Seeing so many pseudo-Lin Dao realm cultivators.

At this time, let alone the people of Xiaojiang Village in Yinxu;

Even Wei Yan's party was horrified.


What made them think more terrified was that they found that they didn't know any of these pseudo-Lin Dao realm cultivators!

If there were only the first five, it would be understandable. They would be surprised, but not afraid!

But at this time, such pseudo-Lin Dao realm cultivators were a huge group!

So many pseudo-Lin Dao realm cultivators were hiding around Yinxu, but they didn't know any of them?

Do you really think that their intelligence department was eating dry rice?

And if it wasn't their intelligence department eating dry rice, it was that the other party was always hiding itself.

What kind of force, for what purpose, needed to hide so many pseudo-Lin Dao realm cultivators?

After seeing this scene, could they really survive?


These third-party cultivators who suddenly appeared gathered in groups and started to charge again!

But this time, even the Yinxu party had to deal with it seriously.

Wei Yan proposed negotiations again:

"Li Changlu, you should have seen that our current situation is no longer under your control!"

"I, just leave, how about that!"

Li Changlu pondered for a while and glanced at Cang Xuehai.

With a smile, he used the true meaning of Wanshan to surround himself, stared at the two with his back and began to retreat.

Looking at Li Changlu leaving, Wei Yan still had a burst of killing intent in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it.

He then turned his head to look at Cang Xuehai with an angry face, with a little warning and anger in his eyes.

"Cang Xuehai! What do you mean?"

Cang Xuehai turned a blind eye to Wei Yan's warning and stood casually opposite Wei Yan.

"It doesn't mean anything! I still say that - you can't leave!"

Endless blood began to surge around Cang Xuehai, turning into a bloody demon general.

And Wei Yan, who was opposite him, looked extremely ugly.

At this moment, Li Changlu pointed his spearhead at these strange pseudo-Lin Dao Realm legions.

It was the perfect time for him to cooperate with Gu Zhong to send away the young master hiding in the Black Cloud Sect.

However, the accident that made Wei Yan angry still happened.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Wei Yan's face was extremely ugly.

He felt that he was a blind man who was kept in the dark and was played around by everyone.

This place is undoubtedly a trap...

"You can't leave!" Cang Xuehai still said the previous words, but his expression became playful.

Wei Yan looked at Cang Xuehai, his pupils shrank slightly and said: "Another trick of your Blood God Sect?"

Cang Xuehai smiled helplessly when he heard this: "If you think so, then think so!"

Wei Yan laughed angrily: "Why, you dare to do it but not admit it, you Blood God Sect really can't change your dog eating shit!"

"Anyway, you famous and upright sects like to throw dirty water on us. Even if I say it's not, will you believe it?"

Wei Yan's face was full of anger and sarcasm.

"Look, I told you, you definitely don't believe it!" Cangxuehai spread his hands helplessly.

"Get out of the way!" Wei Yan roared.

"It's useless to get out of the way! Your attitude is too strange, someone has noticed you a long time ago."

"What do you mean?"

This time, Cangxuehai acted as a riddle man...

"Blood magic appearance, boiling blood true meaning!"

An extremely huge blood demon appeared, and the blood all over his body was boiling like magma.

"Don't tell? I'll beat you to tell!"

Wei Yan was eager to know what happened here!

And the best breakthrough point was the Cangxuehai in front of him.

"Fire cloud true meaning, ten thousand miles of red drought!"

The next moment, a small sun appeared in the sky.

It drew a red light, dragged its long tail, and crashed into Cangxuehai.


On the other side, Li Changlu, who had escaped, took a look at the chaos.

"These guys smell the same as the guy who spread the news."

"When did you, the Blood-Destroying Tower, also start doing these things?"

As he said this, he looked at a certain Yijie Lindao who was fighting on the front line, who was the cultivator of the Blood-Destroying Tower he mentioned.

"The true meaning of ten thousand mountains, condense the mountains into the sea!"

As Li Changlu's words fell, countless peaks, like falling rocks, fell towards the cultivator of the Blood-Destroying Tower who had his back to him.

Just at the moment when they were about to hit, these peaks seemed to hit something.


A loud noise like the sky cracked resounded in the ears of all the cultivators.

The next moment, these peaks were shattered into complete dust by an extremely terrifying force.

The moment this force appeared, Li Changlu felt a throbbing and fear from the bottom of his heart, which made him unable to help but step back half a step.

"The moment these guys appeared, I knew that you would definitely find me!" The Lindao turned his head and looked at Li Changlu.

A face full of calmness and matter-of-factness.

"You should be curious about how they appeared, right?" The man said with a passionate look on his face.

"No!" Li Changlu interrupted his speech.

"No, no, no, you must be curious!" The man began to shake his head and continued to immerse himself in his own world.

"I said I'm not curious! Aren't they just miscellaneous soldiers made in batches using the monks who died here?"

"...You know?"

"It's just a trick, of course I know!"

"No, no, no, don't try to lie to me, you definitely don't know; oh, yes, yes, you must have figured it out just now!" The man's face suddenly became enlightened.

"It's so tiring to talk to a guy like you who doesn't listen to people!" Li Changlu sighed and asked:

"Then are you curious about why so many Yinxu fighting forces are gathered here?"

"Of course you won't be curious, you will only think that this is God's help to you; your arrogance is obviously groundless but ridiculous."

"Let me tell you about your next step, I guess it's to use these pseudo-Lindao puppets to self-destruct!"

"Use self-destruction to take away the lives of a large number of cultivators, and then start snowballing, right?"

Li Changlu looked at the stunned monks of the Blood-Destroying Tower, his eyes full of calmness.

"Then I'll tell you too, I won't bother you! How about it?"

The moment Li Changlu's words fell, the self-destruction really began to bloom everywhere.


The cultivators who self-destructed were not those pseudo-Lindao.

Instead, it was a large number of Dharma images and Lin Dao realms from Yinxu...

At the same time, an extremely strange aura began to permeate the sky above Xiaojiang Village.


"Old sir, it's your turn!"

"Bu Tian Palace, Bu Tian Realm, Bu Tian... Stone."

After Fang Lei finished speaking, Gu Canghao was also shocked.

"There is a gap in the sky here. Other forces can choose to watch and gamble!"

"But Bu Tian Palace is the only one that cannot!"

"If one day, the Chaos Bell directly chooses to start, there must be a cultivator who can repair the sky!"

"This is the responsibility of Bu Tian Palace."

"As the saying goes, there must be an antidote within seven steps!"

"So this cultivator cannot be too far away, otherwise there will be too much time!"

"In other words, this cultivator must stay in Yinxu for a long time..."

"Am I right?"

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