Before the conversation ended, Xia Rufan said, "Tianshi, you have great potential, don't waste it." "Tianyu is not simple, it is much more important than you think, you'd better hurry up to improve your strength, and put aside the things in reality." Hearing such a serious reminder, Lin Hao was a little puzzled: "Isn't Tianyu just a game? How can it be more important than reality?" Xia Rufan shook his head and said nothing more. The fewer people who knew about that matter, the better. He didn't even tell his own sister. Because once the news spread, it would cause widespread panic, and no one could afford the consequences. ......

After the conversation, Lin Hao was still thinking about the meaning of Xia Rufan's words. He didn't think that Xia Rufan would joke with him for no reason.

Although he couldn't figure out why Xia Rufan valued the Heavenly Domain so much, what he would do in the future was still the same.

That is, to stand at the top of the world!


On the other side, Xia Rufan did not forget what he promised Lin Hao, but he would not personally do such a small matter, and handed it over to Bei Muxue, who could fully represent the Aolong Guild.

He himself began to sort out the strategy he had just heard.

After receiving the instructions, Bei Muxue immediately started working. She chose the simplest, crudest and most effective way.

After consuming a server-wide loudspeaker, she shouted:

[From now on, the Heavenly Master will be protected by our Aolong Guild. Whoever wants to deal with him must first get the consent of this girl! ]

[From now on, the Heavenly Master will be protected by our Aolong Guild. Whoever wants to deal with him must first get the consent of this girl! 】


The horn of the whole server sounded three times in total, and the players of the whole Xia country were attracted, especially those who had ulterior motives.

Crazy Battle Eight Fang: "Tianshi joined the Aolong Guild?"

Bei Muxue: "No."

Crazy Battle Eight Fang frowned: "Then your Aolong Guild is too domineering, he is not one of you!"

Bei Muxue: "Does this girl need your consent to do things?"

"Listen carefully, I will protect Tianshi in the future. If you don't accept it, just make a move and show me. I won't kill you until you quit the game, even if you have strong tolerance."

Crazy Battle Eight Fang looked aggrieved, but he didn't dare to challenge him publicly. Although he was a master of more than 60 levels, any captain-level elite player of the Aolong Guild could beat him up.

This is the gap between an ordinary guild and the first guild in the country, which is greater than the gap between a man and a dog.

But he didn't dare to challenge, but it didn't mean that others didn't dare.

Miss Liu: "It's fine for your Aolong Guild to protect others, but if he kills people and steals treasures under your name in the future, can we just endure it?"

"Your Aolong Guild is too domineering. Are ordinary players not human beings?"

Her words made many people who eat melons stop eating melons and directly participate in it.

"Miss Liu is right. Can we ordinary players only be killed and robbed?"

"Bah, I thought the Aolong Guild was so righteous, but it turned out to be like this?"


It must be said that Miss Liu's words were very clever.

Bei Muxue's meaning was clearly to let them not take action against the Heavenly Master, but now it has become that their Aolong Guild is helping the Heavenly Master to bully the weak.

However, there are very few voices against the Aolong Guild, only a few people in twos and threes.

After all, the influence of the Aolong Guild is huge, and countless ordinary players have received their selfless help. Xia Rufan has just defeated the strongest player in the island country, so he can't be slandered with just a few words.

At this time, Bei Muxue also said: "The Tianshi is not like some people who like to bully the weak. He is strong enough in the Novice Village, and he has never killed ordinary players for no reason, right?"

As soon as this was said, it aroused the approval of most players.

With such exaggerated strength, if the Tianshi starts a killing spree in the Novice Village, who can stop him? No matter how many people go, they will be sent to eat!

But Kuangzhan Tianxia suddenly interrupted, "The Tianshi is not a good person. I was fighting the BOSS well at that time, but he robbed me for no reason. That's fine, but he also wiped us out. It's too much!"

"Ah? Is it true?" Some people who eat melons started soul-searching.

"I think it should be true. If it's false,

Isn't it a slap in the face that he lied to others?"

"Then you are too naive. The Berserker Guild has slapped itself in the face more than once or twice. I believe that the Heavenly Master would never do that. Even if he really did, it would not be for no reason."

"That's right. How can we not know what kind of people the Berserker Guild is?"


Lin Hao was a little surprised that there were so many people standing on his side.

But he didn't intend to remain silent. "I called it following the voice of the majority of players. You Berserker Guild first backstabbed your teammates, and then killed all the individual players. What's so unfair about being killed by me?"

"The forum of the 10086 Novice Village still has your glorious deeds. Even if you forget, the players who were killed and backstabbed by you will not forget."

"What the Heavenly Master said is right!" The player with the nickname 'Who will compete with you' immediately echoed: "The people of the Berserker Guild are all a bunch of garbage! ”

“When we were fighting monsters together, you were just taking advantage of the situation. At the last moment, you even backstabbed your teammates. That’s fine, but you also exploded my only blue staff!”

“You are so emotional—you are so emotional!”

Who is fighting against the enemy? He is very powerful. He was famous for scolding people in the forum and in the game.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a lot of victims started to scold the Kuangzhan Guild.

Kuangzhan Tianxia was a little skeptical about life after being scolded, but what they said was the truth, so they could only remain silent.

He was very depressed at this time. You guys are too outrageous. It’s just that I was killed once. Why do you keep chasing me?

Seeing that the ally was defeated, Miss Liu wanted to say something, but Bei Muxue said:

“I don’t care what grudges you have between you. As long as you, the ‘great masters’ of level 50 or 60, don’t bully a newcomer of level 10.

If the Heavenly Master is killed by a player in the same map, it is because he is not as skilled as others, and I will not care.

Lin Hao also nodded and said: "The level of players and monsters in my map is between 10 and 30. As long as it is within this level, no matter how many of you come, it will be fine!"

"Arrogant boy!" Miss Liu followed the topic and said: "This is what you said. Don't regret it when you are killed."

Lin Hao said nonchalantly: "Whatever you are capable of, just use it."

"Okay, in this case, let's give face to the Aolong Guild." Kuangzhan Bafang also nodded.

They thought that the matter had come to an end, but they didn't expect that many people below started to curse.

"Did I hear it right? A player of more than 60 levels is going to kill a player of level 10. Don't you have any shame?"

"It's a pity that they can say that. If the Aolong Guild hadn't stopped them, would they be on the road now? ”

“How disgusting! They are the Berserker Guild and the End of the World Guild, just like this. They bully the weak and put the blame on the Heavenly Master.”


The two guilds were scolded again, but their presidents did not care. For them, only tangible benefits are real.

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