You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 59 All five senses are lost, but the sixth sense is clear; I laughed to death, and you had t

Chapter 59: The five senses are lost, but the six senses are clear; laugh to death, you have the most fun!

Everyone says – seeing is believing! seeing is believing!

But as everyone knows, eyes are also the most capable of deceiving you, and once your eyes successfully deceive you, you will never be able to come back!

There is such a story——

One day, the male owner went out and encountered heavy snow, so he did not go home that day, leaving only the dog and the child at home for the night.

When the owner arrived home the next day, he opened the door and saw blood all over the floor, but the child was nowhere to be found.

The owner looked at the dog aside and found that there were still blood stains on the corners of its mouth.

He thought the dog had hurt the child. In a rage, he picked up a knife and killed the dog.

Do you think seeing is believing?

But the real ending is: the child crawled out from under the bed, and a wolf with dog meat in its mouth lay in the corner of the room.

The dog saved its little master, but was accidentally killed by the master.

seeing is believing? Seeing is deceiving?

None of them are right. It should be said that seeing is just seeing!

If you can see everything, then it is naturally true!

But what if you, like the male protagonist, only see a certain perspective or a certain fragment?

Since this is the world of Ke Xiu, we might as well have more terrifying conjectures - such as...

What you see is just some weird and powerful existence. What about a certain perspective or fragment that you want to see?

By the same token, in a world like this...

Is the information given to you by your ears necessarily true?

Does the information that haptic feedback gives you have to be true?

Why can’t the information conveyed to you by taste and smell be false?

On the basis of the above, let’s make an even more terrifying assumption—that the information fed back to you by your five senses is all false?

People who are blinded by illusions often only indulge in the beauty of knitting.

How do you find the hidden reality in a sea of ​​lies?

When Fang Lei first imitated the blind girl, he found that his hearing had greatly improved.

To be more precise, in addition to vision, his sense of hearing, taste, smell, and touch have all been greatly improved!

For example, when people are tasting delicious food, closing their eyes can greatly enhance their sense of taste, and then they can more fully appreciate the deliciousness of the food.

Just like when you are tasting the fragrance of flowers or perfume, if you close your eyes, you can smell a different fragrance.

Just like when people are in love-love, similarly, they close their eyes...

It's just that Fang Lei focused too much on vision and hearing at that time, thus ignoring the enhancement of the other three senses.

Originally, Fang Lei just wanted to destroy his four senses, so as to unilaterally enhance his last sense of hearing to see if he could reach the state of "hearing clearly".

But he suddenly thought - what if all five senses were lost? What will be enhanced?

The moment he thought of this, this idea was like a wild horse running wild, and he couldn't stop completely, because Fang Lei's intuition began to tell him crazily!


Do it!

Just do it!

It must be done!

It was precisely because of this extremely strong intuition that Fang Lei did it even if the decision was unreliable!

But at the same time, he also got his own rewards.

It was a strange feeling that was different from the five senses that slowly began to emerge. It was called the sixth sense.

At the moment when this feeling appeared, Fang Lei began to really notice the hidden clues.

Neither true nor false, or in other words, both true and false!

You cannot use true or false to define any information you feel.

Because whether you believe he is true or think he is false, you are both wrong!

Everything has its Yin and Yang sides, and the two pictures he saw were the Yin and Yang sides of this thing.

When Fang Lei was addicted to this feeling and couldn't extricate himself, he found that his sixth sense was rapidly receding, and his five senses began to gradually return to clarity.

outside world--

Fang Lei's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and skin are healing rapidly, and the reason why they start to heal at this time is another preventive mechanism made by Fang Lei.

After all, how can a person who has lost his five senses perceive the passage of time?

So Fang Lei set up an insurance policy. A stick of incense from the outside world allowed his body to begin to recover.

Even if in Fang Lei's perception, he just fell into darkness and regained the light, it seemed that it was only a moment?

But the five senses that are now recovering are telling Fang Lei that a whole stick of incense has passed.

After a long time, Fang Lei had completely returned to normal, so he slowly opened his eyes.

Fang Lei, who had recovered his five senses, did not choose to search for the mysterious sixth sense again. Instead, he carefully thought about the conclusion he had just reached.

"Neither true nor false, both true and false, yin and yang..."

"It's not that it's hard to distinguish between true and false, but is it true and false? It's so difficult!" Fang Lei said slowly.

Immediately he raised his head and looked at the place in front of him. He seemed to feel that there was no need for this place to exist, so he slowly said -

"Kill the evil and ward off the changes, summon the thunder!"

After reading it, regardless of the reactions around him, he immediately lowered his head and meditated on his own affairs, but after waiting for a long time, no thunder came.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Fang Lei looked up in confusion, looking directly at the thunderclouds on the dome through the obstruction above his head.

"...Brother, the slogan is wrong!" Feng Lei said first.

"...Boss, the password is wrong!" Huo Lei also responded.

"...Brother, the password is wrong!" Jin Lei did not intend to let Fang Lei go.

"...Brother, brother, slogan, slogan!" Shui Lei chose to attack.

"...Brother~Brother~, you have to~re-read! Slogan!" Yu Lei's little cotton jacket officially became a black-hearted cotton.

Hearing this, Fang Lei felt that veins began to pop out on his forehead. He had only been away for less than a day, right? So soon, he was "home"!

Seeing that Fang Lei's face became wrong, the tone of many Tianlei also became a little weaker.

"Even if it's brother, you have to be right with the slogan!" Gen Lei was pulled out by other unscrupulous people to take the blame.

"That's right, if Blind Aunt can recite it, I'm sure I can too!" Kun Lei chose to join the battlefield.

"Oh, then what slogan do you want me to recite?" Fang Lei narrowed his eyes and asked threateningly.

"That's right..." Dai Lei was about to add when he was pulled by Gen Lei next to him.

Then, many little guys seemed to have noticed something was wrong and became silent.

"Brother, bad!" (Very quiet BB)

"Bad!" (Very quiet BB)


Seeing that many little guys' reactions were a bit extreme, Fang Lei was the first to relax.

"This is just the first time, and it won't happen again!"

Then he shamelessly posed in an extraordinary way, muttering in his mouth -

"Fair and just judgment, I will destroy you on behalf of Tianlei!"

"Oh oh oh oh, brother is great!"

"Boss is awesome!"


"Boom boom -" xN

Immediately, Tianlei launched an inhumane ravage on the Tianyin land below!

Well, at least that's what people except Blind Aunt saw.

In the eyes of the blind girl, I don’t know if it was her illusion, she seemed to feel that Tianlei seemed to be having a lot of fun?

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