"No need to thank me, this is what I should do as a mentor." Yang Mi waved her hand and smiled softly:

"Just give me your best in the next chorus PK competition!"

"Of course, I will do my best!" Zhang Huaiyi laughed.

"Okay, I'm going back now. I have to contact Li Ronghao as soon as possible!" Yang Mi waved her hand and turned away.

"Yeah, goodbye, mentor Yang Mi. I'll go to the recording studio to practice singing and promise not to disappoint you!" Zhang Huaiyi was still as happy as a child.


He turned around and patted Li Wei on the shoulder and smiled:

"Brother Wei, I have to practice singing. I'm leaving first!"

"Uh... OK, OK!" Li Wei smiled awkwardly but politely.

Zhang Huaiyi didn't say much, and turned away happily.

At this time.

Only Li Wei and Hua Chengyu were left in the lounge.

Li Wei turned his head and looked at Hua Chengyu. Seeing that he looked thoughtful, he did not dare to say anything.

After all, he also knew that Hua Chengyu, the mentor, had been scolded by netizens these days, and he must be in a bad mood!

It is better not to provoke him at this time.

In fact.

Hua Chengyu has been in a thoughtful state since he came into the lounge.

Because he was indeed thinking about something.

Of course, he was not thinking about the chorus PK competition.

After all, in his opinion, the recording of the entire program has come to the end, and he does not care about the results of the competition.

From just now to now, he has only been thinking about one thing in his mind-how to write a public apology letter?

That's right!

Hua Chengyu is now thinking about that public apology letter!

According to the requirements of the bet, he must write the public apology letter before 12 o'clock tonight, and then publish it on his personal Weibo!

The bet between him and Ling Yu has now become known to the whole network, and it is impossible not to write it!

But how to write it is a problem?

In Hua Chengyu's opinion, the content of this public apology letter must meet two points at the same time.

First, the attitude must be sincere!

Only in this way can the anger of netizens towards him be dissipated, and at the same time, those online public opinions that say he is pro-Western can be curbed.

Second, the content of the apology letter must not be too cowardly!

In Hua Chengyu's opinion, although this apology letter is written to Ling Yu alone, it must be posted on his personal Weibo for tens of millions of netizens to review.

And it will also be seen by singers in the entire Chinese music scene!

If the content is too cowardly, won't it be ridiculed by tens of millions of netizens, and even secretly laughed at by those singers behind their backs? ! ! !

It is embarrassing for him, a program mentor, to write a public apology letter to a contestant.

If the content of the apology letter is written like a coward.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Hua Chengyu felt that this public apology letter was too difficult to write!

It was much more difficult than writing a song!

It was simply impossible to write!

Seeing Hua Chengyu's brows getting more and more furrowed, Li Wei was nervous, but after hesitating for a while, he took the initiative to ask:

"Um, Hua Chengyu, how do we choose the song for the chorus?"


When Hua Chengyu heard Li Wei take the initiative to speak, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

But soon.

Hua Chengyu came back to his senses.

He touched his nose, and the mentor immediately put on his airs:

"Do you plan to use your original song or a cover song for the chorus?"

"I only prepared one original song for the individual PK competition. Now I am definitely too late to create another original song!" Li Wei showed a helpless expression, spread his hands, shrugged and said:

"So, for the chorus PK competition, I can only cover other songs!"

"Is that so!" Hua Chengyu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked directly:

"By the way, can you sing my song?"


Hearing Hua Chengyu's words. Li Wei was stunned, frowned slightly, and suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong!

What do you mean?

Hua Chengyu, you old man, you don't want me to sing your song, right?

I'm kidding you, I really can't sing your ritual song!

Although he felt as if there were a thousand horses galloping through his heart, Li Wei still tried to put on a smile and said very tactfully:

"That... Teacher Hua Chengyu, your song style is quite unique, and my singing skills are not quite up to par!"

