"I will deal with the matter of the demon race and the sons of the Holy Lord who participated in it!" Fang Lei took a deep breath first.

Then he looked at Gu Canghao again, and his tone became serious:

"Don't make any mistakes on your side! You must fully cooperate with me to solve this matter, and it's best not to have any selfish thoughts."

Fang Lei's words were very direct. There was already a group of pig teammates dragging their feet.

And this matter was still a done deal, and it was messed up by those pigs. At this time, Fang Lei really wanted to kill people!

He didn't want things to get worse, and he knew that there couldn't be any more mistakes.

He said to Gu Canghao very solemnly and seriously:

"I will let the Lindao of Yinxu speed up the pursuit of the Thousand Faces."

Fang Lei said to speed up, not slow down.

Because there is no other way to choose this matter.

It is necessary to cut the Gordian knot quickly, and there is no room for hesitation and variables.


Gu Canghao opened his mouth. He actually wanted to ask Fang Lei if he could give him more time, but he gave up the next moment...

Because Fang Lei's words were meant for him, and were a warning to him, because what he really grasped was the lifeblood of the Butian Palace.

Just imagine...

Why did Fang Lei capture him first, and wait until the Yuntian Saint and the Thousand Faces clone had a fight before taking him to see the Chaos Bell?

Why did Fang Lei wait until the matter was done and the Thousand Faces would definitely come before telling him that the Chaos Bell had the intention to leave?

This is an open conspiracy, an open conspiracy to put the Butian Palace on the fire!

The Thousand Faces clone died, the Thousand Faces Lord came, and the real body of the Chaos Bell would definitely give up guarding the Heaven's Mark. These are all things that are bound to happen now!

Even if the Saint is here, the above things will not change in general...

It is precisely because of this that Fang Lei can hold the Butian Palace and leave it with no other choice. Otherwise, it is really uncertain which side the Butian Palace will stand on.

The current situation can be summed up in one word:

If the Bu Tian Palace cannot take advantage of this moment, the time when the Thousand Faces descended on Yinxu and the Chaos Bell also left, to repair the scar of the sky.

The consequences? It will be very serious later...

Either they will use the lives of countless cultivators in the Bu Tian Palace to fill it, or simply not fill it.

As for the consequences of not filling it——

Gu Canghao swallowed his saliva, unwilling to think about the consequences.

Gu Canghao looked into Fang Lei's eyes seriously and said sincerely:

"I know, but I need forty-nine days to refine the five-colored stone and the blood of the sky in my hand into 'Qi' to repair the sky."

"Forty-nine days?" Fang Lei's eyes sank slightly, and he said something that made Gu Canghao despair, "Without forty-nine days, the Thousand Faces clone will die within half a month!"

Gu Canghao began to argue with reason after hearing this, and his words were extremely fierce. It seemed that the number he said was not for the purpose of delaying time.

"It must be forty-nine days, otherwise the five-colored stone will not melt, and the blood of heaven will not be able to integrate into it."

"The scar of heaven is both a wound and not a wound; it exists and does not exist!"

"The five-colored stone and the blood of heaven must be transformed into 'qi', into the innate 'qi', in order to penetrate into the scar of heaven and repair the sky!"

("qi" is the ancient writing of "qi". Generally speaking, qi refers to "innate qi" and qi refers to "acquired qi".)

Fang Lei pondered for a while and asked tentatively:

"If I can refine the five-colored stone and the blood of heaven into qi, how long will it take to merge them after that?"

Gu Canghao heard this, his expression eased a little, and he pondered for a while, and then said:

"There is already the blood of heaven and the spirits of all living beings. If all are integrated, it will not exceed seven days at most!"


Fang Lei nodded and continued to ask. "Do you have the things to mend the sky?"

"As for the blood of the sky, I need to go back to the Tiangong to get it!" Gu Canghao lowered his head with embarrassment.

"Then go get it!" Fang Lei said directly after hearing this.

He did not tie Gu Canghao here, nor did he doubt the truth of Gu Canghao's words.

But he still added: "But you only have three days to go back and forth! The remaining seven days are used to integrate the blood of the sky."

"Because within ten days, I will bring all these monsters here."

"Capture all the sons of the Holy Lord who participated in it. Even if they are dead, I will bring their souls here!"

Fang Lei's words revealed an extremely strong self-confidence, as if this was just a trivial matter.


After all the discussions were completed, Fang Lei pointed to the Tianshan Mountain that was once used by the Shang Dynasty to offer sacrifices to the sky and said:

"Have you seen the Tianshan Mountain used by the Shang Dynasty to offer sacrifices to witches?"

"When you get the blood of the sky, just go there with it. On the top of the mountain, there will be dissolved colorful stones!"

After saying that, Fang Lei turned his head to look at Gu Canghao and threw him a jade ring.

"This seals a magical power of mine that can allow you to return to the foot of Tianshan Mountain in an instant. I hope that by then, you have brought the blood of the sky!"

"Otherwise..." Fang Lei didn't finish his words, and Gu Canghao could understand the consequences.

Gu Canghao took the jade ring thrown by Fang Lei, and at the same time, Fang Lei's voice came to his ears again:

"Finally, I will send you off again!"

When Gu Canghao finished hearing this, he was about to ask how to send him off.

It seemed as if a gust of wind passed by in front of his eyes, and everything around him became blurred.

The next moment, when the vision gradually became clear, the scenery in front of him was poetic and picturesque, like a scroll handed down for thousands of years gently unfolding.

The flowing clouds were like leisurely fairies, floating freely among the green mountains;

The green mountains were lush and green, as if the mountain god who had been sleeping for thousands of years had awakened;

The green water was like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and the gorgeous clouds;

The rosy clouds were like a woven silk, sprinkled all over the mountains and rivers;

The thousand-year-old trees stood, witnessing the passage of time, and their branches and leaves seemed to whisper, telling ancient legends.

The strange rocks stood in a forest, like a work of nature, showing the ingenuity of nature.

All of this was so familiar and kind...

Because this was the sect where he had stayed for thousands of years, the place he was dreaming about -

His home!

When he came to his senses, he was already in tears.

An indescribable emotion surged in his heart, and every cloud, every mountain, and every drop of water here seemed to carry his memories and stories.

When he turned sideways, he found that Fang Lei, who was standing beside him, had disappeared.

Surprise surged into his heart like a tide. He was sent back to the Butian Palace in an instant, as if time and space twisted and rotated in front of him, and brought him back to the Butian Palace in the next moment.

He stood there, surrounded by silence, with only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, as if telling something.

He felt mixed emotions, as if he was in another world. Everything here told him that he was back, really back.

"What kind of method is this?" Gu Canghao couldn't help but feel a little panic in his heart.

But soon, he didn't have time to think about it.


A sharp shout suddenly came from the horizon.

"Who are you!?"

The next moment, Gu Canghao was surrounded by the disciples of the Butian Palace with a formation.

At this time, Gu Canghao looked at the energetic disciples of the Butian Palace very calmly.

The next moment, his hand reached for the storage bag on his waist, and this action made all the disciples of the Butian Palace feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

However, unexpectedly, he changed into a set of simple clothes.

"Old man, Gu Canghao!"

This set of clothes was exactly the clothes of the elder of the Butian Palace.

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