When Zhang Shaohua clicked on the song "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Li Lianjie also immediately became serious and began to listen attentively.


A fast-paced tune full of magic, dynamic, and cool bursts came into Li Lianjie's ears.

At this moment!

Li Lianjie suddenly felt a shock in his body, and a stream of hot blood rushed directly from the soles of his feet to the top of his head!

For a moment.

His face immediately showed a look of surprise, and the pores all over his body opened instantly, as if he was about to have a fierce kung fu duel.

The feeling of boiling blood made him even want to find a martial arts master to fight with him immediately!

The next second.

Ling Yu's singing officially sounded.

"If Hua Tuo were alive again, all foreign worship would be cured."

"Foreigners come to learn Chinese characters to stimulate my national consciousness."

Although Ling Yu's singing voice sounds very lazy in the first few lines of the lyrics,

But the explosive melody and the meaning of the lyrics still made Li Lianjie's eyes light up and he was very shocked!

It even made the competitive spirit of a warrior in his heart become more eager.

"Strychnos nux vomica, cassia seed, Xanthium sibiricum, and lotus seeds."

"Dioscorea quinata, bitter bean, and Toosendan seed, I want face."

"Rewrite a history in my way."


The melody of this section is faster and more dynamic!

And these lyrics made Li Lianjie feel refreshed, thinking in his heart:

So the names of Chinese herbal medicines can be used to write lyrics?

No wonder the name of this song is called "Compendium of Materia Medica", this Ling Yu is really talented!

"Nothing else, just read a few words with me."

"Yam, angelica, and wolfberry, GO."

"Yam, angelica, and wolfberry, GO."

"Look at me grab a handful of Chinese medicine and take a dose of pride."

Hearing this, the smile on Li Lianjie's face became more obvious!

The corners of his mouth are almost raised to his ears!

Good guy!

This melody, this singing style, really has a bit of youthful and frivolous feeling!

However, young people should be a little crazy!

If you are not a little crazy when you are young, do you have to wait until you are old to be crazy?

Li Lianjie thought to himself, and couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

"I look leisurely, and I dance roughly."

"The movements are relaxed and comfortable, you can't learn it."

"Neon signs, adjust your state."

"In the gorgeous city, waiting to wake up."

"I look leisurely, and I dance roughly."

"Use calligraphy to write dynasties, and the inner force spreads."

"Write the heroic spirit in regular script, and give a punch to the dialogue."

"Lie down at the end, let's see who is better."


This melody is even more explosive and more flamboyant!

This lyrics is even more crazy and arrogant!

What a spread of inner force, a punch to the dialogue!

This song should be very clear!

The more Li Lianjie listened, the more surprised he was. His blood was boiling. He wanted to perform a set of Huo family boxing on the spot!

"What kind of pills can be made by refining, what kind of pills can be made."

"The slices of deer antlers cannot be too thin."

"The master's technique cannot be copied like this."

"Gulinggao Yunnan Baiyao, and Cordyceps sinensis."

"My own music, my own medicine, just the right amount."

These lyrics are indeed written by a medical student!

A medical student plays music, and plays it so well, interesting!

The more Li Lianjie listened, the more interesting he found this song, and he also found Ling Yu interesting!

"It's this light, it's this light, sing together."

"(It's this light, it's this light, Hey~)."

"Let me make a folk remedy to treat your internal injuries of fawning on foreigners."

"The Chinese medicine that has been rooted for thousands of years has power that others don't know."


The melody is explosive, the singing is full of emotion, and the lyrics are even more touching!

It's really numbing!

After listening to the whole song of "Compendium of Materia Medica", Li Lianjie was shocked.

His previous movie soundtracks were all in the traditional martial arts style. This kind of rap song full of popular elements was the first time he heard it!

What made him unbelievable was that this modern style of rap song could actually incorporate the traditional martial arts style!

It is simply tolerant and broad-minded!

Although he did not know how to appreciate music art, as a person who practiced martial arts since childhood.

He felt it very clearly.

The melody and lyrics of this song can arouse his emotions and make him feel excited!

And this kind of excited feeling is exactly the emotion needed in the kung fu movies he is good at!

Especially at the climax of the plot.

This kind of music can also arouse the emotions of the movie audience, allowing the audience to better immerse themselves in the movie.The plot in the movie!

Thinking like this.

He became more curious about Ling Yu, a medical student with great musical talent!

At this time.

Seeing Li Lianjie's shocked expression, Zhang Shaohua asked with a smile:

"Director Li, what do you think of Ling Yu's "Compendium of Materia Medica"? Is it worth listening to?"

"Okay!" Li Lianjie nodded with surprise and laughed:

"This song is worth listening to. No wonder it was praised by Daxia.com!"

Zhang Shaohua laughed and continued:

"In fact, according to my understanding, the reason why this "Compendium of Materia Medica" was praised by Daxia.com is not only the artistic value of the song itself."

"More importantly, the theme of this song and the story behind it can be said to be of good origin and in line with the mainstream values ​​of Daxia!"

"Oh! It turns out that There is this reason!" Li Lianjie was surprised and said quickly: "Old Zhang, please tell me what the theme of this song is and what the story behind it is?"

Zhang Shaohua smiled:

"Hahaha, come to think of it, the theme of this song and the story behind it are somewhat similar to the theme of the movie you shot!"

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Shaohua say this, Li Lianjie's expression was even more surprised:

"Oh, Old Zhang, please tell me quickly, don't keep me in suspense!"

"Hahaha, Director Li, don't be impatient, I'll tell you now." Zhang Shaohua laughed and began to narrate:

"The specific thing is this..."


After Zhang Shaohua's narration for two or three minutes.

After listening to this, Li Lianjie slapped the table and shouted proudly:

"Great! What a great medical student, what a talented musician!"

"Using rap songs to defeat rap songs, using traditional culture to fight back against worshipping foreign things, this Ling Yu can be called a man of steel!"

"It's so similar to Huo Yuanjia in this movie, who used traditional kung fu to defeat Western boxing!"

Li Lianjie became more and more excited as he spoke, and the passion in his heart was even more excited!

And Zhang Shaohua also smiled and agreed:

"That's why I said that if we can invite this Ling Yu to create the theme song for this movie, it will definitely be the icing on the cake, and it will be unique!"

"Okay!" Li Lianjie nodded and said firmly:

"You should find a way to contact this Ling Yu immediately, even if it costs a lot of money, you must invite him over!"

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