You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 34: Take the right foot first. Are you unhappy? Put down the butcher knife and become a Budd

Fang Lei thought about it again and found that there was indeed no big problem. He simply put the matter of the soul-chasing whip aside, then looked at Zhang Mang, changed his tone, and said in a deep voice:

"Do you know your sins?"

Zhang Mang was still mumbling, and suddenly he noticed an extremely majestic voice in his ears, which even exploded directly in his ears.

Zhang Mang's body trembled, and he immediately lowered his head, and his body trembled constantly.

"Zhang Mang...know your sins!" Because of the change in the object of faith, Zhang Mang at this time became a little rational.

This was originally a good thing, but for Zhang Mang at this time, it was a bad thing!

Because after he regained his rationality, the first thing he did was to start re-examining his past behavior, but in the process of examining himself, he seemed to be unable to withstand the destruction.

His eyes began to turn red again, his breathing became extremely heavy, and his breath began to change towards Ke Xiu again.

"Want to return to the path of falling into cultivation?" A teasing word resounded in Zhang Mang's ears.

But it was this teasing that made Zhang Mang's eyes clear up instantly. He bowed his head again and kowtowed, constantly begging Fang Lei for forgiveness.

"Zhang Mang dare not!" Zhang Mang rectified his heart again because of Fang Lei's awakening.

But because of his rectified heart, he could not bear the destruction, but slid further towards the direction of Ke Xiu.

It was this repeated change that made Fang Lei narrow his eyes, think a little, and seem to understand something.

Then Fang Lei's face became extremely ugly.

Because he instantly realized the real difficulty of pulling Ke Xiu back.

And this difficulty is probably the natural chasm that all Ke Xiu who were pulled back here cannot cross! !

"Questioning the heart" - that is, to torture oneself.

At the same time, Fang Lei also deeply understood one thing, that is, why there are more and more Ke Xiu, but it is the fundamental reason why the human race continues to decay.

Because these Ke Xiu, they... there is no way back at all!


If these Kexiu have done something that is harmful to the world, even if they succeed in guiding them back to the right path, many people are willing to forgive them, but what about themselves?

After being awakened, they will definitely ask themselves questions, and no one can escape this.

Asking their questions means to torture themselves about the evil things they have done...

They can accept themselves...

They eat raw meat and drink blood like wild beasts, and eat alive!

They are as conscienceless as evil people and cut their bodies into pieces!

They kill people for fun and go crazy when they see blood like madmen!

It is very difficult to ask questions!

Because it is easy to deceive others, but it is very difficult to deceive yourself!

So this kind of questioning, unless you really have "great ambitions", "great ways", and "great Buddhas" in your heart, it is probably very difficult for anyone to succeed.

And if you fail, you will probably fall into the arms of Kexiu again.

In the final analysis, it is difficult to let this kind of Kexiu return;

In addition, most of them are crazy people with power, so it is even more difficult to return!

Never experienced the pain of cultivating immortals, never experienced the loneliness of cultivating immortals, never...

They have power, but never have a soul to match it.

So even if they can survive, even if they return to reason, they will probably suffer from the condemnation of their own souls day and night.

This condemnation will make them slide endlessly into the abyss.

"So that's it, so that's it... Is this what it means to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot?" Fang Lei suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Mang with a complicated expression.

It was when he saw Zhang Mang jumping back and forth that Fang Lei suddenly had a deeper understanding of the Buddhist saying "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot".

He also began to understand how difficult this step is!

He also understood why this sentence is the Mahayana Buddhism!

Because putting down the butcher knife is the moment of questioning the heart!

If he thinks he is not wrong, then he does not need to put down the butcher knife. The evil is still the evil, and the cultivation is still the cultivation!

If he thinks he is wrong, then when the evil man puts down his butcher knife, he becomes a good man. How can a good man accept the evil deeds he has done?

So the good man will definitely raise the butcher knife against himself! And if he raises the butcher knife against himself, why put it down?

"Fuck, I was deceived. Which idiot told me that as long as the bad guy puts down the knife in his hand, he will become a Buddha?"

"No wonder it can be called the supreme Buddhist law. How many people in the world can resist this kind of self-examination?"

In an instant, Fang Lei's face became ugly, because this means that the plan has failed before it even started?

And if there is no Zhang Mang to help cover up, then this plan, no matter how perfect it is, will have huge loopholes, and there will not even be a possibility of expanding the plan!

The moment he figured out the power of it, Fang Lei looked at Zhang Mang and his eyes changed from extremely complicated to calm again. He no longer had high hopes for Zhang Mang in his heart.

Zhang Mang was a damned evil man, so if Zhang Mang couldn't make it, then - kill!

After all, the plan was just a temporary idea, and there might be other alternatives later, such as the magic weapon used by Lu Jiangtao and others.

Although he thought so, Fang Lei still felt a little regretful.

After all, this plan may not be perfect, but it is definitely a plan worth a try.

But at this moment, Lu Jiangtao outside spoke again-

"Master Tianjie, Lu Jiangtao will definitely live up to Master Tianjie's trust, establish the Tianjie Sect, and promote our Tianjie doctrine!"

Fang Lei was laughing when he heard Lu Jiangtao talking, but he suddenly looked up and looked at Lu Jiangtao with a glimmer in his eyes.

"The one who tied the bell must untie it! This Lu Jiangtao is smart and happens to be from this state. I wonder if he can enlighten Zhang Mang?" Fang Lei looked at Lu Jiangtao again.


"Master Tianjie, Lu Jiangtao will definitely live up to Master Tianjie's trust and establish the Tianjie Sect to promote our Tianjie doctrine!"

Lu Jiangtao bowed and said this, and was ready to leave!

After all, Master Tianjie had already promised that Zhang Mang could not be alive, and he would not doubt Master Tianjie's words.

But just as he turned around, he just raised his right foot-

He noticed the voice coming from the depths of his heart.

At first, his face was happy, but then it became ugly, and he even wondered if it was because he raised his right foot first that made Master Tianjie uncomfortable.

"Save Zhang Mang!?" Lu Jiangtao became a little hesitant.

It is really difficult for him, a cultivator from Yunzhou, to save Zhang Mang.

But as Fang Lei's words unfolded, the analysis of the pros and cons, the foothold of the Tianjie Sect, the cover of Zhang Mang, and more believers...

Lu Jiangtao's face changed like the face-changing in Sichuan Opera -

From the initial ugly face, to the thoughtful face, then the dumbfounded, and finally the eyes burning with fire and excitement... (as shown below)

"Master Tianjie, Lu Jiangtao knows! I will not let Master Tianjie down!" Lu Jiangtao suddenly looked up at the sky, with a serious face, as if he had a sense of mission.

Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!

The Buddhist theory in this sentence is very profound, and I am still talking about the superficial part.

In addition, throw down the votes and ascend on the spot!

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