You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 70 (Please read on) Treat me to a beheading and accept me as a dog

"How did you guess it?" Ai Rumeng suddenly turned to look at Fang Lei, like a female leopard, slowly approaching Fang Lei.

"You asked me to find a time to leave before handing out the test papers. In other words, you could see the clues at that time, right?" Ai Rumeng said word by word.

Perhaps Fang Lei was frightened by Ai Rumeng's aura of not giving up easily, so Fang Lei didn't let it go this time.

"I just noticed that the Imperial Master wanted to treat people as dogs. As for becoming an emperor, I only realized it the moment I saw the test paper."

Because she got the answer, Ai Rumeng returned to her seat happily.

Ai Rumeng suddenly rolled her eyes, and naturally picked up a piece of fruit and stuffed it to Fang Lei who was lying on the ground, and then continued to ask: "Take people as dogs?"

"Yes, don't you think what Master Jia is doing is like hanging fairy meat so that he can select a group of dogs that obey orders?" Fang Lei opened his mouth wide and took the fruit, then replied.

"If you want to eat meat, you must answer the questions like a dog. If you don't answer the questions, you won't be able to eat meat." Fang Lei said with a smile.

But suddenly, he felt something was wrong. He tilted his head and smacked his eyes a few times, and bit the fruit hard with his mouth.

"Did you just train me like a dog?" Fang Lei suddenly became furious. One second he was still laughing at these students, but the next second he was being punished.

Ai Rumeng smiled evilly and replied: "How is that possible? Have you ever seen a dog eating vegetarian food?"

The corner of Fang Lei's mouth twitched a few times, and he stopped taking the fruit Ai Rumeng fed him. He walked to the table and started to do it himself, and he started to have enough food and clothing.

During this period, he tried to feed Ai Rumeng, but the woman opposite was not fooled! (╬▔盘▔)╯

Ai Rumeng suddenly opened her eyes, thought of something, and asked with her mouth slightly opened——

"Then aren't we already tied to the chariot?"

"You just realized it?" Fang Lei saw the opportunity and never came back again. He threw the fruit into Ai Rumeng's mouth with lightning speed.

It was not that Ai Rumeng didn't react, but she felt very tired when she saw that Fang Lei had not changed his original intention and wanted to successfully feed him once.

Moreover, this matter was still a bit troublesome, at least she had no idea how to solve it herself, but Fang Lei was always beside her, so she probably had a way to solve it, so she simply bit off the fruit and ate it before continuing to ask questions. road--

"Then how to solve it? The emperor doesn't care whether we answered the question or not. Today, when we come here, we will just smear our crotches with yellow mud, which is either shit or feces. When the time comes, we want to take action on our Hehuan Building. Just take out a piece of paper and falsely accuse us of what we wrote. manage?"

Ai Rumeng asked slightly distressed, because this matter is neither big nor big, nor small nor small. The key is that the yellow mud is rolling up the crotch, which is either shit or shit.

This is a clue, because since they came here today, the initiative is completely out of their hands. Regardless of whether you are a national master or a member of the royal family, you can try to take advantage of Hehuan Tower.

Unless Hehuanlou is willing to pay the price to settle this matter or simply shake people off again, no matter how he does it, it will be an act of exposing his trump cards or his true and false.

Suddenly Ai Rumeng felt something cold on her face, as if something was poking her.

When she turned around, she saw Fang Lei still feeding her fruits tirelessly, and she became angry on the spot.

He slammed the table hard, and the fruit shook on the table and everywhere on the floor, and his clothes half collapsed.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's it, it must be like that!" Unexpectedly, Fang Lei's eyes lit up.

He walked quickly to the table and sat down. Without Ai Rumeng reacting, he said to Ai Rumeng: "I'm going to start answering the questions. I have to remove the spiritual shield. Don't expose me!"

After that, he waved his hand and removed the spiritual power shield.

That is to say, for the first time, Ai Rumeng sensed that everyone's eyes were gathering here, and immediately thought of her half-sagged clothes, and subconsciously tightened them.

But just this move directly broke the defenses of countless licking dogs.

Ai Rumeng didn't react for a moment. She looked at the messy table and the fruit plates on the floor, and then remembered her actions of tightening her clothes.

