Only "dead people" can confuse existences that have reached the level of Wutongshen to the greatest extent!

After all, no one would suspect a "dead man."

God is no exception!

It's just that Fang Lei's intervention maximized the value of Cheng Kang's death.

In the final analysis, this is actually more like a "each takes what he needs" transaction!

It's just that the person Fang Lei compensated was not Cheng Kang, but Cheng Moxiao!


So, what did Cheng Kang want to hide that he had to risk his life to "bury"?

The answer has not changed, it is still - a worm that turns into a tiger!

This is what Cheng Kang risked his life to bury!

Don’t understand? Then let me ask from another angle——

Is the worm in "Chu Zi Transformed the Tiger" really the one locked in the "bottle" by Cheng Kang?

Aren't the two people mentioned in the article "Chesou" and "Chuzi"?

If "Chu Zi" is the worm on the surface, then where is "Chessou"? ? ?

Where is the chess old man?

And another way to ask this question is precisely the question asked by Fang Lei——

"Where is Cheng Kang's body?"

At this point, everyone understands!

"Dead Cheng Kang" is the "chess old man".

So what Cheng Kang wants to hide, in more accurate terms, is——

The number of tiger worms!

One light and one dark, Chu Zi and Chessman.

What Cheng Kang wants to hide is the worm that turns into a tiger and represents the "chess master"!

"Cheng Kang entered the game with his own death, so he should win first!"

"I think this is the most magnificent song for mortals, and it is also the first fire that starts a prairie fire!"

"Do you... agree?"

After Fang Lei finished speaking, he looked expressionlessly at the nearby black abyss.


The Lord of the Black Abyss immediately started thinking the moment he saw Fang Lei's joking smile.

But no matter how he thought, without information, he could never figure out where Cheng Kang's body was!

But he had to think about it, because he had said before that this hunting duel was "fair" - that is, both sides could "kill" the other side.

He had the upper hand before, so he didn't think and didn't need to think, because as long as Fang Lei dies, all plans will be in vain!

But at this moment, he was stuck in a stalemate and had to start thinking.

Because he never discovered the "possibility" that Fang Lei could kill him!

On the bright side are——

The ever-increasing rain disaster? Does Confucianism and Taoism follow the rules? The Mountain and River Cauldron that became an innate magic weapon?

Yes and no, but one thing is certain, that is, these three combined to bind His hands and feet.

In other words, this "possibility" may have been hidden by the other party!

Three lights and one dark, it’s an old trick!

But having said that, the Black Lord cannot ignore this obvious "possibility".

Especially the suppression of Rain Tribulation is always suppressing His immortality and resilience;

This suppression of immortality is not as simple as it seems!

Because Yu Jie’s suppression did not erase His immortality, otherwise He would have run away long ago. After all, the longer the fight lasted, the greater the losses, so how about beating him up?

Instead, a lock was placed on Him, a lock called "death"!

A more understandable explanation is——

The Black Lord, He used his immortality to build himself an indestructible fortress.

At the same time, the key to the only door of this fortress is in his own hands. In this way, unless the fortress is destroyed, he will never die!

The suppression of Yu Jie is a different approach. It hangs a second "door lock" on this fortress and maintains the existence of this door lock!

But this door lock can also open the door of this fortress!

In other words, the Black Lord at this time has the possibility of death...

And this is the power above the level of Lin Dao Realm - concept!

After all -

The fastest way to open a door that cannot be opened is to "match it with a lock"!

Because of this, Yu Jie is the "east wind" that Fang Lei has been waiting for!


As for the stalemate between Shanhe Ding's "Ding Yan Tiandi" and his own "I am Heiyuan".

It represents the "right army" of direct mutual resistance.

The appearance of Shanhe Ding has almost completely locked him here, leaving only the choice of continuing to "resist".

Moreover, at this time, although he seems to be only less than ten feet away from Fang Lei,

It seemed so close, as if he could reach it almost instantly if he tried hard.

However, he understood that this was the other party's bait!

It could even be said that it was the other party's means of disgusting him and distracting him!

You know, the Mountain and River Cauldron is an innate magic weapon that has refined the land of the five countries!

In other words, it seems to be only ten feet away, but the next moment, it may become three feet, a hundred feet, a hundred miles, or even ten thousand miles away.

Distance has no meaning at all!

Unless he can break through the defense of the Mountain and River Cauldron head-on.


Then, the other party's trump card is the "Confucian and Taoist mantra" or the so-called "Cheng Kang corpse"?

Thinking of this, the Black Lord was also a little annoyed: "Tsk, brains are always not enough when they are needed. I should have brought a few brains earlier!"

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I'll try to adjust my work and rest schedule. I feel like I'm dying from my day and night reversal!

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