You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 259 The Innate Treasure! [Seeking monthly votes and recommendation votes]

Everyone has received the reward from heaven, which makes Taoist Chiyun a little jealous.

He looked at the sky, then at the colorful glow, and then at the horizon.

The meaning is very obvious——

What about mine?

What about mine? ? ?

What about mine! ! !

However, there was no reaction from heaven and earth. This result made Taoist Chi Yun freeze involuntarily.

But at this moment, Sheng Huo saw Chi Yun's condition and comforted him in a wide voice:

"Don't worry!"

However, these words are useless. If you are not in a hurry, how can you not be in a hurry?

Whoever leaves this matter alone is not in a hurry!

But soon, Taoist Chiyun wished that he had not been so anxious just now.

Because the second wave of rewards from heaven—golden light of merit—is here!

And Taoist Chiyun has exactly that.

For high-level monks, the effect of the colorful rays is actually limited, because the colorful rays cannot directly affect the "Tao".

The reason why Taoist Chiyun is jealous is actually more of pure greed.

But the golden light of merit is different. For high-level monks like them, this thing may be something that is truly rare.

Because the golden light of merit can strengthen the monk's understanding in all aspects, especially the understanding of "Tao".

And this reward actually transfers the "autonomy of rewards" to the monks themselves.

Whatever the monk wants to understand, he can understand it!

Because of this, when the golden light of merit came to him, Taoist Chiyun felt astonished for the first time.

After reacting, he was filled with panic and urgency, and he even wanted to go back to retreat immediately.


Because the golden light of merit and the green energy of merit are slightly different, this thing has a "time limit"!

It can take as short as more than a month, or as long as three to five years, the effect of the "golden light of merit" will begin to weaken, and the light will begin to become dimmer.

Only some of the merits and virtues with extremely strong golden light may eventually converge into extremely meager "merit and virtue green energy".

Although the "green energy of merit" will not dissipate, its enlightenment bonus is much lower than that of the "golden light of merit".

In other words, monks can only gain the greatest insights and gains by retreating while the "golden light of merit" is still there!

["Golden Light of Merit": timely, great bonus, and very powerful. 】

["Merit and Green Qi": Permanent, the bonus is very small, there is no time limit, but there is a quantity limit, and it will be gone after it is used up. 】

But at this point, some people may wonder, why does the golden light of merit appear?

As I said before, repaying kindness is a blessing; doing the opposite is a merit.

But that's the general case.

The death of the Lord of the Black Abyss obviously does not fall into this general situation.

This incident is fundamentally different from Fang Lei's previous behavior.

The death of the Lord of the Black Abyss will have an impact on the entire world.

It can even be said that once this kind of existence dies, there will definitely be a golden light of merit! ! !

Because the death of the Lord of the Black Abyss can directly or indirectly change the fate, life and death of countless mortals!

The number of this mortal being is vast and unknown.

It's so huge that even if you want to repay a favor, you can't ask for rewards one by one.

And it’s unknown because the thing hasn’t happened yet, and you can’t find an established person to ask for remuneration from.

In this way, it can be regarded as slipping through a loophole and becoming "giving kindness without repaying it".

In this case, of course merit will come to the monk who deserves the reward.

This is also the reason why the Holy Fire said "Don't be anxious", because He understands the reason.




Urgent! Urgent!

Taoist Chiyun, if you were in a hurry just now!

Now that the golden light of merit has descended, he is even more anxious!

In this case, it is natural that retreat is urgently needed!

Anyway, there is a "holy fire" guarding this place, so will they be afraid?


As the catastrophe came to an end, an extremely strange space appeared in Fang Lei's body.

Just as he was about to concentrate on checking, he suddenly felt a large amount of golden light pouring down.

Compared with that of Fang Lei, the golden light of Taoist Chiyun's merit is like the difference between a firefly and a bright sun.

But perhaps because it was so dazzling, it still attracted the prying eyes of some beings...

Fang Lei suddenly felt a strong "desire" from Shanhe Ding!

This desire is for the "golden light of merit"!

Before he even had time to wonder, Fang Lei heard Shanhe Ding's words:

"Master! Master! Give it to me, give it to me! Give it to me quickly!"

"Give me the golden light of merit, and I feel like I can still become stronger!"

"I want more, I want more!"

At this time, the tone of Shanhe Cauldron was very urgent, like a noisy child, and the body of the cauldron was also buzzing.

Fang Lei's heart skipped a beat, as if he was wondering why Shanhe Cauldron's reaction was so huge.

But suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and the pupils in his eyes began to dilate slightly, and his breathing became even faster.

The reason why the golden light of merit is valued by high-level monks is that it can deepen the understanding of "Tao".

More importantly, it has an extremely wide scope of action and can be called a "panacea."

Cultivation, refining treasures, relieving misfortune, overcoming tribulations, Taoist injuries...all of them can work!

The Shanhe Cauldron is needed precisely for this reason.

What will happen to ordinary spiritual weapons, ordinary magic weapons, and ordinary Taoist treasures if they are contaminated with merit?

Merit Spiritual Instrument! Merit Magical Instrument! Merit Dao Treasure!

They are all the best among the spiritual instruments, magic instruments, and Dao Treasures of the same level.

Because magic instruments are basically acquired, the word "acquired" will be dropped in general.

In other words, the full names of these magic instruments are actually "acquired merit spiritual instruments", "acquired merit magic instruments", and "acquired merit Dao Treasures".

So the question is, what if the "innate magic instruments" are tainted with merit?

It was precisely because of this that Fang Lei was stunned.

Because there was once a group of innate magic instruments tainted with the merit of the creation of the world. They were extremely powerful and even existed from ancient times.

This type of magic instrument is no longer distinguished by "spiritual instruments, magic instruments, and Dao Treasures".

Because this type of them has a very special name -

Supreme Treasure!

Also called -

Merit Supreme Treasure!

Innate Supreme Treasure!

Creation Supreme Treasure!

Its prototype is the weapon of the level of the Heavenly Dao Saint in the prehistoric times.

Although he understood the reason why the Mountain and River Tripod was craving for it, Fang Lei did not immediately give it the Golden Light of Merit.

It was not safe enough at this time, and Fang Lei sensed the greedy eyes around him.

Moreover, the Mountain and River Tripod was not suitable for a two-step jump!

That being said, the Mountain and River Tripod at this moment seemed to be addicted to merit, and it was somewhat unable to control itself.

Upon noticing this scene, Fang Lei's mouth twitched.

He felt that if he did not give the Mountain and River Tripod again, this little guy might have to snatch it.

But suddenly, he thought of the time when the Mountain and River Tripod was still a Xuanhuang bronze tripod.

It seemed that the desire for the Merit Green Qi was not so strong.

"Got it!" Fang Lei's eyes lit up, and he instantly thought of a way!

Brothers, come on and see!

Brothers, come on and see!

Brothers, come on and see!

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