After arriving at Shudian Film and Television City.

Zhang Shaohua took Ling Yu directly to the interior of the "The Grandmaster" crew.

When he entered the crew, Ling Yu saw many young men in training clothes and some foreigners.

It seems.

These people are all actors in this crew.

After entering an antique courtyard, Ling Yu also saw a row of drums and two rows of weapon racks, which were hung with various weapons.

Under the leadership of Zhang Shaohua, the two passed through the courtyard gate and came to the main hall.

At this time.

Ling Yu saw a middle-aged man wearing a black long gown, with three-dimensional facial features and full of energy, sitting on a master chair, holding a purple clay teacup in his hand.

Seeing Zhang Shaohua and Ling Yu walk in, his square face full of righteousness showed a bit of surprise.

Zhang Shaohua immediately stepped forward and introduced:

"Director Li, this young man is Mr. Ling Yu!"

"Hello, Mr. Ling Yu, we finally meet."

Li Lianjie quickly stood up and walked towards Ling Yu, politely greeted him, and took the initiative to extend his hand. He didn't have the airs of a big boss in the entertainment industry at all!

Ling Yu was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he immediately extended his hand and said with a smile:

"Hello, Director Li!"

"I... I have liked your kung fu movies since I was a child. Speaking of which, I am your loyal fan!"

Ling Yu's tone was a little excited, and he almost stuttered when he spoke!

"Hahaha, that's great!" Li Lianjie laughed heartily, and then said seriously:

"I tell you, I listened to all your songs yesterday, and now I am also your fan!"

Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Ling Yu didn't know what to say.

Now he can't do it directly!

The Kung Fu movie star is actually his fan?

If I tell anyone about this, I will definitely be very impressive!

Ling Yu became more and more excited as he thought about it, and stood there with a silly smile on his face.

At this time.

Zhang Shaohua immediately waved his hand with a smile and said:

"Director Li, let's not stand and talk!"

"Let's start the meal quickly and talk while we eat! Mr. Ling Yu hasn't even had a sip of water since he got off the plane!"

"Yes, yes, yes, my rough nerves are too big. When I saw a musical genius like Mr. Ling Yu, my head was full of songs I heard last night!"

Li Lianjie smiled casually and said quickly:

"Start the meal right away, start the meal right away!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ling Yu waved his hand with a smile, but he couldn't help but shout in his heart:

"I want to sit in the children's seat!"



Zhang Shaohua and Li Lianjie took Ling Yu to the hall.

In the middle of the hall, there was an antique solid wood table.

After the three of them sat down, someone came to serve the dishes.


Seven or eight dishes were served on the table, along with several bottles of wine and beverages and a pot of hot tea.

"Mr. Ling Yu, our crew has limited conditions. These dishes are made by the crew chefs. If they don't suit your taste, please bear with me!"

Li Lianjie said politely, with a smile on his face.

"Director Li, please don't say that. I'm just an ordinary college student. I used to eat in the school cafeteria. For me, this dish is as good as a full banquet!"

Ling Yu also had a smile on his face, but his tone was much more relaxed than before.

Because he didn't expect it.

Li Lianjie, known as the Kung Fu Movie King, is so easy to get along with!

He is so easy-going and approachable!

Is this really a movie king who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry?

Ling Yu couldn't believe what he felt at that moment.

But Li Lianjie smiled in disbelief and said:

"Mr. Ling Yu, you are joking. If a young genius like you is also called an ordinary college student!"

"Then you definitely have a deep misunderstanding of the word [ordinary]!"

"Ah this..." Ling Yu couldn't help laughing after hearing it.


Jet Li took the initiative to talk about Ling Yu's songs.

He looked like a little fanboy!

Ling Yu also chatted with him with a smile.

That's it.

The meal was very relaxing.

The three of them talked and laughed while eating.

Neither Li Lianjie nor Zhang Shaohua took the initiative to mention the specific matters of cooperation, so Ling Yu naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

And Ling Yu also understood.

This was Li Lianjie's deliberate omission.

His purpose was to let Ling Yu have a happy meal and talk about a relaxing topic.

This also indirectly shows that Li Lianjie values ​​Ling Yu and really wants to make friends with Ling Yu, notJust want to have a simple business cooperation with Ling Yu!


From this point, it can be seen that although Li Lianjie appears to be bold and easy-going, he is also rough and delicate in dealing with people.

And this point.

In fact, Ling Yu had thought of it a long time ago.

After all, he was able to work hard in the entertainment industry to his current status and status, not just because of his good kung fu foundation!

The meal was over.

After the two drank two cups of tea.

Li Lianjie then took the initiative to speak:

"Mr. Ling Yu, I invited you this time mainly to ask you to compose a theme song for a movie I am currently shooting!"

"Well, Mr. Zhang has already told me about this in advance." Ling Yu also put down the teacup and smiled calmly:

"Director Li, you just need to show me the script first, and it would be better if you can show me some of the finished films that have been shot."

"Then tell me in detail the style of the song you want, as well as the theme of the song and so on!"

"In this way, I should be able to compose the song soon!"

Hearing Ling Yu say this.

Li Lianjie immediately laughed:

"Hahaha, with Mr. Ling Yu's words, I feel relieved!"

Then he looked at Zhang Shaohua and said:

"Old Zhang, quickly take a copy of the script to show Mr. Ling Yu!"

"Hahaha, I have prepared this in advance!"

Zhang Shaohua smiled and immediately took out a script from his bag and handed it to Ling Yu.

After all, he is a musician, so he knows that the most important thing to compose a theme song for a movie is to read the script first.

So he had prepared a script in his bag a long time ago.

Ling Yu took the script and began to read it carefully.

There are two types of movie scripts, one is a detailed version with many shots, and the other is a simplified version with only the general plot and character biographies.

And what Ling Yu is reading now is the simplified version of the script.

The name of the movie is "The Grandmaster", and the story it tells is how the protagonist Huo Yuanjia becomes a grandmaster!

To be honest.

When Ling Yu saw that the protagonist was named Huo Yuanjia, he actually had already thought of which song to use!

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