You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 276 Only by not being tainted by cause and effect can one be detached!

Once he thought about it this way, Fang Lei felt that this was the case.

Originally Fang Lei thought——

The golden light of merit required to be promoted to the Supreme Treasure is the key, but it may seem a little different now.

Open Heaven and the Golden Light of Merit, they are probably equally important, and they probably complement each other!

It is precisely because of the existence of Kaitian that the golden light of merit will be added to the body!


Because of the golden light of merit, the treasure can gain some unique insights from "opening the sky"!

The relationship between the two is door and key, and they are the door and key to step into the first level of treasure!

Only by possessing them at the same time can the innate treasure open the door to the level of the ultimate treasure!


In this way - the existence of this "interior location" is explained.

For example, looking at it from another perspective...

Could the "inner scene" be an alternative "world" opened up by Shanhe Tripod?

In other words, Shanhe Cauldron is "opening the sky" at this time!

The interior location is the sky!


The more I think about it, the more right I am!

Because this can also explain why there are so few treasures!

The Qi of Hongmeng, the Qi of Xuanhuang, the Light of Merit, and the Qing Qi of Merit.

These may be extremely rare and hard to find, but the whole world takes time to build them up.

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, in all the vicissitudes of life, one or two "treasures" will always appear!

but no! ! !

Fang Lei can clearly feel that there are many "(quasi) innate treasures" or "innate treasures" in this world.

These "innate treasures" suppress the fate of a sect. While enjoying the merits of the sect, they also need to suppress the evil obstacles of the sect.

Then why didn't you step into the treasure?

It should be noted that there are only ten treasures at the first level, even if you add your own Mountain and River Cauldron!

If you ask Fang Lei why he is so sure there are only ten?

This is because Tianjie's identity makes him clearly understand that the treasure cannot be hacked!

What's the connection? Why can't it be determined that there are only ten of them if they can't be split?

Then explain it in more vernacular terms——

On the world map, except for the Mountain and River Cauldron, there are nine small red dots with the words "No thunder here" written on them.

Is this clear enough?

The fundamental reason why it cannot be hacked is because of the innate treasure - it is not contaminated by cause and effect, so it is not afraid of thunder!

Is it a bit difficult to understand here?

It doesn’t matter, let’s understand it based on what was said before about monks representing chaos——

All monks represent "chaos", "uncertainty", and "destruction", and the higher the level of cultivation, the more so!

The continuous gathering of power in the monk's body will gradually break the stability of the network of cause and effect, destiny, heaven, time and space fabricated by the heaven and earth itself.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the influence!

The Heavenly Tribulation is a means to curb the rapid increase of this chaos.

Except for the monks, the same goes for magic weapons - they also represent a certain degree of chaos.

It can also affect the stability of the network of cause and effect, destiny, heaven, space and time fabricated by the heaven and earth itself.


In this way, the untainted cause and effect of saints and treasures has a common way of understanding——

"The share of chaos is zero" and "always zero", no matter how bad it is, it must be approximately equal to "zero"


Supreme treasures and saints are not tainted by cause and effect, are not afraid of catastrophes, do not enter reincarnation, and transcend the world!


"Sure enough!" Fang Lei opened his eyes, and he was sure of the authenticity of this matter.

Because he noticed the close connection between the Mountain and River Cauldron and the inner scene.


Fang Lei dug out an overly bloated Sky-Escape Insect with a swipe of his finger.

"You dare to swallow this kind of thing?" Fang Lei said slowly.

As he said that, Fang Lei moved his fingers towards the body of the Sky-Escape Insect.

As if something had been stripped away, the body of the air worm became slender again.

Fang Lei threw the Sky-Escape Insect into the cauldron, then stood up and looked at the inner scene.

The Mountain and River Cauldron cannot open the sky, so it is stuck and cannot step into the treasure.

This doesn't mean he can't!

Since the inner scene is the world opened up by Shanhe Cauldron, then of course I have some control over it, right?

Fang Lei closed his eyes again, and his mind gradually dispersed into the interior scene.


There are infinite ways to open the sky, because opening the sky is just a process, not a result.

But there is only one way, and it is the most difficult to go——

Prove the Tao with force, and Pangu opens the sky!

Of course, having said that, Fang Lei has no intention of taking Pangu's path.

Firstly, he himself is not qualified, and secondly, the magic weapon in his hand is even less qualified.

Who is Pangu? What kind of magic weapon is in your hand?

Is he qualified? Is the magic weapon in his hand qualified?

So he planned to take another path, that is, the Western theory of seven days of God.

God spent seven days creating light, air, land, stars, animals, people, and work and rest.

The reason why I chose this path is because God created the world, which is more in line with his current Confucianism and false Taoism.

On the first day, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light!

The next day God said, "Let there be air," and there was air!

The third day...

If you think about it carefully, isn't this "the power of my thinking" and "the power of false heaven"?

What to choose?

Fang Lei moistened his throat and said, "Come on!"

Infinite light began to gather in the interior scene.

When the light dissipates, darkness appears, and there is an alternation of light and darkness.

Fang Lei continued to moisten his throat, then said: "Come on!"

The inner scene began to be filled with spiritual energy, but Fang Lei suddenly felt his face begin to turn pale, and immediately began to shout "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

After recovering, he was a little pale, and he began to carefully recall God's seven-day creation of the world.

Light, air, land, stars, animals, people, work and rest.

"Animals? People?" Fang Lei suddenly realized that something was wrong, and began to take a breath of cold air, creating life?

". You shouldn't believe what those charlatans on the blue planet said!" Fang Lei suddenly began to curse.

How much Fang Lei trusted those charlatans at the beginning, and how angry he was at this time.

The reason why Fang Lei chose to believe it at the first time was that

God's seven-day theory was like a development method tailor-made for his fake heavenly way.

How could he not believe it?

Just move your lips! How labor-saving!

But if Fang Lei is not wrong, this God's seven-day theory may have been deleted and modified by someone with ulterior motives.

What was deleted and modified?

For example, the light of the first day, or light and darkness.

If Fang Lei guessed correctly.

It probably refers to the Taoist Yin and Yang, that is, the two opposite sides.

It is not as simple as light and darkness.

The air of the second day, the original text is even more:

"There must be air between the waters to divide the water into upper and lower." God created the air and separated the water below the air from the water above the air. That's how it was. God called the air heaven.

Divided the heaven and earth up and down, the air was the sky, and the rest was the earth.

What is this? Familiar?

This is clear and turbid!

In Pangu's creation of the world, "the yang is clear and the sky is heaven, the yin is turbid and the earth is earth, and Pangu is in it!"

The subsequent land, stars, animals, people, and daily routines have all been changed beyond recognition, and I'm afraid the order has been changed.

When Fang Lei realized this, he came back to his senses and looked at the seven-day theory again, and it became——

[Light and Dark] The opposition of Yin and Yang, the theory of Tai Chi;

[Air] Clear and turbid;

[Continent] Wuji, Tao gives birth to all things;

[Stars] The sky and the earth are dark yellow, the universe is vast and wild;

[Animals] All things and spirits;

[Humans] Nuwa created humans;

[Work and rest] The rules of heaven.

If Fang Lei continued to create the world according to the seven-day theory, he might die on the third day.

So Fang Lei decided to take back his previous confident big words.

He would not be able to create the world!!!

Then who would?

Fang Lei narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky.

"Little brothers, can you?"

But soon, Fang Lei narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"It's not a question of whether it will happen, but whether it can be said to be a question."

So, Fang Lei began to sense the remaining nine extremely clear red dots.

Then, he opened his eyes thoughtfully.

"Human race, Jiuzhou!"

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