"Oh... that's right!" Hua Chengyu crossed his arms over his chest, revealingHe showed a very confident expression, nodded, and said in a pretentious way:

"It is indeed difficult to master my style of songs!"

"How about this! You choose a song that you are good at in the next two days, and I will accompany you to rehearse after you decide which song to use for the chorus!"

"Anyway, for me, any style of songs can be mastered!"

Hearing Hua Chengyu's words, Li Wei complained madly in his heart, but on the surface he could only show an awkward but polite smile.

Hua Chengyu didn't know what Li Wei was thinking, just waved his hand and said:

"Okay, I have something important to do later, so I'll leave first!"

"Contact me after you choose the song for the chorus!"

After saying this, Hua Chengyu turned around and left.

But Li Wei behind him couldn't help rolling his eyes.


At the same time.

The director team and the producer were also doing post-production and editing the feature film in the editing studio.

The next episode is the last one!

In order to build momentum for the last episode and maximize the traffic,

We must first make this episode attract enough traffic.

The way to get traffic is to edit more eye-catching and hot short videos in this episode!

Then post these short videos on major social networking sites to attract traffic!

So after the director and producer left the contestant lounge, they quickly came to the editing room.


Two hours later.

The video of Ling Yu singing "Compendium of Materia Medica" and the video of Hua Chengyu taking the initiative to apologize to Ling Yu were edited into several incomplete short videos by the director and producer, and then posted on major online social platforms.

[Shock! A medical genius created an epoch-making rap song in Chinese, a perfect fusion of music and Daxia traditional culture! ]

[A song "Compendium of Materia Medica" makes all Daxia people who worship foreigners feel ashamed! 】

【Ling Yu slapped his opponent in the face with Chinese rap, and mentor Hua Chengyu took the initiative to apologize and admit his mistake. He also said that he would write a public apology letter to Ling Yu according to the rules of the bet, and publish it on his personal Weibo before 12 o'clock tonight! 】

【A song "Compendium of Materia Medica" has opened up a new world for Chinese rap! 】

【What kind of song will the musical talent Ling Yu bring us in the next episode? Let's wait and see! 】

After these eye-catching headline-grabbing videos were spread to major online platforms.

In less than an hour.

The click rate directly broke the million mark.

And if you click on any of the videos, there are thousands of comments below, which shows how enthusiastic the netizens are.

"Fuck you! This is Chinese rap? This is the first time I know Chinese rap can be sung like this!"

"Fuck the dam! Is this rap serious? It's already awesome to create rap songs in Chinese, but you can even use Chinese medicine names to write lyrics?!!!"

"Hahaha! My brother Yu is so awesome, this song "Compendium of Materia Medica" is a slap in Hua Chengyu's face!"

"My Lingyu is awesome, I have to confront Hua Chengyu, a foreign-worshiping dog!"

"What do you mean by professional? My brother Yu is professional! When it comes to creating an awesome rap song in Chinese, there is absolutely no ambiguity!"

"Let's go to Weibo tonight to see how Hua Chengyu's public apology letter is written!"


As netizens had heated discussions under these videos and made undisguised sarcasm towards Hua Chengyu.

The popularity of these videos also skyrocketed.

In less than a few hours.

It directly rushed to the Weibo hot search list, and even got millions of likes on Douyin!

At the same time.

The main film of this episode, which has not yet been released, also immediately became popular.

Tens of millions of netizens have expressed their desire to wait for the main film of this episode to be released, and then watch the complete version of Ling Yu singing the epoch-making rap "Compendium of Materia Medica"!

At the same time.

In a luxury suite of a five-star hotel in Kyoto.

Hua Chengyu sat on the sofa, looking at the computer page on the coffee table, with an extremely ugly look on his face.

Originally, after returning to the hotel, he was going to think carefully about how to write this public apology letter to Ling Yu!

But he didn't expect that the video of today's program recording would appear on the Internet all of a sudden.

