You are a cultivator of immortality, how dare you challenge my heavenly tribulation?

Chapter 77 Dragons have dragon paths, shrimps have shrimp paths, rats have rat holes

The cultivators who originally thought that they could survive by breaking the formation, at this moment, were met with deeper despair, and even some cultivators with low cultivation fell into complete collapse.

The three Linghu Realm Ke cultivators who were undergoing the tribulation, surrounded by wolves, like a "品" character, slowly and cooperatively contracted the encirclement, trying to strangle everyone present.

Some people relied on their cultivation or speed to escape.

But unfortunately, their actions and intentions were too obvious, and the cultivation between them was often too great, so they were like sheep in a pack of wolves, and were often intercepted by them.

In addition, the cultivators who left the group did not have any teammates, so they became too easy to hunt, which made them directly the target of the three people's sharing.

Yes, sharing! Not dismembering!

They directly became walking blood bags and food, allowing these three crazy cultivators to get the nourishment of blood and flesh even in the midst of the heavenly tribulation, and become lively again.

It was this horrifying scene that made the remaining cultivators know very clearly that there was only one kind of relationship between them and the three cultivators - a "life-and-death" relationship!

So some people immediately began to unite.

Although most of these united cultivators were at the Tongqiao realm, there were also some outstanding cultivators who reached the Linghu realm, which was equal to the realm of the three.

Their purpose was very simple - break through and then escape!

Fight? This situation does not exist.

Because as long as you fight within the range of the heavenly tribulation, it is equivalent to inviting a tribulation to yourself, which is almost equivalent to saying hello to the King of Hell.

In addition, some cultivators who observed carefully also found that although the three opponents were surrounded by "quality", there was a gap.

And this gap was not one or two, but three. This was a huge loophole caused by the fact that they only had three people and could not take care of both.

They looked at each other and divided into three teams, led by two or three Linghu realms, and escaped towards the three gaps.

But at this time, some small episodes happened——

"Are you going to abandon us like this?" Someone started crying!

Because the three teams that decided to attack the gap to escape were basically those with high cultivation, and the rest were some "old, weak, sick and disabled" in an objective sense.

Some people flashed a flash of reluctance, but they didn't say much.

Because at this time, not forcing them to take the initiative to send out, thereby delaying time or distracting attention, is already a "very humane" approach.


The three teams of monks who rushed out were too conspicuous, so Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu, and Wang Hanyun had already noticed it.

Facing the breakout of the three teams of monks, they looked at each other and saw the cruelty in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, they didn't have much communication.

They started to turn in circles, like a millstone.

Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu, and Wang Hanyun started to turn in a unified clockwise direction at a very fast speed, connecting the head and the tail, and constantly shrinking the size of the encirclement while turning in circles.

After seeing this scene, the faces of the people who broke out immediately became extremely ugly.

"Assholes!" Angry curses rang out.

"No chance of survival!" Everyone looked at the three Kexiu with extremely angry eyes.

The three seemingly huge gaps became vague at this time because of the tacit cooperation between Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu and Wang Hanyun, and the chance of the monks passing through began to decrease infinitely.

"We retreat?" Some people were backing out.

"We can't retreat!" A smart person who saw the situation clearly immediately retorted, "Otherwise, when they shrink the encirclement, there will be no possibility of escape at all."

"That's right, retreating is waiting for death! The longer time passes, the smaller their encirclement, and the lower our chance of escape."

"What should we do then?" Someone asked unwillingly.

"Everyone should accept their fate and break up into pieces! If they can block three teams, can they block six, nine, eighteen, or thirty-six teams?" The words were decisive.

But at this time, a trace of cowardice flashed in the eyes of some people.

They had realized that waiting would definitely lead to death, so they chose to break out.

However, not everyone has the courage to charge at the risk of their lives, let alone some greenhouse flowers?

So, a small number of people began to collapse again!

"Are you going to abandon us? Just like we abandoned those cowards who were waiting to die on the spot?"

"Yes, your cultivation is high enough, so you are more likely to break through, so you have to get rid of us, the burden! Right?"

"Breaking up into pieces, it sounds good, but it's just an excuse to escape alone! You hypocrites!"

After speaking hysterically, they only waited for a cold word.

"You all have courage, you all know that waiting to die is absolutely undesirable, so you chose to escape with us at the beginning!"

"But if you don't have the courage now, you can choose to run back! Together with those who don't have the courage to break through, honestly-wait to die!"

After saying this cold reality, they started to prepare for the breakout without looking back.

"Everyone who wants to live, follow me and break through!"

With one order, the three teams began to charge and break through again, and then in the process of breaking through, they gradually split into six teams.

After breaking through for a distance, the number of monks increased from six to twelve.

Then the number of monks increased from twelve to twenty-four...


As the team continued to split, Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu, and Wang Hanyun finally realized the intention of the people who broke through.

The three of them were extremely angry and began to kill more frantically, intending to make the monks who broke through start to lose their composure again because of fear.

But it was useless!

Because the only advantage of this tactic is to bully the opponent's small number of people!

There are no excessive twists and turns, and the game is directly laid out!

It is also this extremely simple advantage that allowed some of the monks who broke through to escape.

But at the same time, it also made Wei Qingbai, Fei Lifu, and Wang Hanyun more urgent and hardworking to kill these monks!


The strong have their own way of survival, but the weak also have their own wisdom.

The remaining group of "old, weak, sick and disabled" are not absolutely waiting to die. At least, someone has proposed such a reliable strategy.

"Let's lead them to that woman!" someone suddenly suggested.

The woman this person was referring to was Blind Girl!

Many people's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they all thought it was a good idea.

"Good idea!"


"Daoyou are such a genius!"

"Hahaha, that's right! Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

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I want to be a dragon, not a mouse!

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