Ling Yu's singing voice is still moving.

Although there is a hint of laziness in the tone, the lonely and bleak mood is just integrated into the melody of the song!

The audience couldn't help but be moved when they heard such a song!

At this time, Xue Zhiqian.

is still trying hard to analyze Ling Yu's lyrics.

[How much blood will be paid just to fulfill a long-cherished wish. ]

"Long-cherished wish" refers to a wish that has always been held, which is generally an impossible wish.

The word "only" and the word "still" seem to indicate that in the eyes of the protagonist of the song, this "long-cherished wish" was originally very simple, but now it has to be exchanged for countless blood and lives, so it is not worth it at all.

And what exactly is this wish?

Why pay the price of countless lives?

But it has not been stated in the lyrics!

[Words of loyalty and righteousness are lies that deceive oneself. ]

"Loyalty" refers to loyalty to the organization and the country.

"Righteousness" refers to loyalty to friends.

Why are those loyal words a lie to myself?

What do these lyrics want to express?

Judging from the meaning of the song, this is definitely not an ordinary ancient martial arts song!

It seems that Ling Yu has another big trick!

The more Xue Zhiqian thought about it, the more he felt that Ling Yu's song was not simple.

And Ling Yu on the stage was still singing with a lonely look:

"Some love goes into suffering and turns back."

"The moon between the windows becomes a crescent every evening."

"Some hatred is hidden but speechless."

"The belly turns the wind and snow into swords."

"Just to fulfill a long-cherished wish."

"How to distinguish between good and evil in the wilderness."

"Flying sand and wolf smoke."

"I will only add to the sadness of the chaos."


This song is fresh and refined, not stained by the mundane world.

The love, hate, and chivalrous emotions in the lyrics are also perfectly outlined!

What's even more rare is.

In this light mood, the bleak and lonely feeling of war can be fully interpreted!

It is really amazing!

So beautiful!

Whether it is Ling Yu's singing, the melody of the song, or the artistic conception in the lyrics, they are all beautiful to an indescribable degree.

Not only the audience is completely immersed in Ling Yu's singing.

Even Xue Zhiqian is completely moved by Ling Yu's singing at this time.

For a moment.

He even forgot to analyze Ling Yu's lyrics!

He was completely conquered by Ling Yu's unique singing style and the intriguing ancient Chinese style in the song!

And at this moment.

The melody of the song changed.

Ling Yu closed his eyes, raised his voice and sped up the rhythm:

"Half of the city is covered with smoke and sand, and the soldiers are at the gate."

"Golden swords and iron horses, who will fight for the world."

"One general succeeds, and thousands of bones wither."

"How many white hairs send away black hairs."


My scalp is numb!

These few lyrics seem to completely depict a world of swords and shadows, blood and rain.

The achievements of a generation of generals are climbed by stepping on thousands of corpses!

The cold cruelty of war has caused countless families to go to destruction in the despair of the white-haired sending the black-haired!

This straightforward description made the audience tremble violently!

At this time.

The rhythm of the song continued to strengthen, and Ling Yu's singing became more and more sad.

"Half of the city is covered with smoke and sand, and it is blown down by the wind."

"I still have a trace of concern in my hand."

"I only hope to return to the fields and take off my armor."

"I can still bring back the tea you brewed."


This song made everyone stunned again, and they were shocked!

The rhythm of the song and the artistic conception of the lyrics are full of a feeling of compassion for the world and opposition to war!

And the theme of the song is also perfectly interpreted in these few lyrics.

The thinking between "war" and "peace" fully reflects the state of mind of the protagonist in the song!

At this time, everyone seemed to see the protagonist in the song in a lazy bystander posture, waiting for a battle that was about to break out!

At this time, Xue Zhiqian's eyes also lit up.

When he was analyzing the meaning of the previous lyrics, he had many difficult to understand questions in his mind.

But now hearing this.

Those problems are solved!


Xue Zhiqian began to sort out the true meaning of the lyrics just now in his mind.

[Some love goes through suffering and turns back to long-lasting. The moon in the window becomes a crescent every evening]

[Some hatred is hidden but silent. The wind and snow in the belly turn into swords]

What is love?

Once some love turns from sweet to bitter, it is difficult to return to a long-lasting state.

Just like the moon outside the window, it is no longer round every night.

"Mian" means continuous,Extended to mean long-lasting.

"Xixi Chengjue" is an allusion to Nalan Rongruo's "Dielianhua", which is intended to express the pain of separation between husband and wife.

What is hatred?

Some hatreds are hidden deep in the heart and never spoken out.

When the time comes, it will lead to a disaster and a war.

"Snow and wind" originally refers to the weather, which is a metaphor for disaster.

"Sword" is known from the words "soldier" and "general" below, which is a metaphor for war.

[Just to fulfill a long-cherished wish, how to distinguish between good and evil in chaos]

The "long-cherished wish" is mentioned here again.

"Chaos" refers to the years of chaos and chaos, mostly due to war.

"Evil and right" is different from "right and evil", and evil comes first, indicating that the protagonist's heart has turned to evil.

It seems that the "chaos" was caused by the protagonist, and he doesn't know who is right or wrong.

【Flying sand, smoke and war are about to break out, I am only sad】

The sudden appearance of "I" here shows that the protagonist of the whole poem is the subjective "I".

The flying sand, smoke and war are about to break out, which adds sadness to "I" in vain.

And what is "I" sad about?

【Half of the city is covered with smoke and soldiers are at the gate of the city】

It means that "I" is at the gate of the city and surrounded the city.

Smoke and war are everywhere in the city, and the war is about to break out.

"Half of the city", not the whole city, means that the war has not started yet, and everything is still in doubt.

【Golden weapons and iron horses, fighting for whom】

"Golden weapons" refers to weapons.

"Iron horses" refers to war horses.

It turns out that "I" is sad that after launching a battle of thousands of troops, in the end "I" does not know who I am fighting for.

War is actually meaningless.

[One general leads to the death of thousands of people, how many white hairs send away black hairs]

"I" am sad that behind the identity of a general, there are countless corpses piled up into a mountain.

"I" am sad that the war has caused thousands of families to send off their black hairs.

[Half of the city is covered with smoke and sand, and the wind blows down]

[There is still a trace of concern in my hand]

"I" am about to prepare to attack the city, and the killing heart is gone with the wind, it turns out that "I" still have concerns.

And what "I" am concerned about?

[I only hope that I can bring back the tea you brewed after returning to the fields and taking off my armor]

The word "you" has brought "I" closer to the distance between the person I miss.

"Returning to the fields and taking off my armor" refers to returning home, plus the warm life scene of brewing tea.

It is not difficult to know.

In fact, "I" miss my wife who is waiting for "me" to return home from the army.

This shows!

Although the theme of the whole song is the bloody and murderous world of rivers and lakes.

But judging from the state of mind of the protagonist in the song, he is against war in his heart!

And this feeling of war.

is not inspired by the carelessness of the country!

But it is caused by the love of family!

In other words.

The main tone of the whole song falls on the life-and-death battle in the flames of war, but the dark tone is the ordinary and warm family love!

This reverse writing method of writing lyrics with big capital and small, and writing emotions with sadness.

The more Xue Zhiqian thinks about it, the more he feels numb on his scalp!

"This guy is really a talent!"

Xue Zhiqian looked at Ling Yu on the stage and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

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