In the vast land of Kyushu, the news spread quickly like a storm.

The rumors about the Yinque Documents and the Yinxu Immortal Palace spread at an extraordinary speed, shocking the entire Kyushu.

"Public opinion speaks gold! Three people become a tiger!"

"Tell the news everywhere! Rumors are like the wind!"

"It's spreading like wildfire! The news is flooding in!"

"Pass one to ten, and ten to one hundred!"

In the void, Fang Lei had an expressionless face, speaking in Confucian terms at all times.

This is also the reason why the news can sweep across Kyushu in such a short period of time.

I have to say that Confucianism’s teaching of words and actions is simply a panacea...

Suddenly, Fang Lei looked sideways.

"As expected of a Confucian sage, he actually followed his words and followed the law and came here? He came so fast!"

Strange fluctuations appeared beside Fang Lei, but Fang Lei just smiled slightly, and his incarnation instantly dissipated like flying ash.

"Another step too late! Who is this person?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure came to the place where Fang Lei's previous incarnation stood like the wind.

This person is the Holy Lord Haoran from Ruzhou. He is dressed in the attire of a master, with a calm face and deep eyes.

He intercepted Fang Lei's fly ashes, hoping to get more clues, but he only saw the characters "one, two, nine" that represent what he said.

"Haoran, you didn't catch it again?" At this time, another figure appeared next to Haoran.

"I'm afraid this person's state of speech and art has at least reached the 'perfect level'. We can't catch him!" Haoran sighed.

How difficult is it to catch a Confucian monk who has reached the "perfect" state? Doesn't he, his own family, know?

"Zhenzhen?" Saint Yuntian frowned and looked at Saint Haoran suspiciously, wondering if it was directed and acted by the other party.

"Don't look at me like that. If I really want to take action, I'll just arrest those B-bastards! It's not like I don't know who the people involved were..."

Haoran's expression remained unchanged and he explained very naturally.

"The other party's move was aimed at Yin Xu from beginning to end. It seems that he didn't know the specific participants."

Just based on clues, Holy Lord Haoran directly guessed Fang Lei's biggest trouble at the moment - he didn't know who it was.

Because of this, Fang Lei took such troublesome measures.

The other party can steal all the monsters in the world within two days. Is it possible that the heirs of the Holy Lord can't be touched?

"Then do you want me to test Chaos Clock's tone?"

"Do you really think that the Chaos Clock is a stupid pig?"

"What should we do?"

"It's very simple, either we flip the table or die!" Holy Lord Haoran said first.

"..." Holy Lord Yuntian chose to pretend to be dead.

"Then continue chasing." Holy Lord Haoran continued.

"Continue to pursue?" Holy Lord Yuntian was confused for a moment at first.

But then a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he nodded: "Yes, then keep chasing!"


At the same time, the second piece of shocking news swept across Kyushu like wildfire.

The Jiuxiao Beast Sect encountered the theft of a monster!

This is simply a laugh-out-loud joke.

What makes people laugh even more is that the news actually came from their own sect.

Among the nine states, the Jiuxiao Beast Sect, which is famous for its beast control, can't even guard the monster beasts it protects. It seems extremely funny.

This is like a gold and silver bank claiming that all its gold and silver has been looted, which is jaw-dropping.

Just as the major sects were laughing at the Nine Heavens Beast Sect's negligence, laughter gradually got stuck in their throats.

Because they began to discover one after another that their own monsters had also been stolen.

At the beginning of the incident, all the major sects in Jiuzhou were furious. They were furious and vowed to dig out the thief and cut his body into thousands of pieces to serve as a warning to monkeys and chickens.

However, when they discovered that the thief's methods were so extraordinary, he seemed to have stolen all the monsters in Kyushu.

The anger was extinguished in an instant, replaced by fear and uneasiness that penetrated deep into the bones.

If they just stole their monsters, they would naturally dare to shout and kill them, because it was about the sect's face.

But if the other party steals the monsters from all the sects in Kyushu, the nature will change.

As the saying goes, those who steal pearls will be punished, and those who steal the country will be martyred.

Killing one person is considered a sin, killing ten thousand people is considered a hero, killing millions is considered a hero among heroes.

Fang Lei used his strength to tell all the sects in Jiuzhou that he was the one who stole the world and killed millions.

In a direct physical sense, the Kyushu Sect was sealed.

At the same time, it also established an extremely powerful imaginary enemy for them.

This imaginary enemy can enter the land of no one in Kyushu and quietly steal the monsters of all sects.

This must be an extremely huge force, spreading all over Jiuzhou, and all the top sects have not been able to detect its traces.

Some people even speculate that this force may have internal agents within each major sect!

At this moment, in Kyushu, there is a roar of wind and cranes, and the vegetation is full of soldiers.

People in all the major sects are in panic, and under the guise of removing the internal culprits, some people take advantage of the opportunity to stir up trouble, take advantage of the situation, use the topic to play on, or exclude dissenters.

The situation has become increasingly complex and tense.

The land of Kyushu suddenly fell into turmoil.

No one knows what will happen next moment, but everyone understands that this Kyushu is no longer stable.


It was at this time that the third piece of news began to spread rapidly throughout Kyushu.

"It is rumored that some of the descendants of the Holy Lord have done wrong things that they should not have done. Such actions will definitely bring disaster to Kyushu."

However, as soon as this news came out, it was met with a strong counterattack different from the previous two news.

"What a joke, the descendants of the Saint, who are unparalleled in words and deeds, how could they do anything wrong? Such nonsense must be a lie to confuse the people and disturb the hearts of the people in Jiuzhou!"

The Black Cloud Sect took the lead and spoke to the world.

"Yes, it is a lie to confuse the people and disturb the hearts of the people in Jiuzhou!" For a while, the voices of echoing were endless.

Then, Wanshan Academy in Ruzhou stood up to express their position. They said with great sorrow:

"The Saint of Jiuzhou is blocking the enemy on the front line. Who is the villain who spreads such cholera? He deserves to be killed and will not refuse to die!"

"We must stand by the side of the Saints and Saints! We will not let the Saints on the front line distract their attention and worry!"

Other major states also expressed their positions and supported the Saints and Saints.

Fang Lei, who was in the dark, smiled...

Little did he know that he was waiting for this sentence!

He knew that the most painful thing when hitting someone is always his own fist.

Similarly, those who can force the Saint Son and Saint Daughter into a desperate situation are never "rationalists", but die-hard supporters of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter.

Because they know the past of these Saint Sons and Saint Daughters, there may have been filters in the past, so they don't think there is anything wrong.

But when the filters are broken, their former blind worship will turn into sharp criticism and counterattack.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Therefore, Fang Lei once again manipulated the three thousand incarnations to spread the words:

"Since the world knows that the Saint is blocking the enemy on the front line, the safety of the Saint Son and Saint Daughter must be protected."

"Then can this law be applied to other front-line blocking the enemy? Or does this law only apply to the son of the Saint?"

"And if it is applicable to the world, why not check what these Saint Sons and Saint Daughters have done?"

These three sentences directly hit some people's lungs, because many things cannot stand investigation!

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