But soon Ai Rumeng came back to her senses. She knew very well that she had to give in at this time.

So the next moment, her tone immediately became extremely gentle:

"Master Hao is joking. Rumeng feels very comfortable all over~"

Ai Rumeng's face became extremely rosy, and her tone was extremely gentle.

"Rufeng feels like he has ascended to heaven~"

Hearing Ai Rumeng's praise, Fang Lei smiled a little:

"Really? My craftsmanship is so good?"

Ai Rumeng was still a little itchy, but she had to admit it.

"Yes~Master Hao's craftsmanship is very good~"

Fang Lei continued to tease:

"Okay, I'll do it again for you later!"

Ai Rumeng's breathing stagnated, and her smile froze!

But in just a moment, Ai Rumeng, the ever-changing witch, became extremely charming again.

"Okay~ Then Rumeng will take off all her clothes, so that Master Hao can do whatever he wants!" Ai Rumeng gritted her teeth as she said the last four words.

It must be said that Ai Rumeng's move was smart.

She knew that being weak all the time was useless, so she simply retreated to advance.

In this way, no matter whether Fang Lei agreed or not, she could win back a game!

Would Fang Lei not understand Ai Rumeng's plan?

Fang Lei slowly touched his chin and walked closer to Ai Rumeng step by step.

Ai Rumeng's face changed again, and her body suddenly tensed up. Obviously, she was not as calm as she appeared.

Then Fang Lei hugged Ai Rumeng's tense body into his arms, and just like Ai Rumeng's previous behavior, he smoothed Ai Rumeng's hair.

Finally, he said to Ai Rumeng's ear:

"Then I'm not polite~"

After the words fell, he stretched out a hand towards Ai Rumeng.

Ai Rumeng's face became fierce, and then she closed her eyes very simply.

But Ai Rumeng stared for a long time, and did not notice Fang Lei's further actions, so she slowly opened her eyes.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore~" Seeing this, Fang Lei touched Ai Rumeng's forehead.

Then Ai Rumeng felt the blood in her body begin to surge, and then the tingling and strange feeling quickly disappeared.

At first, when she noticed that the strange feeling began to disappear, Ai Rumeng was even a little reluctant.

"I can do it again for you~"

But Fang Lei seemed to see Ai Rumeng's reluctance and teased her directly.

"Master Hao, you are joking!"

Ai Rumeng's eyes were angry, and she glared at Fang Lei with a little arrogance.

Then she twisted her body, got up directly from Fang Lei's arms, and sat opposite Fang Lei.

As soon as she sat opposite, Ai Rumeng returned to her own temperament, and she continued with a little excitement:

"Master Hao, you just gave up the opportunity to get Rumeng completely! Rumeng is very angry!" Ai Rumeng said she was angry with a smile.

But soon the topic changed again, Ai Rumeng's tone became tough:

"So let's make it clear first, before we pass the Valley of Love, Master Hao will not allow any form of attack on Rumeng again!!!"

"Because, Rumeng will be unable to bear it first!" The last sentence was as hard to hear as the buzz of a mosquito.

But seeing Ai Rumeng's appearance, Fang Lei directly dragged Ai Rumeng back into his arms and tasted her red lips.

(I can't write any more, so I'll omit a few words...)

Ai Rumeng leaned against Fang Lei with a delicate and innocent look on her face, and lifted her collar, but found that she couldn't lift it at all, so she simply gave up.

She had no choice but to turn around and ask Fang Lei why he was in seclusion...

Because Fang Lei's seclusion this time was very hasty, he was fighting with the Holy Fire the moment before, and he started seclusion the next moment.

Ai Rumeng almost thought that something was wrong with Fang Lei.


"You mean, you're in seclusion because a strange space suddenly appeared in your body?" Ai Rumeng said with a hint of doubt.

"Hmm!" Fang Lei first drank a sip of tea, smacked it a few times, and felt that his mouth was tasteless, so he wanted to drink something else.

"What kind of space is that?" Ai Rumeng handed Fang Lei a glass of wine very naturally.

"There are mountains, water, sun, moon and stars..." Fang Lei took a sip, his eyes lit up, and he felt that the taste was just right.

"Hmm? Is there life?" Ai Rumeng was stunned and continued to ask.

"No!" Fang Lei said, but soon continued to add, "But there can be!"

"What kind of space is this? Xiaodongtian?" Ai Rumeng was really confused at this time, because it was as if there was an extra world in Fang Lei's body.

"It's about the same, but I feel that it's more appropriate to call it 'Inner Scenery'!" Fang Lei said very straightforwardly.

"Inner Scenery?" Ai Rumeng heard it and felt as if she had heard it somewhere.

But she soon put aside this doubt and continued to ask: "How did it appear?"

Fang Lei was stunned, and he said uncertainly: "I don't know, but it is probably related to the transformation of the Mountain River Cauldron."

"Mountain River Cauldron?" Ai Rumeng nodded in understanding.

Then, as if she was interested, Ai Rumeng continued to ask: "Then tell me, are there any other magical things?"

"I haven't found it yet! But the space inside is quite large now!" Fang Lei said.

"Big? How big?" Ai Rumeng was a little confused. What's so magical about this?

Seeing Ai Rumeng's look, Fang Lei simply took Ai Rumeng directly into his inner scene.

It was not until this moment that Ai Rumeng understood how big Fang Lei was talking about!

Ai Rumeng chose a direction and moved forward quickly, but she could not reach the end, so she turned back.

"Is this, the inner scene?"

When she came back, her face was full of disbelief.

She originally thought that the big thing Fang Lei mentioned was a small cave heaven, which was at most the size of a small world.

A radius of a thousand miles or ten thousand miles is almost the limit.

This is also the hiding place of many top sects, so it is called a cave heaven and blessed land!

At first, she thought that Fang Lei's inner scene was a small world like the cave heaven and blessed land.

The sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are all there!

But there is no life except for vegetation.

This is also normal, because many sects' cave heavens and blessed lands were like this before they moved in.

But there is only one extremely abnormal thing - big! Incomparably big!

Although Ai Rumeng's leg strength is limited, she can also feel the vastness of this space by intuition.

Just at this moment, she seemed to remember, and turned to Fang Lei and said:

"I seem to remember where I heard of 'Inner Scenery'! But that word is not Inner Scenery, but 'Inner Scenery'!"

"Huh?" Fang Lei was stunned when he heard this, he knew Inner Scenery.

This is probably one of the reasons why he subconsciously named it Inner Scenery.

But Fang Lei fell into the knowledge barrier!

It was not until Ai Rumeng pointed it out that Fang Lei realized the reality of this space.


The author said that no one would read it, so he simply threw it at the end of the chapter (control it within 200 words and do not deduct starting coins)

Here is a simple analogy for the knowledge barrier:

The sun and the moon.

When I put these two words together, do you think the word "sun" is a little ordinary?

Then I will change the word!

The moon, the sun!

Do you still think the word "sun" is ordinary?

This is also a kind of knowledge barrier, Fang Lei is like this

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