Although he also knew that this was a means for the program team to attract traffic, he was furious when he saw the content under the videos!

After reading the comments of netizens for a full hour, he was so angry that his nostrils were about to smoke.Because the comments of those netizens, without exception, were all madly mocking him!

But this time.

He didn't dare to go to the water army and curse at netizens like last time!

Because he also knew that would only cause more netizens to mock him, or even "friendly greetings" with fierce words!

So he could only endure it fiercely, and then opened the document and began to think about how to write the public apology letter.

After about five hours.

Hua Chengyu finally wrote and revised this public apology letter!

After such a long time of polishing and revision, he thought that this public apology letter was written quite perfectly!

Between the lines, he can show his sincere apology attitude, and it will not make people think that he is afraid of Ling Yu and cowardly!

In short, Hua Chengyu is very satisfied with the public apology letter he wrote!

At this time.

He looked at the time and found that it was already eleven fifty in the evening!

There are only ten minutes left before the agreed release time of this public apology letter!


He immediately opened Weibo and posted this public apology letter, and also @ed Ling Yu's Weibo to show his sincere attitude of apologizing and admitting his mistakes!

After successfully posting, Hua Chengyu looked at the computer page in front of him and sighed:

"I hope that this public apology letter can reduce the number of people scolding me online!"

"I almost scolded you silly!"

"The fighting power of this generation of netizens is really amazing! Millions of water armies can't do it!"


Let's talk about two things.

At this time, Ling Yu was lying on the bed, happily looking at Hua Chengyu's public apology letter.

[To contestant Ling Yu:

In the last episode, I had a debate with contestant Ling Yu on the music culture of Daxia and the music culture of the West, whether Chinese can create excellent rap songs, and which is stronger between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and even made a bet for this!

In the recording of this episode today, contestant Ling Yu used a groundbreaking Chinese rap song "Compendium of Materia Medica", which made me deeply realize that my previous views and cognition were relatively one-sided and single!

At the same time.

I also re-recognized the charm of Chinese in this mistake!

In fact, I am not a person who worships foreign things, but in the Chinese music scene for so many years, there are indeed relatively few excellent Chinese rap songs, so I have the cognition that Daxia's music culture is not as good as Western music culture!

However, from today on, I believe that Daxia's music culture will get better and better, and I will also look at Daxia's music culture with new eyes!

Thank you contestant Ling Yu for making me realize the mistakes I made, I sincerely apologize to you here!

Apology: Hua Chengyu

September 23, 2022! 】

After reading Hua Chengyu's apology letter.

Ling Yu couldn't help but smile, and then deliberately forwarded it to his Weibo, and @Hua Chengyu, and wrote eight big words!

【Knowing your mistakes and correcting them is a great virtue! 】

Under Ling Yu's tricky operation, Hua Chengyu's public apology letter quickly topped the Weibo hot search list.

The click rate quickly exceeded 10 million!

And the comments from netizens were even more damaging than the other!

"Oh! Although Hua Chengyu, the mage, is not very good at writing songs, he is very good at writing apology letters! It is comparable to the level of my fifth-grade son in writing self-criticisms!"

"To be honest, the mage's apology letter is really well written. Not only is there no typos, but the punctuation is also correct. More importantly, it is written in Chinese. I always thought that the mage could only write English!"

"I have to say! You netizens know how to praise people!"

"Hahaha, you guys are so bad, you have taken all the bamboo shoots in Daxia! The pandas in the zoo took the train and ran away overnight!"

"Don't make fun of Hua Chengyu like this, he is a popular singer after all, don't you have any face?!!!"

"Hahaha, the people above are allies!"


Hua Chengyu was also sitting in front of the computer at this time, looking at the comments of these netizens.

The more he looked, the angrier he became, and he was even so angry that he couldn't sleep!

But he couldn't do anything, so he was even angrier!

It's so depressing!

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