He immediately turned to look at Fang Lei and gritted his teeth, OK, OK, another basin of dirty water was poured on him, right?

Although she turned to glare at Fang Lei with anger, after she saw Fang Lei's expression at this time, her anger calmed down in a daze, and she even felt distressed.

"Chu Zi Transformed into a Tiger"

As soon as he wrote this title, Fang Lei started to cry, but he didn't understand why he was crying, so he could only laugh, laugh, laugh like crazy.

In recent years, there have been many insects in Chu Township, biting many people. (In recent years, there have been many tigers in my hometown of Chu, and they have eaten many people.)

Or say: "It was used by the emperor to punish the rebellious people." (Some people said: "It was driven by the emperor to punish the rebellious ministers.")

Or it is said: "It turns into a tiger because of the excitement and depression of fierce ghosts and fierce ghosts." (Some people also say: "This is the result of fierce ghosts and fierce ghosts gathering and not dissipating their evil spirits.")

After hunting and hearing, he refused to accept or believe it. With all his weapons and leather equipment in hand, he led everyone into the forest to hunt insects. (The hunters heard this and did not believe these vague reasons. They put on their leathers and weapons and formed a group to go deep into the woods to hunt the tigers.)

The next day, only the remaining hunters returned home and said: "The insects are overwhelming. We are defeated. We can't find our bodies. We are invincible!" (There are too many tigers. We have failed. Don't look for our bodies anymore. , can’t win!)

The people in the village were worried, but suddenly they heard that Chu Zi had returned. Chu Zi had a good plan and they were very happy. (The villagers were very sad. Suddenly they heard that Chu Zi had returned from traveling. They all knew that Chu Zi had many tricks and were overjoyed.)

Chuzi heard this and said that he had no explanation. When he met an old man in the river, he played chess alone. (Hearing this, Chu Zi said there was nothing he could do, but he saw an old man playing Go alone by the river.)

Chuzi was overjoyed and played chess with the old man. (Chu Zi was very happy and played chess with the old man.)

However, Sou was very skilled, but Chu Zi was no match for him. (But the old man is very good at chess, and Chu Zi can't play.)

Seeking skills, the old man was pleased and said: "One person plays alone, and all the pieces are played, and all the pieces are superior to me." (One person can play alone...)

Chu Zi was puzzled and wanted to ask again, but suddenly insects roared, his expression changed, and he exclaimed: "Are there insects here too?" (Chu Zi was puzzled and wanted to ask again, but suddenly he heard a tiger roaring, and his expression suddenly changed. Then he changed and exclaimed: "There are tigers here too?")

The old man said: "The pests are caused by nature, so they are everywhere in the world!" (They are everywhere in the world!)

Chuzi asked again: "What's the plan?"

The old man smiled and said, "If I live on the bed with insects, should I become the king of insects first?" (Just become the king of tigers!)

After talking and playing chess, he went into the forest and found a tree to carve words on. (After talking and playing chess, the old man entered the forest, found a tree and started carving words.)

Chuzi said: "There are insects in the forest, and we are in danger!" (Chuzi shouted: "There are tigers in the forest, and we are in danger!")

The old man laughed and finished writing! (The old man laughed and finished carving the words in a short while.)

Chu Zi saw that the chess player had turned into an insect! (The old man turned into a tiger!)

Chu Zi heard that the old man and the insect were chirping! (The old man transformed into a tiger roaring!)

Chu Zijue, the rivers and forests are peaceful! (The river and forest suddenly became quiet.)

Chu Zi walked forward, read the words, and felt something in his heart. (Chu Zi stepped forward and looked at the engraved words, knowing what the old man was doing.)

The next day, when the villagers heard that Chu Zi had returned, they asked for advice again! (The next day, Chu Zi walked back to his hometown again, and many villagers asked if there was anything they could do.)

Chuzi said: "The plan will be completed tomorrow!" (Chuzi said: "There is a way, and it will be solved tomorrow!")

The next day, Chuzi came in. Chuzi turned into a tiger, and the Chu countryside became peaceful. (The next morning, Chu Zi entered the forest and transformed into a tiger, and Chu Township became peaceful.)

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