Recording site.

The audience was still whispering, as if they still couldn't understand why Yang Mi voted for Ling Yu!

The host on the stage was slightly surprised at this time, but he quickly came to his senses.

Although he was just a host, he had been in the entertainment industry for so many years after all.

So after thinking about it for a while, he had roughly guessed why Yang Mi made this choice!


The host observed the facial expressions of Xue Zhiqian, Hua Chengyu, and Chen Xiao.

Just as he expected.

The expressions of these three people at this time also did not show too much surprise.

Instead, they were more calm!

The host was not surprised by the emergence of this situation.

These three people have been in the entertainment industry for many years, so they can naturally understand why Yang Mi made this choice!


The host did not think about it any more, but continued to control the situation:

"Since now Yang Mi has also voted for Ling Yu, Ling Yu now has a 2-0 advantage in votes, temporarily ahead of Hertz!"

"Then, please ask Hua Chengyu to give some comments on the two contestants!"

The host finished speaking.

The camera immediately turned to Hua Chengyu.

At this time.

The audience was eager to try, and was extremely excited.

Just now, when Ling Yu had not finished singing the entire "Compendium of Materia Medica".

The audience already knew.

The bet that Hua Chengyu and Ling Yu made in the previous episode has come out.

Ling Yu won the bet with almost overwhelming strength.

And Hua Chengyu can be said to have lost miserably!

So after Ling Yu finished singing the whole song "Compendium of Materia Medica", the audience couldn't wait to see how Hua Chengyu would evaluate Ling Yu's song "Compendium of Materia Medica"?

Faced with such a Chinese rap song that was completely dissing him for worshipping foreign things.

Would he just turn his face and curse, refusing to admit that he lost the bet?

Or would he honestly admit that he lost the bet, and write an apology letter to Ling Yu on Weibo according to the bet, and then show the demeanor of a mentor and sincerely praise Ling Yu's song "Compendium of Materia Medica"?

The audience didn't dare to make a hasty judgment on which choice Hua Chengyu would make.

But they were also very clear at this time.

No matter which choice Hua Chengyu would make, the result would definitely be very interesting!

Anyway, the audience was just watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble!

At the same time.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were even more excited.

"Hahaha, brothers, the fun is about to begin! Guess what Hua Chengyu, the idiot, will say about Brother Yu's awesome "Compendium of Materia Medica"?"

"Haha, of course! The mage's face was swollen by my brother Yu's epoch-making Chinese rap "Compendium of Materia Medica", how dare he comment? Of course, he should honestly admit that he lost the bet, and then vote for my brother Yu!"

"Yes, yes, that's it! As the saying goes, admit that you are short, and stand firm when you are beaten! Hua Chengyu is I made the bet myself. Now I have to admit my loss!"

"Fuck, the brother above is such a bastard! He knows that the mage is short, but he still says that you have to admit that you are short and stand firm when you are beaten! Awesome Klass!"

"Hahaha, I don't have any other hobbies! I just like to see the embarrassing look of the mage when he is slapped in the face. It's so cool just to think about it!"

"You guys are grabbing bamboo shoots! You are going to grab all the bamboo shoots. The pandas in the zoo are so angry that they can only drink Kola and Fanta!"


Compared to the live audience's mentality of watching the fun.

The netizens in the live broadcast room simply want to see the embarrassing look of Hua Chengyu when he is slapped in the face.

Because that scene, just thinking about it makes them feel very exciting.


Recording site.

When the host's voice fell.

Everyone's eyes were all on Hua Chengyu in an instant.

Even the other four players who were in the label room were looking at Hua Chengyu nervously at this time.

The scene became very quiet!

Almost all you can hear is the sound of everyone's breathing!

Everyone is waiting for Hua Chengyu to speak.

But Hua Chengyu held the microphone, put his fingers on his chin, and pretended to be in deep thought, without saying anything.

Time seemed to slow down, and every second seemed to be as long as an hour!

After more than ten seconds, Hua Chengyu finally raised his head and looked at Ling Yu on the stage, forcing a smile on his face:

"Uh... let me first talk about Ling Yu's song "Ben""Compendium of Materia Medica"!"

The voice fell.

Everyone's eyes lit up and their expressions were extremely excited!

Good guy!

Finally spoke!

See what you are going to say!

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Hua Chengyu lowered his voice and said slowly:

"First of all, from the perspective of the music itself, I think this song "Compendium of Materia Medica" can be called a divine song among Chinese rap songs! "

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't expect that Hua Chengyu would praise Ling Yu so highly in his first comment!

At first.

Everyone was a little confused.

But after thinking carefully, they smiled.

Because they knew that Hua Chengyu was ready to admit his mistake!

Everyone was surprised and reasonable about Hua Chengyu's choice.

Because Hua Chengyu did this, it was nothing more than choosing the lesser of two evils.

Just imagine.

When everyone recognized Ling Yu's "Compendium of Materia Medica".

If Hua Chengyu was stubborn and insisted on lying, The song "Compendium of Materia Medica" was devalued to be worthless.

Then he must bear the "friendly greetings" of tens of millions of netizens!

This is very disadvantageous for him to continue to make money in the entertainment industry!

And he can naturally hear that Ling Yu's song is to justify the traditional Chinese medicine culture of Daxia and criticize the worship of foreigners.

If he directly devalues ​​this song in public at this time, it will completely confirm his crime of worshipping foreigners!

If this goes wrong, it may be directly banned by the higher-ups!

So, everyone understands.

As long as Hua Chengyu still has a little bit of brains, he will not make such a stupid choice.

And in this case.

Even if Hua Chengyu is unhappy in his heart, he can only suppress it by force.

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