You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 75 (Please read on) The enemy activated the same return skill

Zuo Honghui was originally wondering how the other party entered the capital of Jinyuan, but this question was no longer important when the palace was attacked.

If only the Imperial Master's Mansion was attacked, then he could generously understand that a small group of elite soldiers had sneaked in, which was understandable, after all, there was no absolutely perfect defense.

But if even the Imperial City was attacked, then the troops required would definitely not be achieved by a small group of troops.

And a large group of troops must need someone to help cover up, so it is obvious that there must be an insider.

At the same time as the shouts and kills sounded, the entire Jinyuan capital suddenly became insecure.

Among them, there were countless large and small families, and all the families were headed by the Tiger, Python, and Xing families. These three families all had at least two people in the God Hidden Realm sitting in the open.

At this time, the heads of the three families were communicating through the Thousand Shadow Disk, which was a common communication device used by the human race.

Each Thousand Shadow Disk was equivalent to a receiver, which could accommodate about a thousand people's images appearing around them at the same time.

The head of the Hu family spoke first: "Does anyone know the origins of these crazy people?"

The head of the Hu family is Hu Qianzhong, a cultivator in the Shenzang realm, and his words are full of oppression that makes people's blood accelerate.

"I'm not sure, but I saw some people who have died long ago!" The voice of the head of the Mang family was cold, and just hearing it made people feel a chilly wind blowing through their skin and flesh, and then they felt creepy.

"Can you not be so creepy when you talk?" The head of the Xing family did not discuss the business at the first time, but instead said something to the head of the Mang family.

The two families have always been at odds, so Hu Qianzhong did not care too much, but looked at the head of the Mang family in confusion and asked——

"What does the dead mean?"

The head of the Mang family, Mangshan, began to read the names one by one——

"Wei Qingbai, originally a traitor of our Mang family, was in the eighth level of the Linghu realm and died three years ago! Now he is one of the five people who are going through the Five Elements Tribulation."

This was also the first cultivator that the Mang family recognized who was supposed to be dead. Then they followed this direction to investigate and got the next two.

"Fei Lifu, a casual cultivator, is at the fourth level of the Spirit Lake Realm. He disappeared six years ago and is now one of the cultivators at the Spirit Lake Realm who is undergoing the tribulation."

"Wang Hanyun, a cultivator of the Wang family. The Wang family originally had a cultivator at the fifth level of the Spirit Lake Realm. Ten years ago, the Wang family was wiped out by an unknown force. This child survived alone because he was training outside."

"The last time I saw him was in the file eight years ago. Unfortunately, he was also undergoing the tribulation."


After giving the three brief information, Mangshan felt it was troublesome and simply used his spiritual power to transform the text and show it to the other two family heads.

"The rest are still being investigated, but there is a high probability that they are also some "dead" or "missing" people, so it is a little troublesome to investigate, but our Mang family is checking the files in this direction."

When the Hu family and the Xing family saw this, they all looked solemn, because this meant that the other party came prepared.

"Then should we help?" Hu Qianzhong asked.

"Of course we should help! After all, if Jinyuan City is broken, it will not be of much benefit to us." The Xing family said.

"On the contrary, my idea is not to help yet. The other party is obviously well prepared. We might be calculated by them. So even if we want to help, we have to choose the right time to help." Mangshan replied.

"After saying so much, you just don't want to help? What good will it do you if the city is broken?" Xing Jia said.

"Silly guy, I don't feel like arguing with you today. Anyway, we can't just help casually. If you fall, we will have to waste energy to save you." Mangshan did not argue.

"Let's send a small group of elite disciples to explore first." Hu Qianzhong paused, and then said.

"It's really troublesome." Xing Jia cursed.

"Okay." Mangshan replied.

After that, the three families ended the communication.

After ending the communication, the three families opened another communication.

Obviously, there are other forces behind these three families, and they are just supported pawns.

"Xue'er, let the forces of Hehuan Building in Jinyuan Kingdom, no, the entire Five Kingdoms region, begin to shrink, and ask for help from the main building in Xizhou. It's better to send a few deacons or even an elder. I feel something is wrong."

"Leave all the property behind unless it is very valuable. Let them run immediately, the faster the better!"

"Yu'er, go and activate the curtains of the fragrant car, and hide carefully."

"Okay, huh? Miss, what about you?" Leng Yu and Yang Xue suddenly realized something was wrong and asked.

However, no one answered. When the two looked up and looked around, they showed a blank look.

Obviously, Ai Rumeng was no longer here.

"You..." At this time, Master Jia's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip, and his tone became extremely irritable and angry.

"If I wasn't fully prepared, how could I dare to enter your Jinyuan Kingdom so swaggeringly?" Jiao Liao said pretentiously on the surface, but secretly he was relieved.

Seeing Master Jia attacking, he immediately joined forces with another person to resist Master Jia's attack.


Zuo Honghui and Shen Chen immediately rushed to the two closest Linghu realms.

"Cut through the clouds!" Zuo Honghui shouted loudly

Zuo Honghui stopped outside the range of the calamity cloud, holding a purple-gold long sword in both hands and swung it forward in the air, followed by a huge sword shadow slashing towards the cultivator who was undergoing the calamity.

The moment the knife shadow formed by the gathering of spiritual energy entered the range of the heavenly tribulation, Zuo Honghui felt that he was being watched.

As the knife shadow continued to go deeper, Zuo Honghui felt that the knife shadow was like being in a quagmire, and it took more spiritual energy to maintain the movement of the knife shadow.

The cultivator who was undergoing the tribulation was not unaware of the approach of the knife shadow, but the knife shadow was too fast, and the gap in realm made it impossible for them to dodge, so they were beheaded in just a breath.

With the death of this person, the calamity cloud dissipated, but Zuo Honghui felt that he was being watched more strongly.

He did not care too much, and immediately looked at Shen Chen, only to see that the other party had already killed someone.

After looking at each other, the two ran towards the nearest cultivator who was undergoing the tribulation.

The remaining three people, Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu, and Wang Hanyun, did not dare to sit and wait for death.

They all roared, and mobilized their spiritual power to provoke the calamity cloud above their heads.


All of them showed a happy and bloodthirsty smile.

Because with the first thunderbolt falling, it means that their heavenly tribulation has officially begun. This also means that Zuo Honghui and Shen Chen can no longer attack them, otherwise it will definitely trigger a bigger heavenly tribulation.

Because the three of them are too close to each other, their thunderbolts even begin to merge, and the pressure of the heavenly tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, and soon they will be struck horribly.

But the smiles on their faces are even more rampant, and they sneer at Shen Chen and Zuo Honghui outside the tribulation cloud, and then ignore the tribulation cloud above their heads and fall headlong towards the National Master's Mansion below!

Longevity of heaven and earth! @Zhang Cuishan, Yin Susu

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