Just after coming out of the auditorium, Chen Yinghu received a call.

He picked it up and saw that it was the room assistant's number. He glanced at Xu Lin and said, "The news from above is really fast, so I know now."

Xu Lin nodded, it was indeed fast.

"Hello, Deputy Room."

"Let that kid answer the phone!" Fang Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone said directly.

Chen Yinghu immediately handed the phone to Xu Lin.

Xu Lin took it over with some doubts, put it next to his ear, and said, "Hi, Deputy Fang, I'm Xu Lin."

"Good boy!"

On the other end of the phone, Fang Zhiyuan was obviously excited.

In just over half a month, the unsolved case that had been pending for three years was solved. This kid is really amazing.

He said: "Whenever you come to the capital, the old man will summon you in person. Also, you will come and take back a collective first-class merit."

Xu Lin was very excited when he heard this.

He couldn't help but want to say go now, but he held back after thinking about it.

Going to see the old man, can't you make a greeting gift?

This alone is not enough, right?


No matter what, the three huge unsolved cases in Haiyuan Province must be solved, and it will not be too late.

Thinking of this, he said: "Vice Fang, I've decided to solve the three major unsolved cases in our Haiyuan Province first, and then go to the capital. If you want to see the old man, you have to greet him anyway, what do you think?"

"The collective first-class merit, you save it for me first. When I solve these three huge unsolved cases, then you can give me three together."

Fang Zhiyuan was taken aback when he heard Xu Lin's words.

This kid has such a big tone.

But... he likes it.

Young people are confident and not arrogant, and he really likes it.

So he said, "My boy, I'm waiting for you. At that time, there will be more than three collective first-class merits, and I will give you a personal first-class merit."

In fact, it goes without saying that although Xu Lin leads the task force, he is the only one who has the ability to crack this unsolved case.

Those three team members were just studying on the sidelines.

This kid really created miracles time and time again. He was so good that he was so brilliant that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"Yes! Thank you, Deputy Fang!" Xu Lin said with a smile.

"It's settled, you must bring the rich gift for the old man. If you don't fulfill your promise, I will take back all these first-class merits." Fang Zhiyuan said half-jokingly.

"Yes! Deputy Fang, I promise to complete the task." Xu Lin stood at attention and said.

After hanging up the phone, he returned the phone to Chen Yinghu.

The latter was looking at him with bright eyes at the moment, and asked a little excitedly: "Xiao Xu, is what you said true? Are you really going to solve our three big unsolved cases?"

Xu Lin: "Chen Ting, I think so, but there may not be enough time. In three months, we are almost one-third past."

"And I read the information carefully before. The treasury case looks difficult on the surface, but it is actually the easiest. On the contrary, I still don't know where to start with the other two cases. There are clues, but they are too messy."

Chen Yinghu nodded.

He also knew about the three huge unsolved cases, and they were indeed very difficult.

He said: "Don't worry, I'll give you another three months until I find out all the remaining two huge unsolved cases."

Xu Lin nodded: "In any case, we need to give an explanation to the victim and to the family of the victim."


At noon, under Chen Yinghu's kind hospitality, several members of the task force had a sumptuous meal, and then returned to the apartment to rest.

They were exhausted during this time, and they stayed up all night yesterday, and now they can fall asleep with the mattress on them.


Just as Xu Lin and the others fell asleep, Jiangyun City Bureau and Xia Weihai looked at the two team leaders of Haili City and Nanlin City who walked into his office, as if they were eating flies.

Are these two guys finished?

It's fine for me to ignore them, but I still come up to myself time and time again, do I really think I have no temper?

He couldn't help but want to flip the table and scold his mother, but at this moment, a message was uploaded on the mobile phone, the province's official website announced it, and a video appeared on his mobile phone screen.

He saw Chen Ting and Xu Lin in the video, so he clicked on it without hesitation.

After buffering for two seconds, the two words Chen Yinghu said came out in the video, Xia Weihai froze suddenly, his eyes opened like copper bells.

Shock at first, and then incomparable excitement flashed across his face.

"Good! Good! Good!"

He shouted excitedly, and couldn't help but pat the table directly.

"Director Xia, what's your situation?"

"Ju Xia, is it possible that you are happy that we have solved the unsolved case?"

The leaders of the two task forces put on a show, and the smiles on their faces almost reached their ears.

There was no way, the fear of being dominated by Xu Lin had always been in my heart.

Now it's rare for Xu Lin to take the special case team out, and there is no news of the case being solved, so they all feel that they are one step ahead of Xu Lin, and they can't do anything.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Xia Weihai chuckled, and put the phone in front of them.

The two were puzzled, and after clicking on it to have a look, they were completely dumbfounded.

His face turned red and white, and he was speechless for a long time.

Chen Ting announced that the pending case of the treasury had been solved, and Xu Lin stood beside him.

What does this represent, needless to say at all, right?

The person who solved the unsolved case is the one who has always been regarded as a benchmark by these old criminal investigators.

Xia Weihai raised his eyebrows and said, "You two, do you feel like your jungler has been stolen?"

When the two heard this, their faces turned green.

Put down the phone, say goodbye and leave.

Xia Weihai originally wanted to keep them talking, but the two guys ran faster than rabbits and rushed out of the door in a blink of an eye.

"Virtue..." Xia Weihai chuckled.

Xu Lin and the others slept all afternoon and didn't wake up until 8 o'clock in the evening.

After waking up, he glanced at his mobile phone, good guy, Xia Ju made nearly 50 calls.

So without further ado, I quickly returned one.

"Hahaha... What a boy, you did a great job, you're so pretty!" When the phone was connected, Xia Weihai's hearty laughter came from inside.

Xu Lin said with a smile: "Xia Ju, I can only say that I am lucky to live up to my fate."

Xia Weihai: "You can die if you don't pretend?"

"Hey!" Xu Lin chuckled.

After calming down a bit, Xia Weihai asked, "Next, where are you going?"

Xu Lin thought for a while, and said, "The underground body sinking case of 'Taifeng Real Estate' in Yunqing City, 61 corpses, started from this."

When he told the case, he felt a little shuddering.

61 skeletons, according to the autopsy report, the earliest was 28 years ago, and the latest was 5 years ago.

In other words, the time span of the murderer's killing is close to 25 years.

Each number is shocking and chilling.

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