Since it is a plan for the ages, then all the twelve strange masters will probably be included in their calculations from beginning to end.

Moreover, there are only eleven left now, and there must be more saints who can spare their hands to come here.

Fang Lei smiled bitterly, but suddenly, his thoughts stagnated.

"Wait a minute, the saints who come here... No, there must be more saints who can spare their hands?"

According to normal thinking, if the nine saints hold back the eleven strange masters except Qianmian.

Then when there is one less Black Abyss on the opposite side, it may be, perhaps, only eight saints are needed to hold back ten strange masters.

This means that the nine saints can spare more hands!

Yes, this is normal linear logic, just like doing simple math problems.

However, in this seemingly reasonable speculation, there are actually unknown variables hidden.

That is the variable called "reality"!

If the strange twelve statues were not missing, "Qianmian" might be completely defenseless and would rush in carelessly like "Heiyuan" at the beginning.

But now, one of them died!!!

One died!!!

This change has undoubtedly become a variable that affects the situation.

Under such a background, will Qianmian still rush in without scruples like before?

No, he will definitely be more cautious. Before stepping into Yinxu, he will think more and more carefully!

And this careful consideration is the variable of reality, full of uncertainty.

A gleam of light flashed in Fang Lei's eyes. He felt that he had caught the key clue... This may not be a way to survive, but at least it is an unknown way.

And... Fang Lei's thinking is like a hurricane, still rolling up endless waves.

He seemed to have thought of something, and then waved his hand.

Along with his action, a strange huge stone plate appeared out of thin air, which was exactly what he got when he fought the Lord of Heiyuan.

Fang Lei gathered his own spiritual energy and tried to infuse it into the strange stone plate in front of him.

As the spiritual energy surged, subtle fluctuations gradually appeared on the surface of the stone plate, as if a force was slowly awakening.

This fluctuation seemed to be able to annihilate everything, whether it was the soul, cause and effect, or existence and connection.

This fluctuation made Fang Lei feel familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Nirvana... Black light?" A sharp light flashed in Fang Lei's eyes, and his heartbeat was like a drum.

He recalled the battle with the Lord of the Black Abyss. The opponent's power was the black light that could annihilate the soul, erase cause and effect, destroy connection, and bury existence.

Even after a long time, the terrifying power still left an indelible impression in Fang Lei's heart.

"Nirvana Black Light... No, no, no, it should be the Light of Nirvana!" Fang Lei changed his words halfway through.

Because Fang Lei noticed that the fluctuations he triggered through the stone plate were not as deep and dark as the black light released by the Lord of the Black Abyss.

Instead, it was like the first rays of dawn, the fluctuations were almost colorless, as pure and transparent as transparent crystal glass.

And the most important thing is that the essence of this nirvana light seems to surpass the nirvana black light emitted by the Lord of the Black Abyss, and it is more "pure" and "mysterious".

It is precisely because of this that Fang Lei noticed something wrong.

"Wait a minute, why is the fluctuation of this stone plate more terrifying than the nirvana black light of the Lord of the Black Abyss?"

Fang Lei blinked his eyes, why?

Why is the drop of the Black Abyss more terrifying than the power of the original owner of the Black Abyss! ?

This doesn't make sense at all, it's like a paradox that is unacceptable.

"It can't be the fire and Optimus Prime of the fantasy world, right?" Fang Lei laughed and cursed helplessly.


Fang Lei's smile, as if blown by the cold wind, instantly solidified on his face.


Fang Lei's eyes widened, damn, the Black Abyss is the Optimus Prime!

So the stone plate is the original owner, and the Black Abyss is a derivative! ?

Fang Lei's mind was in a mess, even though he spent some time to digest this fact.

The world in front of him seemed like an overturned chessboard. When he straightened the chessboard again, he found that some of the white and black pieces were swapped.

But soon, Fang Lei began to laugh. He looked at Tianzhihen again and the three major formations he had set up.

"Hehe, hehe, hahahahahaha~"

While laughing, Fang Lei looked at the superfluous things in Tianzhixue.


The Thousand Faces Clone couldn't hold on after all, and He chose to self-destruct.

The vast power that could not be described in words instantly exploded to the extreme.

At this moment, it exploded to the extreme.

A huge and indescribable space-time crack suddenly appeared in sight.

From the huge crack, endless waves of strange power surged out, and those powers had strange characteristics and unimaginable destructive power.

For a moment, the air seemed to solidify, leaving only the whistling sound of those weird things shuttling through the space-time gate.

(Weird, unlike Kexiu, is a creature of the same origin as the twelve supreme beings.)

Li Changlu and others from Xiaojiang Village and the monsters from Yinxu were already seriously injured by Qianmian's self-explosion.

At the moment when the weird rushed out, they were the first to be hit and fell into the sea of ​​weirdness like a tide. .

In just a few breaths, the people and monsters from Xiaojiang Village were in a desperate situation.

Their expressions were distorted, their skin was alienated, and their bodies were quietly changing and becoming unfamiliar.

However, at this moment of life and death, the chaotic energy of the Chaos Bell descended.

The bell sounded melodiously, as if it was a call from ancient times.

The chaotic energy swept over everyone's body like the first ray of sunlight in the morning light.

As the bell rang, the signs of alienation began to gradually fade.

As if baptized by the power of the chaotic energy, everyone's body began to return to its original appearance.

The originally distorted expressions gradually stretched, and the skin also restored its original luster.

The sound of the Chaos Bell rang again, and He took the initiative to provoke Qianmian: "Qianmian, you are quite timid. Haven't you always wanted to come in? Why did you only send such a few little guys in?"

Qianmian wanted to fight back, but the next moment He seemed to notice the familiar fluctuations, and his whole body began to vibrate.


While the Chaos Bell and Qianmian were arguing, Fang Laoliu quietly stimulated the power of the stone plate.

The next moment, Qianmian really became irritable.

After noticing this, Fang Lei smiled, because he knew that Qianmian might have only suspected it, but now he was sure... there was a trick here!

In this case, the other party would think more about their actions.

The most direct consequence is that other places will start to test... Fang Lei noticed that fierce battles were taking place in other places outside Jiuzhou, like the battle between the Saint and the weird Lord.

"Yes, that's it! Put pressure on the nine guys of the human race. You have ten of them after all. I really don't believe they can spare more than two Saints to come here."

Fang Lei looked at Haoran and Yuntian in the void, with a cruel smile on his face.

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