The vine bear launched a second attack just as he was immersed in his research.

This time, Lin Hao activated the intermediate barrier technique and easily blocked the attack.

Then he raised his hand and cast a forbidden technique, the healing technique, targeting the vine bear.


"It really works!"

Lin Hao was a little happy to see that it restored 20% of the monster's health.

"Since it can be used on monsters, it must be possible to use it on BOSS."

By the time it reaches the middle and late stages of the BOSS, the health has already exceeded one million, and each one is thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

When a healing technique is used, the people who are fighting the BOSS will be desperate.

Lin Hao shook his head. He was not a good person. He didn't think of using the healing spell on himself, but on the monster.

"Okay, little bear, your mission is over."

After understanding the general purpose of the skill, Lin Hao casually cast a burst of fire.


He just increased the monster's health by 2000 points, so its remaining health was more than half, and the God of War's five-fold talent was not triggered.

But even so, the vine bear was still killed instantly.

[Ding, kill the 30th level vine bear and gain 1200 experience points. Kill 10 levels higher and gain an additional 1200 experience points. ]

In a moment, Lin Hao got 2400 experience points.

This place is simply his leveling holy land.

But Lin Hao's priority now is not to kill monsters, but to complete the mission first.

He looked at the mana gem and found that it was increased by 3225 points as he expected, not 3975 points.

This is also easy to understand, because the monster's health is only 6450 points, and the health is used up, and the rest is invalid damage.

Although he understands it, Lin Hao is still a little disappointed.

If invalid damage can also be converted into mana, then he only needs to go to the training ground and beat the training scarecrow.

At present, the mana value of the mana gem is 6150 points, which can be maintained for 600 seconds.

On the way back, Lin Hao found a few more monsters to experiment.

In the end, he came to a conclusion: this 600-second duration can be refreshed!

As long as the mana value in the mana gem increases by one point, its duration will continue to refresh to 600 seconds!

In other words, as long as he can hit a monster at will within 600 seconds every time, the mana value in it will never disappear!

"It's worthy of being a staff made by the Dark King himself. With the effect of this mana gem, I would believe it if it was a legendary item of the maximum level."

And the Dark King could actually embed such a powerful mana gem in a level 20 staff, replacing the effect of the original staff. It's simply amazing.

This is something that only a master craftsman can do!

Along the way, Lin Hao killed many blind monsters, and his level has become level 21.

The speed of upgrading is like riding a rocket, and there is no difficulty at all.

However, this time, the points are no longer added to the strength attribute, but all added to the agility.

"It seems that the designer also knows that the agility of the Angry Master is too low, and he will be restricted in the future."

"But the problem now is that my agility is fast enough!"

Looking at his attribute panel, his basic agility plus the 10 points just upgraded is only 16 points.

But the two blessings given by the Abyss High Priest gave a total of 200 points!

This is an attribute that assassins will cry when they see it.

"Forget it, it's not a loss to add more agility. Anyway, I don't lack damage now, just don't add it to physical and mental strength."

These two attributes can improve dual resistance, but for him, the possibility of it being effective is almost zero.

If you click on it, it will be a blood loss.

In addition, he also stored the mana value of the mana gem to the limit, a full 100,000 points!


Continue to walk back, just as he was about to leave the Zhaiyue Mountain, Lin Hao found a big BOSS at the foot of the mountain, just blocking his way.

[Iron Hoof Bull King]

Level: 25

HP: 50,000

Attack: 3,000

Defense: 2,200

Magic resistance: 2,200

Skills: Iron Hoof Trampling, Roar, Rage


At this time, a group of players were fighting fiercely.

"Everyone, try harder, this BOS

S's HP is almost halfway down!"

"Almost, almost, finally see hope, this BOSS's defense and HP are really exaggerated!"

"Haha! I dealt 20% damage, maybe I can get a level 25 red outfit!"

"Zhao, I'm so envious!"


Listening to the voices of the players talking, Lin Hao actually found several familiar figures in it.

Crazy World and their guild members!

As the BOSS's HP continued to decrease, Lin Hao found that these people began to get restless again.

Watching them slowly retreat and then watching them blend into the back row, Lin Hao's expression was a little strange, "Good guy, are you going to play backstab again? "

Just when Lin Hao was thinking about this, the people from the Berserker Guild did not disappoint him. As soon as they got into the back row, they raised their swords and chopped at the scattered people.

One after another, damage exceeding 1,000 appeared on the heads of the back row.

The defense of the BOSS was as high as 2,200 points. They had a hard time chopping, but they could chop the squishy ones one by one.

In just two or three seconds, most of the back row was cut off, and only a few players escaped successfully.

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