At this time, all the people in Zhangjia Village had died. Only Zhang Zhen, with a crazy look and joy, dragged the bodies of the Zhang family members towards the spiritual spring.

And the scenery at this time also changed, becoming dim, gloomy, noisy, and bloody.

The spiritual spring turned into a blood pool, and a strong bloody smell spread.

These bloody qi poured directly into the sea of ​​insects above, making the bodies of all the insects covered with a layer of extremely strong blood light.

Compared with the thin fellows on the periphery, these insects blessed with blood light are much stronger and more extremely aggressive.

There are no seven lotus leaves or five lotus flowers in the blood pool. There is only a flesh and blood worm that may have originally had seven heads.

The body of the monster worm is basically hidden under the blood pool, and the only intact head is raised high, constantly devouring the flesh and blood thrown by Zhang Zhen.

As for the remaining six heads, two of them seem to have been eaten by something, and the cuts are extremely hideous.

The remaining four heads were torn apart from the neck, and there were extremely terrifying claw marks on them.

The worm's mouth opened and closed, and its fangs were everywhere. It easily mashed the people of Zhangjia Village into minced meat.

It swallowed them together with bones, soil, and various broken bones on the ground.

As more and more flesh and blood were swallowed, the head of the worm near the center and slightly to the left seemed to be nourished.

New granulations began to grow, covered with flesh and blood, and the length continued to extend, as if another head was about to grow.

Suddenly, the worm stopped eating, slowly twisted its huge body, looked outside, and let out a deafening roar.

The roar vibrated, and the sea of ​​worms was like waves, moving with the roar, as if the sound was transmitted farther in this way.

At the same time, a square piece of flesh and blood appeared in front of Zhang Zhen.

On the flesh and blood, there are tendons and white oil crisscrossing. If you have to describe it, then it's 5A-grade beef.

Zhang Zhen's body trembled as he held up the five-foot square piece of flesh and blood with both hands, and raised it above his head with great effort. His body began to tremble with excitement.

What the immortal meat looks like ↑↑↑

Then his head slowly lowered, his eyes began to turn white, and he kept talking nonsense.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, the immortal meat is ripe! The immortal meat is ripe!"

"There are three more pieces, and three more pieces of immortal meat! Who's next? Who? Wangjia Village? Linjia Village?"

"Hehehehe, yihahahaha."

"I'm rich, rich! It's all mine, all... mine!"

As if he couldn't bear it anymore, Zhang Zhen opened his mouth and began to eat the flesh and blood.

Blood splattered, and at the same time, the tendons on this piece of "immortal meat" began to contract and spasm, and even the shrill cry of the "immortal meat" could be heard.

"Yihaha, yihaha, hahaha, the immortal meat is so delicious, so delicious!"

"Is this the immortal sound? This is the immortal sound? I heard the immortal sound again, it's so wonderful!"

"Ah, don't go, don't go! Let me listen to it again."

Zhang Zhen's face was flushed, and the whole person was crazy. He began to bite the flesh and blood more vigorously, so as to continue to listen to the immortal sound.

The flesh and blood began to twitch more violently, and the shrill sound became sharper.

At the same time, the whole piece of meat began to wriggle strangely, as if it really had life.

"Ahaha, it's the immortal sound, it's the immortal sound! I heard it again!"

"Xiao Lei, Xiao Lei, you have become an immortal too! Ah ha ha ha! Let's become immortals together!"

Zhang Zhen did not stop, but began to bite the flesh and blood more crazily.

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