When the program recording officially started.

All the lights on the scene were on.

At this time.

The audience on the scene could see clearly.

On the stage, a tall pavilion had been built!

This pavilion is a huge square.

But it is divided into nine square rooms of the same size.

Like a huge nine-square grid!

The front facing the audience is all sealed with transparent glass.

Therefore, whether it is the audience on the scene or the netizens in the live broadcast room.

They can clearly see the interior of these nine square rooms.

However, the internal structure of these nine rooms is not complicated.

There is only a double bench and a small round table inside.

The only thing that seems to have some technological content is a display screen in the room.

The display screen also has a nine-square pattern, and each pattern has the name of this brand room.


This is the brand for the contestants to choose their opponents!


The host walked onto the stage.

He first read an opening speech and advertising slogan as in previous episodes.


He slightly turned sideways, turned his head to look at the tall attic behind him, then turned back and smiled at the audience:

"Everyone should have seen the attic behind me!"

"There are nine rooms in this attic, and there are only nine contestants left in this episode!"

"So I believe the audience should be able to guess that these nine rooms are prepared for those nine contestants!"

"And these last nine contestants are also called the nine major brands in the competition rules of the program team."

"After these nine contestants come on stage, they will enter their respective label rooms!"

"Then, let's invite our nine major brands to come on stage!"

The host's voice fell.

A burst of cool music immediately sounded on the stage.


The nine contestants came on stage in order of popularity!

The first to appear was naturally the most popular Ling Yu.

As soon as Ling Yu appeared.

The audience immediately applauded and cheered.

"Ahhh. Brother Ling Yu is here, so handsome!"

"I listened to Brother Ling Yu's "Chi Ling" a few days ago, and the opera style was so beautiful that my ears were pregnant!"

"More than pregnant, my child was almost born!"

"Ah, this... is a bit exaggerated!"

"But to be honest, Brother Ling Yu's "Chi Ling" really made my scalp tingle, it was so shocking!"

"That "Chi Ling" should be the pinnacle of opera songs, and there should be no opera songs that can surpass that song in the future!"

"That Not necessarily. For Brother Ling Yu, there is no best, only better! Maybe Brother Ling Yu will soon create a more powerful opera song! "

"Hey, do you think Brother Ling Yu will also use an opera song in this PK competition?"

"I don't think so. After all, Brother Ling Yu's previous competitions had different styles for each song, and he shouldn't use the same style of songs this time!"

"Anyway, as long as it is a song created by Brother Ling Yu, no matter what style, I like it!"


That's it.

Amid the cheers and applause of the audience, Ling Yu walked onto the stage and entered a label room tailored for him.

The name of his label room is - Superstar Studio!

This label name sounds very domineering.

After Ling Yu entered his label room.

The next to appear.

He is Hertz, the second most popular contestant!

However, since he is a virtual character, he did not walk out of the contestant channel.

Instead, the program team used 3D projection technology to project directly into his label room.

The other eight contestants also walked onto the stage from the contestant channel and entered their own label rooms.


The host began to introduce the rules of this PK competition.

"Dear audience, our program has reached the sixth episode, and the rules of the PK competition will also change!"

"The nine major label contestants on the stage will still have to participate in the PK elimination round until the final champion and runner-up are PKed out."

"However, starting from this episode, the PK elimination round will be chosen by the contestants themselves!"

"In each label room, there is a display screen for contestants to choose their own PK opponents!"

"The right to choose is also ranked according to popularity, and contestants with high popularity rankings have priority in choosing."

"Once a popular contestant chooses an opponent, the less popular contestant will not be able to refuse.”

“Next, please invite our most popular contestant Ling Yu to choose his opponent for today’s PK match!”

The host finished speaking.

The audience was immediately excited and applauded.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

“Fuck, this show is really getting more and more exciting as it goes on! I didn’t expect to see such a heart-pounding scene at the beginning of this episode!”

“Yes! Such PK match rules are really full of highlights!”

“I’m very curious, which contestant will Ling Yu choose as his opponent?”

“With Ling Yu’s strength, it shouldn’t matter who he chooses!”

“That’s right, anyway, Ling Yu can choose with his eyes closed, and it’s totally fine. It just depends on which unlucky guy will be chosen by Ling Yu!”

“You can’t be too absolute. Don’t forget the virtual character Hertz. If Ling Yu and Hertz PK, the result will be unpredictable! "

"Uh... this is true, after all, Hertz is the son of the capital side!"

"Don't think about it, Boss Ling Yu is not a fool, why did he choose this virtual character as his opponent? The two are not in the same dimension at all, there is no comparison! "


The netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing at this time.

The netizens wanted to know which contestant Ling Yu would choose as his opponent in the end?

In fact, the netizens knew it very well.

With Ling Yu's strength.

No matter who is chosen as the opponent, the result of the game will be the same!

But they also know.

If Ling Yu chooses the virtual character Hertz as his opponent, the result of the game may be really unpredictable!

The reason for the unpredictability is not because Hertz's creative ability is very strong!

As a virtual character, Hertz has a sound track formed by professional computer code and the ability to create various computer software.

In terms of competition strength.

He is indeed very strong!

After all, any contestant competing with him is equivalent to fighting against many high-tech information technologies with one person!

In this case, how can ordinary people have a chance to win?

But in the eyes of netizens.

If Ling Yu comes to compete with Hertz in the PK elimination match.

In terms of creative ability and singing ability, Ling Yu will not lose to the virtual character Hertz!

Because in the eyes of netizens.

Ling Yu He is no longer an ordinary person.

He is a musical genius!

A genius who can fight against many high-tech information technologies by himself!


Even if Ling Yu's strength can surpass Hertz.

The PK between them will still have unpredictable results!

Because this is a confrontation and collision between talent and capital!

And netizens are also very clear.

In this era.

Talent wants to defeat capital, like hitting a stone with an egg, or a mantis trying to stop a car with a chariot!

The difficulty is self-evident!

But it is precisely because of this.

Netizens They were very conflicted at this time!

On the one hand, they didn't want to see Ling Yu choose Hertz as his opponent.

Because they were afraid that Ling Yu's talent would lose to the capital behind Hertz!

But on the other hand.

They wanted to see the scene of Ling Yu and Hertz competing against each other!

Because they all hoped in their hearts.

In this summer.

Ling Yu could bring them a good show of talent defeating capital!

And it was precisely because of this mentality.

They were even more looking forward to which contestant Ling Yu would choose as his opponent!

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