Blind girl didn't know Fang Lei's worries at this time.

She kept reciting the formula in her heart, "Fair and just judgment, I will destroy you on behalf of the thunder!"

"Hey, why is the sky suddenly covered with dark clouds?" Guan Rui was the person with the lowest cultivation level on this trip, so he was the first to express his uneasiness when he noticed the change in weather.

"Yes, but the rain is good for us. Rain and thunder are our natural cover." Gu Liang said very calmly.

He was the first to express his worry about being discovered after Blind Girl lost her token, but he was also the first to express his joy now.

They were ambushing people. Rain could wash away their traces and breath, and the sound of thunder could distract their attention and hide more details.

"Blind girl, can your poison still be used?" Gu Liang suddenly looked at Blind Girl, because rain can also greatly reduce the effect of poison.

"There may be losses, but preparations have been made!" Blind Girl heard this, without any hesitation, but tightened the thunder order in her hand and answered in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone thought that Blind Aunt had prepared some back-up plan, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Only Hong Ren frowned and looked at Blind Aunt in confusion.

But Blind Aunt thought the opposite of what they thought. Back-up plan? No need!

Blind Aunt, who had been reciting the formula silently, had long noticed that the dense thunder in the sky had an inexplicable connection with the Thunder Order in her hand.

It was even possible that the thunder in the sky was summoned by her.

So at this moment, she was not nervous at all, but was filled with endless excitement and the ambition to survive!


Fang Lei, who was watching the show on the side, noticed that the power of the Thunder Order was getting stronger and stronger, and cold sweat began to appear on his forehead, staring at Blind Aunt blankly.

"That silly girl, wouldn't she be reciting it in her heart?"

Fang Lei looked at the little brothers in the sky with a twitching eyebrow, and at the same time realized that his body was getting lighter and lighter, as if he was about to return to the heavenly tribulation again.

"I told you that someone is chanting slogans here, but you still don't believe it!" Kun Lei hummed, as if asking for praise. He was also the first to notice that the blind girl was chanting slogans.

"Hey, look, the boss is down there!" Huo Lei had sharp eyes and saw Fang Lei beside him.

"Yu Lei knows, it must be my brother who misses us!" Yu Lei was also very happy.

"Wow, who is this sister! She actually knows our slogans!" Feng Lei looked around and found the blind girl, wondering who she was.

"You are stupid, if she knows the slogans, she must be one of us!" Jin Lei was very impatient and replied directly.

"One of us? That's right! Everyone remembers their slogans, right?" Huo Lei flashed for a moment, then asked excitedly.

"Remember, remember!" xN

"Okay, let's chant slogans later!" Huo Lei flashed again, and his interest was even higher. "

Suddenly, the sky began to thunder. Even the strange insects in the blood spring curled up their bodies. More blood and energy floated into the sky, making the blood light on the insects even more intense.


The blind girl did not think about whether the senior had deceived her.

But the problem is that she, who had noticed that Hong Ren had a problem, would not have survived without Fang Lei's help!

In this case, why not take a gamble with one more choice?

The senior bet that her "listening" could tell who the traitor was, so she also bet that her "listening" could tell that the senior was a good person!

She tilted her "ear" slightly in the direction of Hong Ren.

She didn't know when Hong Ren would take action, but it didn't matter!

The blind girl looked up at the sky. In a trance, she seemed to hear someone saying something like "secret code" and "counter-secret code!"

The blind girl didn't understand, but she still looked up, as if she was looking at the sky with her blind eyes, feeling the violent thunder carefully, and said slowly.

"I, on behalf of Tianlei, will destroy you! "

The words were serious, without a trace of playfulness, as if he was chanting his own beliefs.

"Boom boom--"

In an instant, the thunder became more violent.

The blind girl lowered her arms, and the drooping sleeves directly blocked the thunder-filled "Thunder Order" in her hand.

"Everyone, take your positions. Although we don't know why the weather has changed, as Gu Liang said, God is indeed helping us now! This battle can only succeed, not fail!"

Hong Ren's words were full of encouragement, and he was also making the final general mobilization.

Everyone's emotions were unconsciously provoked.

Among the crowd, only the blind girl was still silently reciting the slogan given by Fang Lei without any distractions.

She didn't even realize that the slogan was a bit shameful. If she didn't need to hide herself, she would probably shout it out in the most pious tone.


Realizing that the other party had fallen into a trap, Hong Ren immediately moved and shouted.

"Do it! "




The poison and explosives that had been set up in the ambush also exploded at the same time, causing the nine people in the trap to panic at the first moment.

"Enemy attack!" Xing Kang shouted at the first moment! He was also the only one among the escorts who had opened his meridians at the eighth level.

Except for him, the remaining members of the other team were basically cultivators with the fifth level of opening their meridians, and only his adjutant Song Zhen was at the seventh level of opening his meridians.

So if they fought head-on, there was no doubt that Hong Ren and the others would be at a disadvantage! This was why they had to ambush and even use poison and explosives.

Seeing this opportunity, Hong Ren, Kuang Ping, and Gu Liang rushed towards the other side in a sharp knife formation.

Hong Ren attacked Xing Kang immediately and even gained the upper hand, suppressing Xing Kang.

Kuang Ping and Gu Liang also faced the Song formation of Kaimai Level 7 at the first time, and even cooperated very well to directly cut one of the other's arms.

The four people, including Blind Girl, followed at the first time and killed in the gap opened by Hong Ren and the other two.

Hao Hui and Kuang Duan cooperated tacitly and killed the two Kaimai Level 5 monks who were escorting the people at the first time, and at the same time began to meet the three Kaimai Level 5 monks who barely rushed from the back of the people in the distance.

Everything went according to plan, and the other side really left two people at the end of the team to block the people.

"Save the people! Let them run away, life and death are up to fate!"

Guan Rui and Blind Girl ran to the many people at the first time and guided them to start running away.

But Blind Girl's attack was purposeful, directly targeting the three hidden monks!



Blind girl used her own poison and paralyzing thunder to kill the first two silently, but she was eventually exposed.

"Boss, two of the secret sentries have been killed!" The third secret sentry shouted loudly!

Xing Kang was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "What are you doing, do it!"

Blind girl immediately turned her attention to Hong Ren, and her hand also touched the thunder order, but she found that the battle between the two was still fierce.

Blind girl was stunned.

"Kuang Ping! Why betray?" Gu Liang roared.

Blind girl was stunned. She couldn't see the battle situation, but she could feel Gu Liang's extremely weak breath.

"What... is going on?"

The inner ghost, isn't it Hong Ren?

Played a word game, I don't know how many people found it in advance.

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