Xu Lin took Wu Xiaofeng and Chen Hua to the Ganges Building.

Through special marks, he clearly grasped the location of the corpse-bearer, which was impressively on the third floor of the building.

I can't help feeling a little puzzled, Lin Yixin, also known as a lawyer, his office is on the 22nd floor, what is this guy doing on the 3rd floor?

However, when they walked into the building, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

There was no one in the hall, not even a security guard.

It's only two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's time to go to work. How could there be no one in such a building?

His heart was shocked, his face suddenly became ugly, he pulled out his pistol, loaded it, and rushed towards the fire escape immediately.

Chen Hua and the others followed quickly, and they also took out their weapons.

Soon, everyone came to the fire exit on the third floor.

The door was open, Xu Lin walked in with a gun, and within a few steps came a large banquet hall.

I saw that the banquet hall was full of people squatting, at least three or four hundred densely packed, and among these people, there was a wire and plastic complex about 30cm in length and 40cm in height.

There is also a plastic pot on top of that thing, which is filled with an unknown solution.

"You finally came."

A hoarse voice sounded from the crowd, a man stood up slowly, dragged an injured leg to a chair and sat down.

This person is none other than the corpse-bearer.

Xu Lin yelled at Chen Hua, Wu Xiaofeng, and the other detective brothers behind him, "Get out!"

"Deputy Xu Detachment, we..." Chen Hua was about to speak, but Xu Lin suddenly turned his head and stared.



Chen Hua pulled Wu Xiaofeng, and led everyone back out.

After arriving at the door, he immediately took out his phone and notified the Nanlin City Bureau.


"Hundreds of hostages, and a homemade bomb!"

After Zhang Tao received Chen Hua's call, he almost exploded.

If this explodes, he will be the chief of the bureau.

Not to mention him, all the high-level officials in Nanlin City had to take the blame and resign. Not only that, even Xu Lin and the others couldn't escape.

But this kind of thing can't be suppressed no matter what.

He immediately decided to report to the provincial department, and then sent his best negotiator and EOD experts there. In any case, even if a few people died, the bomb would not explode.

"Hello, Chen Ting..."

In the provincial department, Chen Yinghu was also sweating coldly after receiving Zhang Tao's report.

Zhang Tao still thinks lightly, hundreds of hostages, once the explosion explodes, the number of casualties is immeasurable.

Not to mention Nanlin Municipal Bureau, his provincial department has to be finished.

"Immediately evacuate the surrounding people and find a way to negotiate with the other party. As long as the bomb does not explode, agree to everything first!" Chen Yinghu roared loudly.

"Yes!" Zhang Tao got the order, hung up the phone immediately, and started to act.

Afterwards, the Nanlin City Bureau and the city's high-level officials also reported, and the first-level emergency response was immediately activated. In an instant, the entire police, firefighting, medical and other emergency rescues were all activated.

All the armed police and special police at the train station, bus station, and various entrances and exits were all called back, and rushed towards the Ganges Building.

At this time, on the third floor of the Ganges Building, Xu Lin glanced slowly at the hostages in the banquet hall. No one was injured, which is good news for now.

He picked up a chair and sat down less than five meters away from the body bearer.

In the middle of the two was the homemade bomb.

And less than three meters to the left and right, there are a large number of hostages squatting.

The hostage's whimpering, sobbing, and various sounds of panic all reached his ears.

But the fear of death forced them to suppress their voices, for fear of disturbing the old man with the remote control.

"Corpse-bearer, let's talk!"

Xu Lin looked at the corpse-bearer in front of him, and tried hard to calm down his heart.

In order to set a long line to catch big fish, he didn't catch the corpse-carrier last time, and now that he thinks about it, he regrets it very much.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world. The matter has come to this point, and we can only do our best to ensure the safety of the hostages.

Even if you risk your life, you can't let this guy detonate the bomb.

"Talk? Then talk!"

The corpse bearer was very calm, fixed his eyes on Xu Lin, and asked, "Did you catch the butcher?"


Xu Lin nodded without hesitation.

"You have locked the elf for a long time, and you have been watching him all the time, just to wait for me?"


Xu Lin nodded again.

"How did you know the identity of the lawyer?"

Xu Lin: "Is it difficult? I'm a Daxia police officer. It's easy to check something."

The two asked and answered, their identities seemed to be reversed.

"Is the litigator under your control?" The corpse-bearer asked another question.

When he came to the Ganges Building, he immediately found that the litigator was gone, and then he checked the surveillance to find out that this guy left the office in a hurry less than 10 minutes before he came over.

Obviously, the guy got the message.

"Yes!" Xu Lin spoke again.

Corpse bearer: "You knew I was coming, so you deployed so many police forces at the entrances and exits?"


Xu Lin didn't hide anything, and still answered calmly.

The corpse-bearer got his answer, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

"Give me your gun," he said.

Xu Lin didn't say anything, and immediately dropped the gun in his hand.


The pistol landed just next to the bomb.

Corpse-bearer: "Are you provoking me?"

Xu Lin shook his head: "You misunderstood."

"I'm just afraid to startle you. If you try harder, you'll think I'm going to hit you with a gun. What if you let go of the remote control then?"

He had already seen that the remote control in the corpse bearer's hand was a release device, as long as the finger was released, the bomb would explode, so he didn't dare to move it.

"You'd better not act rashly."

The corpse bearer smiled darkly, then got up and walked slowly towards the position of the pistol.

The distance of more than two meters is just a few steps away.

The moment he bent down to pick up the gun, a violent light burst out from Xu Lin's eyes.

"Use the speed and aging card!"

"Use the power time limit card!"

In an instant, the strength and speed in his body were full.

The figure rushed out like an afterimage, two meters away, 0.2 seconds.

And no matter how fast a person's reaction speed is, it is impossible to respond in this 0.2 second time.


For the first time, Xu Lin directly held the corpse-bearer's hand holding the blaster, and he was quick and sure.


The second time, Xu Lin punched the corpse-bearer hard in the heart.

The corpse bearer's pupils widened suddenly, and he looked at Xu Lin in disbelief. He never imagined that this guy's speed would be so fast and his strength would be so terrifying.

He fell limply to the ground, but because one hand was grabbed by Xu Lin, he just knelt down and lowered his head.

One hit kill.

His heart had already been blown out by Xu Lin's punch, and even his sternum was shattered into slag, with countless pieces pierced into his heart.

For the safety of the hostages, Xu Lin couldn't care less about keeping alive.

Raising his head, he shouted outside: "Chen Hua, Wu Xiaofeng, come and evacuate the crowd! Hurry up!"

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