Time goes back to the moment when the blind girl opened her eyes——

As if she was in another world, she blinked her eyes a few times in confusion. As she opened and closed them, endless lightning overflowed from her pupils, making her eyes look divine and extraordinary.

She touched her eyes in slight surprise, but found that her raised hand directly blocked her sight.

So she took her hand away without hesitation, and looked greedily at everything in front of her.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her vision changed from blurry to clear, as if she was adapting to the sudden light.

Maybe the sky was covered with clouds, and the first thing that caught the blind girl's eyes was the extremely dark surroundings, but she was not dissatisfied.

On the contrary, she was content.

"Sir, you didn't lie to me! Woohoo~" Her eyes recovered, but the blind girl seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and could only keep sobbing.

There was a very obvious joy in her eyes.

Tears moistened her eyes, making her vision cloudy and blurry again.

But she didn't care. She smiled slightly dementedly, and her world became colorful for the first time.

color? What is color?

That was an existence that she could not imagine despite all the wisdom in her life!

But at this moment, they were all jumping and intertwining before her eyes like elves, forming beautiful pictures.

Even though this picture is full of darkness, blood, and killing, the blind girl doesn't understand! She only knows that this is color!

Yes, the moment she saw these things, she knew that these were the colors that others talked about, even if she couldn't name them.

The corner of her mouth curled up into a satisfied smile, which was full of gratitude and joy.

His mouth also began to murmur to himself——

"Color——wu...wuwuwu, it's color——"

Then he started sobbing.


Tears fell down his face and hit the "eggshell" turned into thunder, making a crisp sound.

If Youruo turned on some switch, the blind aunt listened to the sound of her own tears falling, regarded it as an accompaniment, and began to cry loudly.




The huge thunder interrupted the blind girl's cry, but she was not dissatisfied at all.

Instead, she looked up with joy! Looking for the source of the sound! There was no trace of fear in his eyes!


This is the roaring thunder that Blind Girl is very familiar with!

This is the sound that makes her most at ease!

How could she be afraid of thunder? At this time, the voice that brings light to her!

So, she saw black clouds rolling, thunder dragons dancing wildly, and lightning and thunder.


The sound of thunder came again, confirming the blind girl's thoughts.

"This, is Thunder?"

It was clear that dark clouds were coming over the city, full of depression, destruction, and terror!

The missing thunderbolt represents extreme danger, destruction and terror.

But the blind aunt was not affected by these at all. She only felt that the black clouds in the sky were extremely friendly.


Lightning flashed and thunder struck.

"Is it Thunder? This is Thunder!" The blind girl's tone was both extremely excited and extremely pious.

One moment she looks like a dancing elf, the next she looks like a devout nun.

Every time she saw thunder striking down, she stretched out her hands forward, as if she wanted to catch the thunder.

It seems that he really felt the blind girl's call, and the location of Thunder's whereabouts is constantly moving here.

After an unknown amount of time, various noisy sounds began to appear in her ears.

There are curses, begging for mercy, laughter, madness...

Immediately, a group of "moving" things broke into her field of vision.

It wasn't until she heard their conversation that she realized——

"Same voice as mine? Then they are humans?" she spat out confused words, because she was confused as to why people looked different.

Fang Lei almost couldn't hold his breath when he heard this!

Why do you think people have to look the same?

So Fang Lei didn't know that the world the blind girl saw was slightly different from what he saw.

These are the "newborn" eyes, the first reality seen by the eyes that have not been "contaminated"!

But fortunately, she has the Sky Patrol Thunder Eyes. These eyes can protect her "newborn" pupils for a long, long time!

It was only then that the blind aunt remembered a question——

What does she look like?



Feilifu, who was preparing to face the last wave of catastrophe, suddenly heard a strange clicking sound.

Looking around, he saw the "huge paru egg" that slowly cracked open.

Immediately his pupils shrank, revealing a ferocious posture as if facing a powerful enemy.

But when he saw the person coming out of the "giant palu egg", his eyes glazed over.

At this time, Wang Hanyun and Wei Qingbai, who were fighting fiercely, also noticed the blind girl walking out of the "giant pallu egg".

The scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Suddenly, a cry came from——

"It's a fairy! Save us, fairy!" They didn't know the blind girl's name, but they wanted to divert the trouble away.

Sure enough, except for the fallen monk with bloody hands, the other three people all looked at the blind girl.

But over time, Feilifu, Wei Qingbai, and Wang Hanyun fell into a strange confusion because they felt that the blind girl was very familiar to them.

Until the blind girl spoke: "Fairy? Are you calling me?"

Blind girl tilted her head. She didn't know what she looked like now. After all, she had always been an ugly duckling with a veil and scars on her face.

Hearing this familiar voice, Wei Qingbai remembered who Blind Girl was.

"Hey, isn't this the blind girl who is responsible for cooperating with us? Hmm? Are you counting on her?"

As the words fell, all the people who asked for help fell into a stagnation, obviously not expecting that they were in the same group.

Despair began to appear on their faces.

"Who are you?" Blind girl suddenly looked at Wei Qingbai, revealing obvious confusion in her eyes.

"Hmm? You have eyes?" Wei Qingbai only realized that Blind Girl had eyes at this time, and his expression suddenly became fierce, obviously not expecting this change.

At the same time, Fei Lifu and Wang Hanyun also came to double-team, and obviously recognized Blind Girl.

"So that's it, we are enemies!" Blind Girl is not a fool, she said as if to confirm.

"How can we be enemies?" Wei Qingbai's heart skipped a beat, because he suddenly remembered the ability of the blind girl in front of him, well, the blind girl in the past.

Manipulate thunder!

With her help, what Jia Guoshi? What Shenzang Realm? Even the five elements evil ghosts that appeared later.

As long as they use the heavenly tribulation of the three of them, they can all be killed!

But something happened!

What happened? Wei Qingbai forced his thoughts to break away from the rising desire to kill.

[By the way, the ancestor of the Hong family said that this blind girl has lost control. ]

It was at this time that the blind girl confirmed for the last time-

"We are enemies!"

"Because, the thunder that struck you tells me that you must die!" The blind girl stretched out her slender hand and pointed to the thunder that kept falling.

"Since the thunder wants to kill you? Well, then, I am your biggest tribulation!"

After pondering for a while, the blind girl said calmly.

Then she looked up at the three people, with lightning surging in her eyes, as if something was about to burst out!


This mountain is mine, this tree is mine.

If you want to pass through here, leave some money for the passage.

I don't mind a small amount of monthly tickets, and I don't mind gold or silver.

Begging for money in the cyber world is not as good as robbery.


Monthly tickets!

Recommendation tickets!

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