Recording site.

In addition to Li Ronghao being completely shocked by Ling Yu's singing.

The audience was also shocked by Ling Yu's singing.

They even felt that Ling Yu's singing was like a sharp sword, and every word in the lyrics seemed to be sung in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that Ling Yu would be more or less stage fright for the first time singing with a first-line singer like Xue Zhiqian, which would affect his own strength.

After all, Xue Zhiqian is not only popular, but also his team mentor.

Normally, Ling Yu's singing should be suppressed by Xue Zhiqian.

But now.

Ling Yu not only did not have any stage fright, but was not suppressed by Xue Zhiqian's solid singing.

Instead, he suppressed Xue Zhiqian with a more powerful singing.


To put it another way, it was not suppression.

It was a kind of emotional sublimation!

Xue Zhiqian's singing style originally carried a mature and restrained coldness, full of decadence, laziness, and struggle.

But Ling Yu.

used a colder and more mature singing style to completely release these emotions, raising the original emotional tone of the entire song.

This is truly the sublimation of the style of the entire chorus!


At this time, all the audiences at the scene were shocked by Ling Yu's singing.


As the melody climbed, the helpless and struggling emotions became stronger.

At this time, Xue Zhiqian raised the microphone again and sang hoarsely.

"Ugly, can you please not turn on the lights."

"The love I want is haunting the dark stage."

"Ugly, in this ambiguous era."

"My existence is like an accident."


Xue Zhiqian's sudden high pitch made the audience feel numb.

The emotions that had been brewing before, like an overturned five-flavor bottle, all burst out at once.

It can be said that the emotions in every line of Xue Zhiqian's lyrics just now were as fierce as a storm!

And the lyrics completely confessed the emotions in the heart of the protagonist of the song.

It's like a marginal person in society, who feels the cruelty of reality when he is frustrated in life, and has to wear a mask to accept the cold chill in life!

However, the mask can cover his painful expression, but it can't heal his inner trauma.

So he can only express these emotions with his singing.

When people hear such songs, they will feel a kind of heart-wrenching sadness, and under such intense emotional impact, they will inevitably be moved.

"Good job, Old Xue! Your singing skills have evolved again!"

Li Ronghao under the stage smiled and nodded to himself.

He himself is also a powerful singer, and he has known Xue Zhiqian for many years, so he has a clear understanding of Xue Zhiqian's singing skills.

In his opinion, Xue Zhiqian's previous songs have too much romance and love.

Therefore, Xue Zhiqian's singing has always lacked a kind of explosive penetration.

But now.

There is no romance or love in this song "Ugly Monster".

There are only various negative emotions such as decadence, frustration, struggle, and helplessness.

And such a song, if you want to sing out all these emotions, you must require the singer's singing to have a very explosive and powerful penetration.

And this kind of emotional penetration is not based on purely technical things such as breath conversion and rhythm control.

Instead, it requires the singer to have a strong emotional resonance with the melody and lyrics of the song!

And Xue Zhiqian also did this.

In his singing, he removed a lot of unnecessary decorations and even adjusted his vocalization. With a deeper breath and a deeper pronunciation, he fully burst out the emotions of the song.

Thinking of this.

Li Ronghao suddenly realized that it was not so much that Xue Zhiqian's singing skills had evolved!

Rather, it was the lyrics and melody of Ling Yu's "Ugly Monster" that stimulated the singing style that Xue Zhiqian already had in his heart.

You know.

Xue Zhiqian had experienced the same negative emotions that filled this song.

He was once very popular when he first debuted and became an idol singer who was supported by many stars.

But the good times did not last long.

He had just reached the peak of his life, but he immediately fell to the lowest point in his life.

Just like the protagonist in this song, he became a marginal person in society and spent every day in frustration.

Emotions such as decadence, helplessness, struggle, and laziness filled his heart.

And he was in such a situation, the wholeIt took him ten years to get out of the trough of life and stand at the peak of life again.


When he reached the peak of life again, his state of mind was completely different.

So when he sang this song "Ugly Monster" at this time, it was as if he was singing his voice as an idol singer.

He used to stand on the bright and beautiful stage and attracted the attention of countless fans.

But now he just wants to be himself in the dark, to be the ugly monster who can only hide in the corner!

Just as after washing away the lead, you find that your skin will eventually grow old, and the fans who follow you will eventually leave. The only value of existence is to keep the love in your heart.

These plain lyrics, but they speak the heart.

Li Ronghao now truly understands Ling Yu's strength.

In his opinion, Ling Yu not only has a strong ability to write lyrics and compose music, but also has a very high level of singing skills.

More importantly.

When he was composing songs, he was able to use melody and lyrics to let the person singing the song release his inner emotions completely!

Even stimulate the potential of the singer!

Li Ronghao now doubts, who is the mentor?

In this chorus, whether from the creation of the song or from the live performance, it is obvious that Ling Yu is leading Xue Zhiqian!

It's outrageous!

Li Ronghao couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

At this time.

Ling Yu's singing voice also rang again.

"Some people use a tear to bring disaster to the world."

"Some people lose the title and know nothing."

"As long as you are hypocritical enough, you are not afraid of the devil, right."


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