Under the teasing of many netizens in the live broadcast room.

The toilet singer finally started to sing in an opera style:

"People in the audience walked by, and the old colors were gone~ (broken voice!)"

"People on the stage sang, a heartbreaking farewell song~ (broken voice again!)"

"Love is hard to write, she needs blood to sing it~ (broken voice again!)"

"The curtain rises, the curtain falls, who is the guest... (broken voice to the point of hoarseness!)"


As the toilet singer finished singing this opera style.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned and their scalps numbed!

They had long expected that the toilet singer might be out of tune.

But they didn't expect that he would be out of tune to such an outrageous extent!

"The blogger sang very well, don't sing it again next time!"

"I asked you to cover it, but I didn't let you fail! Your operatic voice almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Blogger, you win. I was just a little constipated just now, but after listening to your operatic voice, I am no longer constipated - because my anus just tightened and I held it all back!"

"To be honest, judging from the level of the previous cover, the blogger's singing skills should be considered good, but this part of the operatic voice is indeed beyond the blogger's own singing level!"

"Don't make fun of the blogger, except for professional opera singers, even those first-line singers can't sing the operatic voice of Ling Yu!"

"Indeed! Ling Yu's song, I guess only national-level singers who are proficient in opera can cover it."


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room

The King of Toilet Singers also agreed with a smile:

"You are right, the opera part of Ling Yu's song "Chi Ling" is indeed difficult for ordinary singers to cover."

"I have tried my best just now, but after all, the time for practice is limited, so please bear with me!"

"I decided to visit an opera teacher and learn opera for a while. When I cover it again, it will definitely not be unpleasant to the ears!"

It has to be said that the blogger of the King of Toilet Singers is still very easy-going and has a high EQ.

In the face of netizens' complaints, he didn't seem angry at all.

Instead, he humbly said that in order to bring better covers to netizens, he would go to learn opera!

This made the netizens in the live broadcast room happy. While sending barrages, they also gave out some small gifts.

"The blogger has a good attitude. You should learn opera well and make a contribution to the development of traditional culture. Come on!"

"Try hard, young man!"

"The blogger is right. Opera, as a traditional art, really needs more young people to learn it so that it can be passed on and carried forward!"


Looking at the gift special effects floating in the live broadcast room and the comments from netizens.

The toilet singer was also ecstatic!

At the same time, he also realized that opera singing would definitely become the traffic password on the Internet in the coming time.

So he really planned to learn opera singing seriously, instead of just talking nonsense!

At the same time.

In addition to Douyin.

On other online platforms, more and more music bloggers have appeared and started to cover Ling Yu's "Chi Ling".

Even the big anchors of those live broadcast platforms have also covered this song in the live broadcast room.

Although their covers are all large-scale rollovers.

But when they are riding on the popularity of the song "Chi Ling".

The popularity of the song "Chi Ling" itself is also getting more and more popular, and the more they are rubbing, the hotter it is!

In less than one night.

The opera song "Chi Ling" became popular!

Even some primary school students have learned the opera part of "Chi Ling".

It's outrageous!


The next day.

Ling Yu had just gotten up when he received a strange call.

"Hello!" Ling Yu greeted politely.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ling Yu?" A deep baritone came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, who are you?" Ling Yu frowned slightly.

"Hello, Mr. Ling Yu, I am Zhang Hui, the operations director of Soumao Shunyou Company. Our company currently has a martial arts mobile game ready to be officially released. I would like to invite you to write a theme song for this martial arts mobile game."

"What, martial arts mobile game?" Ling Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that even a game company would come to him to write a song!

At this time.

Zhang Hui on the other end of the phone thought that Ling Yu was reluctant to cooperate because he heard it was a martial arts mobile game.

So he immediately said in a sincere tone:

"Mr. Ling Yu, you are really popular on the Internet recently!"

"I have listened to all your songs. I think your music style is very classical and humanistic, which is very suitable for our ancient martial arts film."Our company's sincerity will surely satisfy Mr. Ling Yu. Please give us a chance to cooperate!" "I believe that as long as we cooperate once, there will be a second chance to cooperate!" After hearing Zhang Hui's words, Ling Yu didn't say much and asked directly: "Director Zhang, what is the name of the martial arts mobile game that your company is going to release, and what is the content?" "Oh!" Zhang Hui on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly explained: "It's like this, our ancient martial arts mobile game is called "Tianlong Babu", which is adapted from the martial arts novel of the same name!" "Its main content can't be explained clearly for a while, but Mr. Ling Yu just needs to take a look at the novel "Tianlong Babu" or the TV series of the same name, and he should be able to understand it! "

At this time.

After listening to Zhang Hui's explanation, Ling Yu's eyes lit up!

He had watched the martial arts TV series "Tian Long Ba Bu" several times before he traveled through time!

In the world before Ling Yu traveled through time, this "Tian Long Ba Bu" was so popular that Jill was extremely popular!

It is definitely one of the classic TV series he watched in his childhood!


In this parallel world.

This martial arts TV series is not very popular!


When Ling Yu heard Zhang Hui say the name "Tian Long Ba Bu" just now, he had already thought of what song to write!

After all, there is a ready-made one in his mind!

And Ling Yu is sure that as long as he writes this song in his mind, it will definitely become popular on the Internet again.

It will even drive the popularity of this mobile game and the TV series of the same name!


Ling Yu directly replied:

"Director Zhang, I can accept this cooperation!"

"But as for the price, we have to talk about it in person! "

Hearing Ling Yu's words.

Zhang Hui was naturally overjoyed, and quickly responded with a smile:

"Of course, of course!"

"This kind of cooperation must be discussed in person!"

"As for the cost, Mr. Ling Yu, please rest assured that the price given by our company is definitely full of sincerity!"

"Then Director Zhang, let's make an appointment to discuss in detail!"

Ling Yu replied.

After hanging up the phone.

Ling Yu threw the phone on the sofa and smiled helplessly:

"Another one who sends money, boring!"

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